Do you have is it normal enemies?

There are a number of specific is it normal users who I have repeatedly wanted to strangle (metaphorically, obviously) usually because they're egotistical and condescending. Do you?

Yes 41
No (tell me your secrets) 37
Other (comment) 6
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Comments ( 194 )
  • disthing

    I'd love one.

    Somebody out there must hate me! Show your face to me you unironed-shirt wearing buffoon! I'll make a ring out of your foreskin / labia and feed your eyes to my pack of dogs!

    In terms of my being the enemy; there are a couple of users I roll my eyes at or shake my head at, but none I would harbour a grudge against so severe that upon death I would haunt them as a pale asian girl in a nightdress and long black hair.

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    • I'm not trying to hit on you or something, but if you ever become a pale asian girl in your afterlife -come see me..


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      • NoraBaker

        Well, you should leave him your number so she can ring you up then, shouldn't you?

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        • I'd rather have him mail me a video tape.
          Then I can play it whenever I need him (err..her!) to crawl out of my tv screen :P

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          • NoraBaker

            God! How stupid of me! Your address, I meant your address! ;)

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            • hahah, now that's better! ;)

              But he needs to die first and become a creepy, pale asian girl. I'm not that kinda guy to give my address to random people!

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    • dirtybirdy

      I just hurt my face laughing at this

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    • anti-hero

      We are enemies now! *shakes fist*

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      • disthing

        Why you little....! *shakes foot*

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    • VioletTrees

      I'll hate you, if you want. I won't enjoy it, though. :(

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    • Captain_Kegstand

      Ill be your IIN enemy if you want, but only because you need a nemesis to be a real hero!

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      • disthing

        :*) Thank you... But...

        Someone told me that love would all save us.
        But how can that be?
        Look what love gave us.
        A world full of killing, and blood-spilling, that
        world never came.

        And they say that a hero can save us.
        I'm not gonna stand here and wait!
        I'll hold on to the wings of the eagles.
        Watch as we all fly away!

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        • theabider

          This is my favorite Nickelback song.

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        • Captain_Kegstand

          Lolz I went to that concert years ago.

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          • disthing

            Me and my best friend returned from the cinema after seeing Spiderman 1 and played outside for a while, pretending to be Spiderman of course. And we did a kind of impromptu duet of Hero whilst up a tree. To cruel onlookers it may have seemed like a display of nascent homosexuality, but to us it was an emotional and incredibly masculine moment of bonding.


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            • Captain_Kegstand

              Hell ya it is a masculine moment of bonding! Spider man songs can never be gay!

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  • Mmmpfh

    There are those few people when I see they have left a comment I kind of go "nuuuuuuurgh" to myself in my head. That's the extent of my anger towards my enemies.
    I "nuuuuuuurgh" you.

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    • charli.m

      That was cute :)

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      • Allistalla

        Hi charli!

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        • charli.m

          Hi Alli?

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          • disthing


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            • charli.m


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          • Allistalla

            Lol I did not think you would reply. How are you?

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    • I thought you would "Mmmpft" them.

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    • Captain_Kegstand

      I am still trying to sound that out, just to see how it goes. It is quite a funny sound!

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    • NoraBaker

      Awww... I "nuuuuuuurgh" you, too. Mmmpfh!

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  • NocturnePonyFan

    Ohhhhh yes. I haven't seen the little mutant lately though. I wonder if the aliens finally took him away so he can stop any divisions in outer space.

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    • shade_ilmaendu

      Oh my, I had some enlightening conversations with that one... I do rather miss him. XD

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    • disthing

      I miss him :(

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      • NocturnePonyFan

        I actually do too. He filled me with rage many times, but he's quite fun to mess with XD

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  • FruityGoofyFaggot

    Why spend time hating someone online, man? It's just as easy to ignore them than strangle them.

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  • dappled

    There are people with very different opinions to mine. Some, we have a chat about it. Even if we never agree, no big deal. It's not personal. But some, we're more mistrustful of each other. Problems on both sides. It's a shame but I don't think it's about to change. I wouldn't say enemies, though. More, they're people that I'm guarded around, and they probably feel the same.

    The vast majority of people on this site I'm really very fond of. I'm pretty gregarious in real life and I'm always interested in people. There are very nice people on the site.

    I suppose it bothers me when people try to single others out, when they bully, when they take out their anger or insecurity, and it really bothers me when people try to bring the mood down or destroy something that people on the site are enjoying. I don't mind self-destructive people (I'm one of those) but it bothers me when people try to destroy things for others.

    I don't like egotism or condescension but anyone who displays it, including me, is putting themselves up to have their bubble burst. There are a couple of people on the site who are good at bubble-bursting and, if randomjelly ever comes back, that would make three.

    Maybe you and I should join the ranks of the bubble-bursters...

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  • Wambo37

    i hate neuro !

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    I don't really know anyone here, so... no.

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  • Justsomejerk

    I don't dislike people on IIN, but I dislike comments. Some times more comments that I dislike come from certain users but then they surprise me with good comments.

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  • I love everybody here except for the blacks, asians, liberal retards, the dykes, the Dutch, feminists, uneducated parents, teenagers, pseudo intellectuals and other cats...meoowww..hissssssss.

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    • EndlessSuffering

      Ugh. I used to admire you but not anymore >.<

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      • Those who admire me are lead to their deaths. Your soul is saved, praise the lord.

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        • EndlessSuffering

          Lord? What lord? There is no lord.

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    • anti-hero

      I noticed you don't hate "the gays".

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      • No i don't, never have i said that i do. However, if a "gay" individual happened to fall under one of those categories they would receive automatic hate from me. I realise "the dykes" are gay already but they're to ugly and pointless for me to tolerate.

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        • anti-hero

          Just odd that you hate dykes and not gays, seems a little gay.

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          • It is pretty gay isn't it. But oh well.

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    • BLAh81

      The Dutch? WTF?

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      • It accounts for the one Dutch user at IIN.....he is a fuckhead and he is a fuckhead by default.

        Wait a minute....he's you!?!

        Get out of here you Dutch poofter!

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        • shade_ilmaendu

          I think poofter might be my new favorite insult.

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        • BLAh81

          Ik ben heteroseksueel, achterlijke teef!

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          • jkfdngldskfsofdsf

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          • dappled

            Weee! Do we have another Dutch person on the site? I like the Dutch. :)

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            • BLAh81

              And I like the British too! (that is what you are right?)

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            • Ewwww.

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    • Shackleford96

      I dislike you.

      Is the feeling mutual?

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      • Are you black, asian, a liberal retard, a dyke, Dutch, a feminist, an uneducated parent, a teenager, a pseudo intellectual or another cat?

        If so, yes.

        If not, who cares.

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        • Shackleford96

          No, I am none of those.

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  • Lynxikat

    I don't have any "enemies", but I do remember this one post (I can't remember who the user was), where the OP mentioned that he "accepted" his pedophilia and found that there was nothing wrong about having sex with kids. I swore to God, I could have strangled that user.

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    I try to get along with most everyone on here, though I'm pretty sure there are some people out there who aren't rather fond of me.

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  • BlueAlice

    YES. Allistala and BrendioEE, for a start!

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    • Allistalla

      I guess I found my enemie. I knew I had one.

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      • BlueAlice

        HAHAHA... you love it XP

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  • Nah, "hate" would be too much. I don't even get angry here.

    but, as someone already said it above, a few individuals' comment(and it's the same individuals every time) make me sigh and facepalm. And sometimes wonder why i'm even bothering to answer.

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  • FocoUS

    Sometimes I dislike a few users but enemy is strong and erotic word. I don't think I have any here.

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    • NocturnePonyFan

      How is "enemy" erotic? How in the hell did you come up with that?

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      • Unimportant

        Erotic enemy = great angry sex.

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        • NocturnePonyFan

          Sounds good to me!

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      • FocoUS

        How is it not erotic?

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      • BLAh81

        Exactly what I thought.

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      • myboyfriendsbitch

        lol enemies are hot

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  • Wendell


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  • No. Is it normal to have them?

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  • dom180

    Hate is going too far, but definitely mild dislike. It's hard to help it. I don't dislike anyone for their opinions - or for who they are - but I reserve the right to dislike people for what they do and how they conduct themselves. I still try to understand even those people though :P

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  • bananaface

    There are a few people here who I dislike, but only to an extent. Although it isn't obvious and I would be extremely surprised if anyone knew who they were. Some of them are users who people would assume I like, but I don't.

    I don't want to sound vague and make anyone think that I'm talking about them. I'm not going to tell everyone who they are, because I'm not that sort of person. If anyone actually wants to know whether I like them, if it isn't already obvious, then they can just ask. Otherwise, that's all I'm saying:D!

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    • Captain_Kegstand

      Aww crap! bananaface hates me!

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  • If you insist on repeating something over and over again because you refuse to acknowledge the part that proved you wrong the first time you said the thing you are repeating, then you are an enemy of logic.

    If you insist on getting in to debate, then believe that you don't need any reliable source of information to prove your point when your point is being challenged, then you are an enemy of logic.

    If you insist of saying facts out of things such as a dictionary definition (You know who you are), then you're an enemy of logic.

    If you say something is wrong due to an offensive matter, then say something is right when the situation is the exact same as the one that had the offensive part in it, and that you put your emotions over logic, then you are an enemy of logic.

    If you're an enemy to logic, you're not an enemy of me, you're just too unbarable to even consider an enemy, so logic will have to do the hating for me.

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    • thinkingaboutit

      you just described yourself ass wipe.

      haha you. have. ISSUES.

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      • -Facepalm-

        Took five times for you to acknowledge the dictionary quote I took that I quoted from the dictionary. Number one.

        You thought that in order to prove "your" point, the person that you're saying is wrong and is challenging your point has to do the research. You think you have no need to show reliable sources of information. Number two. -EDIT- And it wasn't that you could do it, you tried and failed, then when you realized there was nothing that supports your claim, you thought simply not having to try again covered that up. Number two.

        Easy one. Eugenics. Number three.

        Number four. You are offended that you run under these things, and you know you run under this list, so you try to reply to say that I do the exact same thing, regardless of people able to tell you that when I have been "proven" wrong, I accept it, unlike you.

        Yes, I have issues. I tried to have a logical debate with someone that says that the dictionary isn't a reliable source of information for word definitions. What was I thinking. You're right, I do have issues, trying to have a logical debate with such a person is just terrible.

        Once again, I give examples that show my point. What do you have? Nothing so far.
        You claim that I "just described myself". I will assume you "think" I do this all the time, so give me an example of where I have done this, at all.

        (Waits for the "I can state anything, I don't need proof, I said it, that means it must be true)

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        • Allistalla

          You always write a ton.

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          • That's because I have a ton of things to talk about. I state my argument and explain why I believe those arguments are true. I also give examples.

            Most people here just state their opinion without giving any reason or example to show why it should be seen as reliable information, where as I do.

            It's not that I write a ton, it's that they write too little.

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            • Allistalla

              well backing up your detail is important. Good you put such thought into your posts.

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      • Again. You love to state things, yet lack any logic to back up what it is you claim.
        Pathetic. I would assume you have a brain, using it is pretty handy. If you can't back something, don't state it.

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        • thinkingaboutit

          Oh, I make claims?

          You make GUESSES.

          you are a bag of sewage. don't forget that. I will prosper. you will lay on the sidelines crying about your waste of a life.

          I know: I KNOW things that you have not the capacity to inquire for.

          Life isn't about semantics. I find it UTTERLY laughable and wholly despicable that you do not have the sense to realize that you do not hold yourself to the same standard as others. YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING. STOP ACTING LIKE YOU'VE EVER CITED OR "BACK[ED]" A WORD OF WHAT YOU'VE SAID. YOU ARE IN FACT DESCRIBING YOURSELF in your attempts to describe me.

          you are a like a stubborn hemorrhoid. tah tah bitch---at least until the next time you say something stupid.

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          • -Sigh-

            I am actually pitying you right now. "I" make guesses?
            Ok. I can accept that...If you prove it. Like I said, give examples, otherwise you're just stating things with no value, which is what you're good at.

            Oh, boohoo. Incase you haven't realized, schoolyard insults aren't that insulting to me. So please, have some dignity and act your age?

            Oh you do, do you? Once again "Woe is me, woe is me". Listen, you can brag about yourself all you want, but to me you're still that fool that can only state things, then has no evidence to back them up. Once again, do I? Yep...Like I keep stating, in our previous debate I used a reliable source of information (the internet), and poor little Thinkingaboutit stil thought she was right when it proved her wrong.

            Not to mention, very predictable, and for even being online, easily manipulated. I knew exactly how to get you to reply, easily, just insult you and your credibility (which you have none of).

            Do I not? PLease, give examples. Again, if you think "your word" is reliable information, well that just proves everything I have said so far.
            What? So, I didn't quote the dictionary and backed what I said up?

            My, you're pathetic, truelly. "I am better than you, I am better than you. You haven't ever backed anything you have said up. I am better than you".

            Oh, would you like proof of me backing up my claims? Sure, I'll back up both.

            There's my evidence, now where's yours?

            Aha, my "ateempts" to describe you? You're easily described. Hey, remember this part? "Again. You love to state things, yet lack any logic to back up what it is you claim."
            ...I think that part was just proven.

            The irony..."I'm" stubborn? Little miss "dictionary is wrong, I'm right", is calling "me" stubborn? Ha.

            You know, the funny thing is here, is that you're trying to convince me you're so much better than me, that it actually shows you're pretty lacking in a lot of areas, far more than me.

            "Tah, tah, bitch", at least until next time I want to pretty much control you and make you reply. Like putty in my fingers.

            Remember, I just proved my point there. I stated you don't give examples to prove you right, you gave none. Shocker! Haha.

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          • Also, you will "prosper"? Will you live long aswell? Thanks for your insight, Spock.

            I love how I can accuratly prove you wrong and make you look stupid, it's pretty fun.

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    • nAt2017

      I'm not going to try to argue with you. You make some good points, but when put together, they just made you seem like (as thinkingaboutit said) you have issues. You replied in a way that made you seem insecure, and for the record, you really don't need to address the people who thumbed you down by replying to yourself. They didn't agree with you, and so they gave you a thumbs down. That's why the button is there. I'm not saying that you're wrong in any way, I'm just saying that your facts could be better presented to suit the topic of discussion.

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      • Don't argue then, just converse with me. You think that if we differ in opinions and want to talk about why we differ in opinion to try come to which conclusion is the accurate one an argument, I see it as debate, which can be calm and respectful.

        I don't have "issues". I make good points, and then put them all together to come to a conclusion, which is what people do to find things out.
        I have no problem with people not agreeing with me "logically", I have a problem with them disliking it just for the sake of them "not liking it", when it shows if you dissagree, then you are seen as quite idiotic.
        If they didn't agfree with me, they should explain why. I gave no reason for them not to agree. Everything I said is logical. I explained how it isn't logical to go in to a certain activity, then refuse to do the things that is needed to make the activity active...How is that at all wrong? It isn't, which is why I had to address that these Emotion>logic people are being pointless.

        If people can't handle facts, and need it watered down to please their little cotton socks, then they need to grow up. Boohoo to those people, a fact doesn't make you pleased? That doesn't make it any less true.

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        • nAt2017

          Firstly- thank you. Conversation sounds much nicer than fighting.

          Secondly, while you do make good points, the way they are delivered is just as important as actual content. The way you ordered them made you sound rather like an extremist. I saw you mention in one of your polls that many people see you as self-centered, and arrogant, and I think that your presentation of facts is responsible for this, in part. Saying that enemies of logic were too unbearable for you to argue with was true, but it made you sound condescending. It's alright to be sure of yourself, confidence is a good thing on a site like this- but you can't see yourself as being above anyone on here. The best thing about the Internet is that it puts everyone on the same level. I see you as my equal. That is why we're having a conversation as opposed to a blatant argument. I know that you have enough respect to partake in this conversation. But your comment implied that you were the pinnacle of logic, that you therefore cannot be wrong, and that you are above the "unbarable" users on here.

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          • I suppose that is true, how I deliver something is why I get the reatcion. Maybe this sounds arrogant and bigheaded, but maybe I should just accept that 98% of users on here can't handle full blown, cold facts and need it watered down for them. Again, that may sound big headed of me, but I have tried the way of just giving out full fact without watering it down, and look at the reactions I get.
            I am above many people on certain subjects of debate on here, just like there are people above me in other areas of debates, or maybe in the same debates. I do see myself as a valuable piece to contribute to debates due to seeing it from a different side of things. (That is my personal belief, you may dissagree)

            No, no. I am not always right. I have admitted to being wrong a lot. I would even go as far to say that I have admitted to being wrong more than most people on this site have. I am not the pinnacle of logic, far from it. Although, I value logic over emotion, so if there is a topic I am familair on, then I believe I will comment on logic rather than let emotion get involved.

            When I say the "illogical" people, I mean the people that "know" they are wrong, yet still fight against something. People that have been proven wrong, asked to (respectfully) to give me a reason to take their argument seriously (reliable sources of information that back up their claim), and some can't, yet think they are still right, regardless of me giving reliable sources of information.

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            • nAt2017

              I think the real problem in both of our attitudes is our definitions of "truth." It's not the fact that you tell your truth that makes you seem bigheaded, it's the fact that you're convinced that you're telling only the truth. Often times, you think that you are, but your truth is different to other peoples'. You can't deny the fact that you make many generalizations, and you can't deny the fact that generalizations are only the truth some of the time.

              Let me explain this through an old folktale. The leader of a land was keeping slaves, which is wrong. Someone stood up to him, bringing a number of plagues down on the land. The final plague was the murdering of an entire generation. The first plagues were warnings to the leader, but since the leader was convinced that his truth was the final truth, he hardened his heart and refused free the slaves. His pride and closed-mindedness was his downfall, leading to the death of his only son. Had be been more open about what he considered to be the "truth," then maybe he would have had the chance to save his child.

              Judging from your stubborn hatred of women, I doubt that you have a child. You are probably also an atheist, which means that this folktale (which you've undoubtedly identified as the Passover story) may seem irrelevant to you. But it's very relevant. If you were willing to stop making generalizations about gender and race, and open your mind to what other people consider the truth, then maybe you could learn something.

              I direct you back to your hatred of women- one reason that you have the reputation that you do is because you bring your views into topics that are barely applicable. On a poll about age and generational differences, you tried to use the situation to justify your hatred of literally half of the world's population. The reason that your comment got so many thumbs down was not because people could not take "the truth," it was because their truth was different to yours. They did not make generalizations, so they saw your comment as being closed-minded and self-centered. Your reputation is yet strengthened by how defensive you get when you get a thumbs down, or when someone contradicts you. You're almost constantly trying to make yourself the victim (you comment a lot on how heterosexual white men have fewer rights than everyone else) which is simply not true. It may seem like the truth to you, but to other people, it is not. Different versions of the truth are credible in different situations.

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    • myboyfriendsbitch

      Well, I thought you made some good points.

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      • Thanks. Someone with some logic in their brain.

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        • Anime7

          You have to admit, that thank you to Myboyfriendsbitch did sound pretty obnoxious. That second sentence was unnecessary.

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          • How was it obnoxious?
            The second part was needed. Read over the comment she replied that to...Now look at the dislikes on that comment...Now ask yourself, would a logical person do any of those things that I listed? Ofcourse not, yet they dislike the comment, showing they dissagree with the message, which means they don't find it illogical, which in turn shows how illogical they are.

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            • Anime7

              Every person has the choice to perceive things their own way. I perceived that second sentence to simply mean "Someone agrees with me, that means that they are logical because I am the pinnacle of logic."

              You make good points, Itduz, when you stay on topic but you have a way of turning a debate into an attack on a person's emotional stability. Questioning their logical. In turn by doing this, I just get the vibe that you're a little hurt by what other people say about you. Thus, you're not emotionally stable yourself, cause if you were I would think you'd be smart enough to know not to waste your time with some users and just not reply at all.

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    • And to the people that thumbed the comment down...So you dissagree that these things aren't illogical to do?
      This community...Really. By thumbing down that comment you indirectly stated that these things aren't illogical to do...Well done, IIN community, you get an A+ for stupidity.

      What's funny is that if I ever done this (which I haven't despite you thumbing up the comment that says I do), yet if I did do it, you'd see it as illogical, yet indirectly imply that it's not illogical here.

      -Sigh- I wish this generation of IIN would pass real soon, this is just irritating now.

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      • thinkingaboutit

        haha ! you know I won't be reading this. i gave up on you a long time ago. Like, I'm sure, most of the other people in your life did.

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        • ...Oh no. You gave up on me. Watch me cry. In all honesty, if you think it is a bad thing "you gave up on me", you lack understanding, far more than I thought you did already. If anything, it is a relief. I don't have to deal with "My word is right, the dictionary is wrong if it states anything other than my opinion. I don't need to give reliable information to support my points in debate", all the time.

          Nice! You avoid logic, yet you reply on an emotional level that actually has no accuracy to my life. Welldone. Instead of sticking to the topic that you can reply to and know about, you decide to assume on a person's personal life...You go girl.

          What's funny is that my original comment that you originally commented to had about four to five lines more...Not much, yet you were willing to read that, just not the one that puts you on the spot to give an example of why anyone should take you seriously...Again. You go girl.

          Reply to me when you have something reliable to say.

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    • *Vulcan Salute* \V/

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      • I don't get the comment, although I get what the Vulcan salute is. \V/
        Live long and prosper. (I think that's what he says).

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  • NotFloydzie

    I don't hate anyone here. I mean, come on, you're behind a screen, you could be my grandmother for all I know. I wouldn't say enemy, because I don't consider them that way, but I do have a hater.

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    • KeddersPrincess

      Dang! Who told you I was your grandmother. That snitch!

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      • NotFloydzie

        A little birdy.

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        • dirtybirdy

          No I didnt ;)

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          • NotFloydzie

            Oh, yes you did. ;)

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  • Dad

    What a stupid topic.
    I could have written this much better.

    Oh, hope that wasn't egotistical and condescending.
    Sorry, I prefer to state the truth. I have been known to be a tad tactless though. Not sure why? Must be their fault not mine! :D

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  • Shroot

    Parrish is a faggot.

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  • Mostly everyone dislikes me equally.

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  • AssBurgers

    Can't say I dislike any of the regular users, if I did though, I would have the balls to drop their name...

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  • Shackleford96

    I have a few users I am not particularly fond of. I just try to ignore and or not associate with them.

    I am sure I have some people that don't like me as well. It is the natural order of things I suppose.

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  • Who knows?

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  • hate is too strong a word, but deleters (and their aliases) are annoying

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  • GuessWho

    I don't really have a hatred towards anyone specific.
    If I disagree with someone on a post, I don't even bother to remember it afterwards.

    If anyone here hates me, feel free to let me know, but I really couldn't care less.

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  • Allistalla

    Ofcourse I do!

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    other: don't know. don't care either really

    if someone hates me for being me, that's their own mental issue and not my problem :)

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    • Shackleford96

      I have gotten annoyed by your extreme stubbornness before, but I still like you on here :)

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      • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

        I'm not stubborn. I'm just right. =)

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        • Shackleford96

          Haha :P

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  • Captain_Kegstand

    There are a few people on here that are very distant with me. One in particular that I don't think likes me at all! As far as enemies, I don't have any on here. I have disagreed with people about their opinions on several occasions, but that is just an opinion.

    Most notably Aleks85/Lizardskin and me have butted heads on opinions before, but we are both men, and are perfectly capable of accepting different opinions and not causing some causing high school drama!

    Having internet enemies seems like too much stress to add to an already stressful world! Can't we all just get along? lolz

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  • theaverageatheist

    there are a cupple of people you get on my nerves

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  • nightmare28

    Palestinian guy (I'm from Israel) :)

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    • Allistalla

      Oh my god a jew. You know America is on your side!

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      • bigtoy

        He's stating the name of his enemy - not declaring his nationality.

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        • nightmare28

          I am a Jew, but I hope people here understand that I'm just joking around, nothing personal against my cousin (about 400 times removed). Our enemies are the radical militant extremists, not internet bloggers.

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        • Allistalla

          They put they are from isreal.

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        • Allistalla

          Also you must not reconize isreal but others do . Just becuase you do not like a area does not mean it is not reconized.

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          • bigtoy

            Where did you get the idea that I don't like the area or have no idea about world affairs? I only said that he was stating the name of his "enemy". I have absolutely nothing against any race or religion and am quite well versed in world affairs too.

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        • Allistalla

          Isreal means home of the isrealites which are infact jews and this is the reason palestinians do not like them so yes jews come from isreal and America is freinds with isreal they like the jews. So learn your world affiars.

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  • LizardSkin

    i have no idea. if i do i hope they let me know.

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    • Captain_Kegstand

      You tend to have some of the most controversial comments on here, i'm surprised you haven't picked up a hater/troll of your own yet. lolz

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  • Yumazing

    I've met some just mean people on member chat. I don't think anybody else really liked them though so blocking usually works.

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  • howaminotmyself

    I don't think I have ever had an enemy. Doubt I'll find one here.

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  • myboyfriendsbitch

    I have a nemesis. It's totally different.

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  • Dizzee

    Unfortunately. But they don't know it yet and I don't plan on telling them either.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    It's the Internet and its not to be taken seriously. Letting what someone said behind a computer anger you to the point of hating them and considering them enemies is not normal.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    No; some people on here are kind of annoying but I wouldn't go as far as calling them enemies.

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  • alv1592

    I wouldn't say I hate anyone here, since most of you I know very little or nothing about. I just don't agree with everything everyone says, and sometimes I get annoyed with people whose opinions are unreasonable. I can respect opinions different than mine only if there are legit reasons behind it.

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  • anti-hero

    Yes and they know who they are haha

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  • coolio75650932

    GuessWho is a faggit in my eyes

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    • NoraBaker

      How about in your ass, is it spelt correctly?

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      • coolio75650932

        that to

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