Do you have pagan beliefs?
No | 125 | |
Yes | 96 | |
Other (Add a comment) | 15 | |
Paganism is of the devil! | 26 | |
I don't know what that means | 71 |
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No | 125 | |
Yes | 96 | |
Other (Add a comment) | 15 | |
Paganism is of the devil! | 26 | |
I don't know what that means | 71 |
what do you mean Christians are pagans?
paganism is worship of created things, wheres christianity is worshiping the Creator rather then the creation
I practiced Wiccan for a while then after a while as I became more aware of myself noticed that most of my true beliefs came more from the Christian and some Catholic. Since then I've basically decided that there is a spirit, though I don't know who or what it is, but I believe in something, and have a hard time labeling what it is exactly that I am. I have settled on a Wiccan 'organic' side with the belief of god, yet an open mind that anything is possible.
To an extent, yes. I think nearly all religious belief began through an observance of nature. As did science. There was a time when these two were the same thing.
Religion is a great idea as long as it isn't developed by people's personal prejudice or selfishness and it remains unafraid to question itself and to adapt. If you ask a religious person why they dislike homosexuals they may say it's unnatural. The truth is that they don't realise why their religion looks down on homosexuality. It's because, like masturbation, it doesn't result in children. And fewer children means fewer adults means a less powerful civilisation to stand against one's enemies.
I am a catholic but I do know some of my religions practices come from incorporating other habits and beliefs. i.e. the easter bunny for example is a pagan belief.
However I do not deny the core of my faith.
I feel I can coexist peacefully with other faiths without denying my own.
Religions like Christianity added those in so they could still celebrate them. When everyone had to switch over they still enjoyed the traditions so found a way to incorporate them.
Jesus was not really born and crucified or risen on any of those holidays. Also some holidays have a lot of different meanings since they are a combination of many of holidays and traditions. Like Halloween is a combination of begging, day of the dead, all hollows eve that had similar traditions.
There use to be a night where poor peasants would go to houses of the rich and begged for food. Over the years when people were fed better it turned into candy for little kids. Why some churches do not believe in Halloween and think its a evil holiday. Since its said to be the night when the dead come back and monsters/demons/spirits rise.
I don't have any religious beliefs anymore. I support what the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster and the Church of the SubGeius teach and preach, but I could never adhere to either religion.
Paganism existed before Christianity. And I got into paganism a while ago, so I do still believe in some of their values and respect their views.
It's a really peaceful "religion" to follow.
I may hold onto a couple of Pagan beliefs but I don't do it consciously.
I do not believe many pagan religions still exists. No I do not follow any pagan religions. I know of Wican which worships the earth. However I heard of some others that revolve around, orgies, demons, sex, Satan and blood which are pretty messed up.
I love all that – always have. I wear weird jewellery, like crystals (obsessed with moonstones) nature, love folklore, etc & listen to some very odd music with funny words.
Probably just me being whimsical/mystical though !!
"Pagan" is actually any faith that's not with Judaism, Christianity, or Islam.
That includes Wiccans, Druids, Native Americans, Voodoo, animists, Confucians, Buddhists, Shintos, etc.
Yes and no.
In all honesty not all of those faiths *like* being lumped together.
Back when my boyfriend lead the Pagan weekly prayer sessions at a military command, he had to incorporate many of those faiths, although he himself is Wiccan. I remember him specifically saying that some of the members somewhat disliked being lumped into one group.
I might on occasion say hello to the sun and the moon, but that's me being whimsical :)
Paganism is basically superstition coming from a lack of understanding of nature. Like most religion, I don't see why it's really needed now with modern science.
There are lots of ways to define Paganism. Please don't define it for me. I have no intention on telling you how to be spiritual.
It is just one more label to put on people that often has a negative connotation.
It is common knowledge that Christians hid their practices within Pagan traditions for fear of persecution. Why do you think the birth of Christ is celebrated so close to the Solstice? It's not a coincidence.
Jesus was totally a Pisces. But the age of Pisces is coming to the end. Time to make room for the Water Bearer.
Pagan beliefs? From what point of view or compared to what?
I think that even Christians are all pagans in the eyes of the followers of other religions.