Do you have pets?
If you do, tell me about them! I have two birds atm, but I'm hoping to get a dog soon, thinking maybe a GSD or tamasken dog :O
Yes | 42 | |
No | 8 | |
I want one | 7 |
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If you do, tell me about them! I have two birds atm, but I'm hoping to get a dog soon, thinking maybe a GSD or tamasken dog :O
Yes | 42 | |
No | 8 | |
I want one | 7 |
I have a bunch of pigeons. Some of them are super friendly and like to crowd around people. I used to have chickens, but something came and wiped them out. I also used to have a dog named Blackie. That dog was one of my best friends. I miss her and my birds.
Omg I love pigeons! Chickens too, I really wanna get one there so cute <3!
Chickens are awesome! Cleaning their messes around the yard was no fun, but they ate the weeds that grew in my yard, my rooster attacked intruders, they were so much fun to watch roaming around the yard, and petting and holding them was nice. I really enjoyed having them.
2 of Crusades_' favorite breed :D and an old ferret &lt;3 They all get along swimmingly.
And my undomesticated self.
Those poor, poor birdys :(
Too much trouble considering how many countries we visit each year. Every island has it's own laws, but they all basically require pet owners to fork over a bunch of cash. I know places a cop can just shoot your dog, if you are walking it ashore. Other places dogs are being exposed to lannate while being walked by their owners and dying horrible deaths.
So, no pets for now.
I have 2 female cats n 1 male cat n 1 male dog, they are my furry family cause I live alone, I don't know what I feel like if I didn't have any of them.
I have an adorable 11 month old puppy. She's a min pin/chihuahua mix, and she weighs 5 lbs. She can be very energetic, but will also calm down right away and cuddle up with you on the couch, if you want her to. She loves to cuddle. She almost never barks (lucky for me, because I live in an apartment building), and she has never once barked at people or at other animals. She's a bit skittish with strangers, but also very friendly. She'll slowly come up to you and lick you if you kneel down and put your hand out. Even though she has never had any behavior training, she's very well behaved, both in public and at home. She's the perfect dog (at least for me), and I got real lucky with her.
My pets are the birds that come to my garden. All I need to do is put water in the bird bath = instant pets. And no food or vet bills.
i fed birds for a while on my deck and it were entettainin and hilarious to have a hundred birds flappin round but then i had blackbears on the deck and gittin familiar with my dawg so i ended it
Cute! I have a couple birds that sometimes come to my door, mostly magpies. The parents have kinds gotten into a routine haha, whenever they have babies they bring them over here and let me feed them biscuits or a bit of mince <3
a dixie dingo dawg
dont git a german shepherd cause theyre overbred nervous as hell and a messa congenital problems
I have two cats, one's 19 years old (yes very old) and the other's about a year old. Ironically, I call the youngest one the "big" one cause he eats a ton! He's very energetic and runs around a lot, he can be unfriendly with biting and scratching and he rarely lets me hold him. On the other hand, the older one is quite tame and moves very slowly, he rarely bites me and he comes for cuddles every so often. :3
Cute! I always wanted a hamster, the closest I got to one was a couple of pet rats I used to have as a kid :p