Do you have trouble typing in google?

Normally, I am a great typer. But when I go to look something up in Google, I completely fuck it up. Whether it be one word, or a whole sentence, it turns out to be a disaster. Maybe it's from the annoying scroll popping up constantly trying to guess what I'm typing. Does anyone else have this problem? XD

All the time! 10
Yeah, sometimes. 27
Not really. 23
Never, you're just weird. 16
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Comments ( 28 )
  • dappled

    I know what you mean. For some reason, I'm always impatient with Google and I feel I have to type at twice the speed I'm capable of. Sometimes I don't even fix the errors, I just let Google work it out.

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    • VioletTrees

      Yes. It's nice that Google will correct spelling, but it's gotten too excited about guessing shit lately, though, and substituting synonyms. I use the verbatim tool a lot, because I'm like "Why no, google, when I typed 'mammal', I actually didn't mean 'animal'. I meant 'mammal'." I've had it do substitutions with the names of scientific concepts and chemical names, too, where precision is really important.

      On a related note, do you ever forget that words have more than one meaning and look them up on Wikipedia? For example, if I want to look up Hole, the band, I might just type in "hole" and feel stupid when it says "A hole is an opening."

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      • chinese

        I think they are very nice.

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      • dappled

        I get this too. Moreso, I think because I'm English and I spell things differently. Google, to its credit, has started to understand that English has more than one set of spellings. Prior to it having mappings, it could only go off its raw data (the web) and of the corner of the web that is English-speaking (amazingly to some people, nope, the web isn't mainly in English) the minority of that is British-English. I do respect companies that remember that we exist and I forgive those that don't.

        As for searching for things with more than one meaning, I pretty much always know when it's going to be a problem and I give extra information. For Hole, for instance, I'd type Hole Court, knowing that Google would complete this as Hole Courtney Love, and then I'd search on that. I just checked it and Google does indeed do that.

        Of course, that still leaves an ambiguity in that I could have been researching Courtney Love's vagina. Or anus. Or mouth. Or nostril...

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        • VioletTrees

          Haha, why would people think the majority of the internet is English speaking? That's such a bizarre thing to think.

          I almost always know to specify when I'm doing a Google search, but for some reason, I tend to just type in the names of things when I'm on Wikipedia. It's not like I don't grasp how Wikipedia works (in fact, I have over 1,000 edits). Sometimes my brain just refuses.

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          • dappled

            Nah, it's normal if you think about it. How often does Google return a page in Swahili? I can completely understand people in English-speaking countries thinking the internet is in English. Actually, more to the point, I often see people on the internet saying that it is America. Umm, no it's not. It's the internet.

            And don't get me started on a rant about Wikipedia. I can go on all day about that one. :P

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            • VioletTrees

              There's a bizarre sort of patriotism here that relies on being wildly misinformed about other countries, or, if the damage has already been done and you can't forget what you've learned, at least pretending to be. This glorified ignorance is encouraged in children alarmingly often. As a kid (and even as a teenager), I remember being told by various teachers that the US is the only "free country" in the world, and that other countries don't have things like freedom of speech or trials. I remember realising that wasn't true as a child and being really angry about having been told that.

              Wikipedia isn't perfect, and some of the articles are too US-centric, for sure. It's always getting better, though. Yes, you have to check the sources if you're going to rely on information from Wikipedia. Guess what? You should be doing that anyway. Being published or written by a professional doesn't make something true. I have a book about nutrition and weight by a woman with a PhD, and when I checked the citations, I found that her application of studies was questionable at best, and some of the sources cited didn't even contain anything about the points that the citations were attached to. I've never seen a single book of facts (those ones with titles like 1001 Interesting Facts and shit like that) that didn't have a great many things that are just outright false, like "Humans only use 10% of our brains" and "Celery has negative calories". As long as you stay reasonably sceptical and double check dubious claims like a goddamn adult, you should be ok.

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    • Haha, you know that might be my problem too!

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    • lukeuser

      I have a habit in general of trying faster than I can, it's kind of annoying

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  • Google? You make it sound like a language or some kind of by-product of drunkenness.

    "Oh dude I was totally Googled. Good thing that cop didn't see me"

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    • LOL I guess you're right! Oh well, I would hope that people know what Google is.

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  • Ihadtomakeyetanotheraccountffs

    Yeah, it's like Google is judging you and watching you type! Puts me off and I screw up.

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  • CoolJoe

    I'm 35, worked and been around computers for the last 20 years or so, so NO, pretty much NOT a problem to me.

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  • VioletTrees

    I hate it when misspellings end up in my search history, and then every time I start typing "independence" or whatever, it's like "INDEPENDANCE. YOU'RE TYPING INDEPENDANCE AGAIN AREN'T YOU?" It will never let me live that down.

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  • zchristian

    Sometimes i write too fast and it end up like goole or gooble...

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  • MissyLeyneous

    1) Go to Google homepage.
    2) Type "do a barrel roll".
    3) ???
    4) Wallow in your revenge.


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    • VioletTrees

      Hahaha, WHY DIDN'T I KNOW THIS?

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    • Bahaha thank you, the barrel roll is fun!

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  • DannyKanes

    No, but that redirectory notice annoys the hell out of me.

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    • dappled

      Yay! The Danster returneth! I was hoping to bump into you this week. Doctor Who started on Saturday here and, by God, the first episode was good. I mean really *really* good. You're in for a treat. :)

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      • DannyKanes

        Hey man, yeah I've seen it, it was very good :) I didn't see the ending coming at all! And by god Jenna Louise Coleman is gorgeous! I wanted to cuddle the hell out of her when she started crying :(

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        • dappled

          She is absolutely adorable. And a little birdie told me that we haven't seen the last of her. Quite the opposite.

          Good times ahead! :D

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          • DannyKanes

            Haha, I know. That's the problem with the internet. What we need is River Song to turn up everytime the BBC posts something about Doctor Who on the internet and go "Shhhhh! Spoilers" :)

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            • dappled

              It's really annoyed me because I worked it out all on my own and an hour or so ago someone told me it's been on the internet for ages. It'll teach me to be all proud at working it out, I guess. Now everything thinks I'm pretending about working it out. Blah! The internet has made me look stupid.

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  • Justsomejerk

    It's even worse on an iPhone.

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  • Imsupernormal

    NEVER happens to me.

    You are just an idiot who doesn't know how to spell.

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