Do you knit or crochet?

Do you like to make things by knitting or crocheting? If you do, what do you make? Let me know!

Yes, I crochet only 2
Yes, I knit only 3
Yes, I do both 4
No, I don't do either 4
I don't, but I would like to learn 2
What's knit/crochet? 1
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Comments ( 8 )
  • howaminotmyself

    I knitted a weapon, it hangs by the door.

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  • Chillpill

    I really like the look of crochet. I saw a beautiful white crochet bed runner that was very expensive and wished I'd be able to make one myself, but it looks rather complicated. Does it take long to learn?

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    • 4392Moron

      Hello CuriouserandCouriouser:

      No it does not take long at all to learn, I crochette every so often and I picked it up with all the fancy frills in just a couple of weeks, and I am slow at learning on things like that. So pick up your crochette hook, either a self teaching manual or take classes, {they are cheap}; and have fun.

      My main fun is woodworking, mainly furniture.

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    • penguin1

      It doesn't take long to learn the basics. Maybe a week or two. I tried teaching myself, but I didn't get it. So, my mom taught me.

      It's really easy once you get the hang of it. And it's fun trying out new stitches and patterns.

      I would suggest taking a class if you're really interested in learning.

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  • I wish I knew how to crochet an afghan blanket. I could just buy one, but they're usually made with poly yarn or made with hideous colours. I knew how to crochet when I was 9 years old, but that was so long ago, I can't remember how to do it anymore.

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  • peterr

    I pearl. As in giving pearl necklaces on guys or girls.

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  • WordWizard

    I sew Suckers!

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  • catywompus

    I sew

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