Do you like astronomy?

I just learned that there is a 2 billion square mile storm on Saturn. I guess it's been raging for a while now. So sorry for my delayed newsflash. Now all I want to do is stare at the sky and read about planets. It makes me feel small. Do you guys like the sky?

nope 11
I wish i could see the stars 8
only if i'm wearing pajamas! 4
yes 41
never thought about it 2
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Comments ( 15 )
  • Sheisdelirium

    "The cosmos is also within us, we are made of star stuff" - This sentence provides me with more comfort and joy than any religion can.

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  • wickedwizardking

    Yes, I was quite fond of it as a kid. I still manage to stumble on shows or books about it. A dream come true would be to at least visit the planets in our solar system, but alas it can never be.

    Oh, and is anyone else pissed at the whole Pluto not being a planet thing?

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    • I don't think Pluto is very happy about it.

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  • wigsplitz

    Yes and no. In some ways it's interesting but in others, it's like THE most futile thing to get too far into.

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  • TheConsciousElectron

    Do you get the Science channel? I highly recommend "Through the Wormhole" and "Hyperspace". If you get the history channel, there used to be a show called "The Universe" although I don't know if it airs anymore.

    Anyway, it's all about astrophysics and cosmology and outer space phenomena.

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    • Thanks, I'll have to check them out.

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  • Chillpill

    it really is a mind-blowing subject I wish I knew more about, but I find it frustratingly difficult to think in astronomical dimensions. Must try harder.

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  • disthing

    I'm not that interested in the arrangement of the stars or planets, but I do love to stare up for a long time when it's a clear night and the universe is on display.

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  • dappled

    I studied it for a while but I was fascinated way before that. I wish the light pollution wasn't so bad in the city and I could see them more often.

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    • dappled

      Wait a second. I didn't see pajamas as an option first time round. Can I change my mind?

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      • But then it would be no fun peaking through your bedroom window to spy you sleeping naked.

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        • dappled

          Shame on you! I offer pay-per-view naked access and yet you climb up on my roof for a quick squizz at my pyjamas for free? Bah!

          Although, you can have it as an optional extra if you're willing to sign up to the package where I hug you tightly each night until you fall asleep. That's fifty dollars, by the way. Per night. Or free forever if you're funny and intelligent and like animals and want to stick with me forever. :D

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          • Hug me tightly? Please watch out for the fairy wings, they damage easily. And I should warn you, I'm a bit sticky ;)

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            • dappled

              A sticky fairy who likes looking at the stars? Sounds way too perfect for me. There must be something lurking in the small print. :P

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  • Astronomy is absolutely my favorite. Mind blowing numbers riddled with power and fragile stability...and beauty beyond the scope of imagination.

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