Do you like frogs?
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My brother threw a bullfrog at me a couple weeks ago. Did I appreciate that? Not so much.
I'm not a fan of frogs anymore.
lol i used to love catching frogs when i was younger, i rmeber naming one harry,i named my hamster harry aswell,dunno why i name little cute things harry :P
Frogs are awesome. Especially the red dart frogs that are poisonous and deadly to humans.
Did you know that in the winter some frogs can literally freeze and go into hibernation?
Remember: Don't lick the frogs.
I wuv wittle froggies! I like holding them and stroking their little heads :3
Frogs freak me out. I dont like how they look or jump around. When I was younger one of them jumped on my leg and I have been freaked out ever since.
Frogs are cute.
I was cleaning under the TV bench in my old house and I found a dehydrated (mummified, perhaps) tree was stretched out as if midjump. Totally preserved.
I freaked the fuck out. That's not cute. I ran to my grandmother gibbering "FROG! FUCKING FROG! MUMMIFIED! FUCKING FROG!" which she thought was hilarious.
Otherwise cute, though. Provided I don't have to touch them.
i love frogs but i hate how they jump really suddenly it scares the crap outta me when they do that
i dont mind frogs, like i mean they arnt my fave animal, but toads. ugh. plz dont get me started! i HATE cane toads. some cunt killed one and i stood on it in a pair of new wayne coopers (or was it gucci??) pumps and ruined the fabric.
why would i not like em?
its not like they hurt you... be we do hurt em...
i bet it would not like your twat face!