Do you like my avatar picture i made of aang?

I made another Avatar pic and this is from "The Air bender" avatar. This is a picture of Aang. My other is of Zuko and I made another of a "Blue monkey cut out of the Avatar movie". Since we have two different Avatar now.

Yes 43
No 41
I will comment 6
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Comments ( 23 )
  • kittylitter101

    Given the fact that you do a lot of these drawings, I take it you enjoy watching this cartoon kids show. You are one of my kin.

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    • Yes I do like this show. My other ones got rejected though.

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      • kittylitter101

        What other ones?

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        • Like I said they got rejected. As in not on the site anymore.

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  • Coolieo


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  • Terence_the_viking

    You ever think about doing your own web comic. Or doing the art for someone else's idea?

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  • JadedUnknown

    Eh, it's 'ight. But if you keep practicing, you'll only get better. I recommend references when drawing. It helps you improve much faster than just drawing from your imagination.

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  • Demundo

    Correct me if I am wrong but your pic does not look dramatically different to the infobox image on the Wikipedia article. What exactly is your contribution apart from slight cosmetics? Have you ever heard of intellectual property?

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  • wii3willrule

    It's pretty good, keep practicing and you'll get even better.

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  • Jerid

    I may like your drawings, they aren't the best though and you need much to learn.
    But look, if you want to post drawings and hear a review, just go and post it on DeviantArt, it is free and full of magnificent painters and animators and shaderers etc.

    Go do that. :)
    Stay horny~

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  • Fabulous

    Did you know Aang is actually an albino. Yeah but I woul have sex with the girl and water bend my jizz onto her butt

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  • Shackleford96

    Yes, I do :)

    Even though the shows are mostly for younger audiences I think, I liked that cartoon and watched most of the episodes of the first season when it came out. I haven't seen any episodes since though. Are the new(er) seasons any good OP?

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    • If you mean legend of Korra they are horrible. If you mean the Aang series my favorite season is the last book which focuses on toph and zuko. Which are the fire nation and earth nation. yes I like the later seasons. I loved toph and zuko in the end. I do not want to ruin it so if you want to know what happens to zuko I can tell you. Even though it kind of ruins the surprise.

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      • Shackleford96

        Okay, my mistake. I meant that I have seen all of the Aang series, and I was asking if the legend of Korra was any good. That is rather disappointing that it sucks. Seems like there was a lot of potential. Why is it that you don't like it if you don't mind me asking?

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        • A long with that most of the story revolves around relationships. Which in most cases are ended by one of the partners cheating or falling for another person. Which is really pathetic.

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        • Well for one it is in the future and all the traditions of the cultures kind of just blended together.

          They do have secondary abilities though like water can do blood bending(only advances water benders could do before). Earth can do metal bending which toph invented. The fire can do lightning. I am not sure if wind has any extra abilities.

          However the main character Korra the new bender is annoying. The fire bender who becomes her love interest is an asshole and already has a girl when series begins. Who he cheats on with Korra. And Korra break the heart of his little brother who I believe is suppose to replace Sokka. Though I still like sokka a lot more.

          The plot is basically all the non benders killing the benders.The secret organization of blood benders killing everyone and trying to take over. Which I guess take place of the fire nation. You see all this in the first 5 episodes.

          The series is also very corny. The intro is way to short and it is made like one of those old school shows. So it looks really bad. It is far less creative next to the original.

          It also does not have a good cast of characters. Since most of the characters are assholes, stupid or just really annoying. They do not give the characters very good depth either.

          they do not go into the background of korra or anyone else. It is kind of like skipping to the middle of the book and you start reading. So very poor series next to the original.

          The main character already knows all of the elements when the series starts. She presents this very quickly into the series. Which is very fun to watch. Not as exciting and seeing her actually learn them though.

          So I hope that explains it well enough. I did not watch the whole series. I was watching it for awhile but I stopped caring after awhile. It is not what I expected at all.

          I was very dissipionted and you are left wondering what on earth happened to the fire benders. Since they do not really show any of the fire benders anymore but they show water and earth and about every other element.

          The one you see doing fire the most is Korra the avatar and still we have no idea how she learned to fire bend. Given the modern day world they put the characters in they really have no reason for bending anymore. As before it was very useful.

          Also it is very difficult trying to coordinate which characters are decedents of what previous characters. Which is very annoying when a lot of new cast mentions the old cast but they never really explain the ties.

          They do mention Katara and Aang a lot in the series. They also mention toph. These mentions are very vague though and are never explained well. Which they should be.

          So many many things I dislike about this show. I am sorry I went on this seemingly endless rant about it. I would watch if they made a fire avatar since I love the fire nation. Though at this point am not expecting a lot from them. Since they ruined this new one.

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          • Shackleford96

            Thank you for the extensive review! Lol.

            Blood bending sounds interesting.

            I always thought the main series was somewhat annoying/immature on some parts, but it was also balanced pretty well too I thought. Plus, it WAS meant for mostly younger audiences even when I was watching it, so that wasn't unexpected. I always liked the artwork and the martial arts style of the fighting and stuff. That was pretty cool I thought.

            I wonder if they got different creators or something? Seems like I remember reading on Wikipedia or somewhere about the original series and how it was only intended (at first) to be a single set series (I forgot what you call it exactly), but the original series was so popular and such a success that they got pushed to make more. Maybe that's why the new ones aren't that great?

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  • Avant-Garde


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  • millefeuille

    it's cute. :)

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  • Energy

    It's alright.

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  • frakenchoots

    No he's supposed to be blue.

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    • What are you talking about? Have you ever watched
      Avatar: Legend of Aang/Avatar: the last air bender?

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      • frakenchoots

        calm down, don't go avatar nerd on my. yoking only yoking.

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