Do you like roller coasters?
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I like the good ones. Nothing too crazy, though. But there are some which I love, love, love!! Although, I hate those contraptions which have you suspended in the air, upside down, for God knows how long. Those scare the hell out of me. I end up screaming the whole time, shouting like a madman "I'M DYING, GET ME OUT OF THIS FUCKING DEATH TRAP, I'M GOING TO DIE!! STOP IT NOOOOW! AAAAAHHHHHH!!!".
I genuinely think I'm going to fall out and plummet to my death:P. I even imagine plans in my head of ways of landing which mean I won't die. Escape route sort of thing, I guess. I don't know why I even go on them, when I do. Never again!
Aside from those buggers, though, they can be very fun.:P
I used to! But now I am too tall for most of them. The bar won't go down over my long legs :(
I love them!! I hate the feeling you get in your stomach, kind of, though. I've been to about 3 that go up-side down! DX :P
Yes, yes I do. I make some pretty rad imaginary ones in the sky when I fly. Weeee!
I love them!! :)
I've been to loads! I'm proud to say I've been to the tallest one in the world ;)