Do you like sudoku ?
Yes I play it a lot | 31 | |
sometimes | 46 | |
I used to but got bored of it | 64 | |
Never tried | 53 | |
Never heard of it | 7 |
Ask Your Question today
Yes I play it a lot | 31 | |
sometimes | 46 | |
I used to but got bored of it | 64 | |
Never tried | 53 | |
Never heard of it | 7 |
I love it.
What's really strange is that I can't do the easy ones as easily as I can do the medium difficult ones.
I used to be really good at Sudoku. I've started getting back into it lately, but I still have a long way to go. Btw, what's up with all the logic=boring! comments? If you're a numberphile and you say you don't like logic puzzles because it's something a computer could do (and do plenty of things that stimulate your mind already), I can respect that. But if you're just too lazy to do it because you think it's too hard, I can't! Make an effort!
I love Sudoku. Like many things having to do with logic, it's pretty challenging for me (even with Easy puzzles), but the satisfaction of completing a puzzle makes it well worth the effort in the end.