Do you like the sex you were born with?

As per poll, do you like your gender, do you wish you were the opposite sex or would you like to be able to switch between the two (androgynous)? I'd go with the latter. :)

I'm a male, I would never want to be a female 495
I'm a male, I wish I was a female 214
I'm a male, I wish I androgynous so I can pass as either sex 156
I'm a female, I would never want to be a male 263
I'm a female, I wish I was a male 122
I'm a female, I wish I was androgynous so I can pass as either sex 84
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Comments ( 123 )
  • Corleone

    I don't like the sex I was born with. I didn't have any sex as a baby, and I'd like to have sex more often :D

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    • lol

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      • Thanks to all those who posted and voted, clearly roughly half of guys and girls would like to be the opposite sex or pass as either. Quite surprising results.

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    • Ruthless


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  • Anime7

    I'm male and glad to be one. However, I would like it if for a week or to I could be a girl. I want to experience life from a new perspective.

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    • BlackSheepOutcast

      same but i want to know what it feels like to masturbate it seams so east for boys if i were a boy for a day that what i would do and maybe fuck some people

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      • Anime7

        That's why I think many girls don't really masturbate. It's easy for guys. But for girls it just seems so difficult and time consuming. But I would still like to try masturbation if I was a girl.

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    • catzlolz43

      Same I wonder how you guys like pee haha fasinates me ;P

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      • Anime7

        Standing up. haha.

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  • karmasAbich

    Happy being a male. Thanks

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    • That's right, because being happy you're male deserves a thumbs down...How pathetic that someone would thumbs you down for this.

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      • Saycheese

        I thumbsed it up. I'm happy that he's happy with himself.

        Considering I like karmasAbich anyways.

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        • karmasAbich

          Why, thank you. I like you too.

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          • Saycheese

            Thanks, I think your one of the best advice givers on here.

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      • karmasAbich

        Eh, it happens.

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        • Which is irritating. I thumbsed you up, although my voting thumbs up don't always send right.

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          • karmasAbich

            Yeah, it goes both ways. My phone does all kinds of faulty things.

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      • lipsweet

        You don't deserve a thumbs down if you're happy being a male. I am female and would never want to be a male. I think most of us are happy in the sex we are born into. When someone is truly unhappy with their gender, they have a sex change operation. I LOVE being a woman. We live longer than men too. Maybe because we let out our feelings more? Many guys still hold too much inside and I think that's why they die younger. I know women can still be discriminated against sometimes, but that stuff never bothers me and it certainly would NEVER make me wish I were a male! But then, I've never been a male so how can I really know if I would be happier? But then, personal happiness has nothing to do with your sex. It's an individual thing. All I know is, if there is such thing as reincarnation, I hope I come back as a woman over and over again! I love men too muich to acutally want to be one. I'd rather have them want me as a woman! (smile).

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        • Nothing wrong with that.
          Although, I dissagree with the live longer thing. I do agree, women to live longer than men, but not for the reasons you said. I think it's something to do with the physical body that keeps women alive. Perhaps because males use up more physical energy than women due to their muscles etc?

          I'm pretty sure that it isn't because men don't show their feelings as much.

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  • MaximusXXX

    The poll options are not my cup of tea. I wouldn't mind being a woman and may prefer to be one in this day and age. But I do not "WISH" I was a woman.

    Frankly put, a woman has a 2.2 better chance of getting the same job over a man (barring men only jobs like NFL, etc).

    Women can get laid a hell of a ton easier.
    Women win 78% of custody battles.
    Women usually get a substantial amount from divorce when kids are involved.

    Etc, etc, etc, etc.

    And about women getting more tickets ripped up? That is also true and it's why the myth remains

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  • ccjigsaw

    Looks like guy sare happy being guys lol Hence why I wouldn't have minded being born one. Puberty was a long hard road as a female lol

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  • Dot123

    Gender is in the mind, but sex isn't.

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  • misca

    I would like to start my life over as a female.

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  • Saycheese

    I'm happy for who I am. There are many things I hate about both sexes so... I can't say I dislike being a female. I also can't say I would ever be a male either.

    Women can be too much drama and men can not be caring enough. I like it just in the middle; just be a secure person.

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  • dietcoke

    lol sometimes i wanna be a guy so that i could wear guys clothes! i think they're so cool!

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    • Shackleford96

      Are you kidding! Girls wear guy clothes all the time. GIRLS are the ones who get to wear all the fun stuff!

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  • REvEnGE

    I am male and i am damn happy with it. Why? Cause giving birth or having period seems kind of hard stuff to me. Ha ha. No pregnency, no period, happy life. I know my comments are weird but thats why i am here in this site.

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  • disthing

    I'm happy to be a guy. From my experience, we have fewer emotional and physical issues to deal with.

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  • Uzzie101

    Male, would love to be female for a limited period for sexual purposes.

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  • seawind

    All my life I wanted to be a female. I wished I could dress like girls If I would have been a girl sex with girls would be so great in my next life a want to be a gay girl

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    • likewise, though I think life is harder as a girl than a guy, I would also still prefer to have been born a female.

      I was surprised by how many guys wish they were the opposite sex (in this poll)-same for women. Seems a lot of us are not satisfied with our birth gender.

      You could always transition and live life as a women, but that is difficult to do and carries more risks than rewards.

      However there are many mtf transsexuals who pass so well, people have no clue they used to be men.

      I've seen some on youtube, a few of them are actually quite hot.

      I wanted to seriously transition at one point, but was not willing to leave my friends/family/city in order to make that change.

      I also don't want them to know so I'm unfortunately stuck with living as a man unless I can find a good solution.

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      • PumpkinKate

        "and carries more risks than rewards" <- Not necessarily. Risk and reward in this situation would be very personal to the individual making the choice, so... perhaps to YOU that's the case, but maybe not everyone.

        "unless I can find a good solution" I think you'd be surprised at how accepting those who love us can be. Not everyone is, but... sometimes it's a refreshing eye-opener. Also, my favorite motto -
        Fortune favors the bold!

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        • More risks because many transsexuals don't really pass well-let's be honest...they get 'clocked', that is people can tell they are a man dressed as a woman. Some hatemongers have killed transsexuals because they find them so repulsive.

          Now if the person can completely pass-and many of them do, then they're fine so long as they don't get outed.

          "I think you'd be surprised at how accepting those who love us can be."

          that's a very kind thought but I think people would get very weirded out. I could never come out as a girl to my friends-though family might be a little more accepting.

          So there's too much to sacrifice to live in the body that you think you were meant to be in.

          For some people the desire to transition is extremely intense that they don't care about the consequences. I think everyone has to do whatever they are comfortable with.

          good motto, thanks.

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  • -Raven4-

    i was born male and ive dealt with gender dysphoria which has cause a great amount of pain. due to the dysphoria ive had one suicide attempt and ive cut myself several times. so i really do wish i was born as girl so i wouldnt have had to live through that pain

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  • blaster

    PS , I go for the body first, put a nice arse or camel toe in front of me and I'm screwed , shallow ain't I !

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  • blaster

    Work wise /pays / promotions/stuff, I look at it like this. Really , women have only just joined the workforce. And, a large percentage only work p/t, need modified hrs to fit in with school, family stuff. They have to opt out all the time to have kids, dramas at home with kids- sick or something and now payed leave to have kids or if they can afford it raise kids and then get out in the workforce again so it's a totally different situation.Or they're gonna piss off sometime soon to get married and start all that - and , that's gonna cost you the boss , a fortune to boot and be really f'n disrupting to your business too no matter how fair you try to be.
    Boys leave school and go to work , that's it . They're there till 65 or whatever , everyday, yr in yr out. They have to work at making a career or money and build a home and security . So it's a no brainer that there's gonna be far more opps for men and they'll achieve much more in their working life.
    If the tables were turned that'd be women achieving much more in that way , or running countries , or inventing everything we use or know today. It's not so much that men are this and women are that , it's just the structure of things.
    And if you were a boss , who are you gonna choose for a promotion. The women that's only been back 3yrs and can only works odd all over the place hrs , she's always needing to nick out or leave early or have time off for kid something, she's emotional because one it's her nature and two she's under much more pressure bc she's trying to do both, or the guy that's been there day in and out for 20 yrs and will be for another 25 . He knows the job like the back of his hand and he wants to move up as he gets older bc he's gonna e doing it day in and out till he retires.
    He's the logical choice.

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  • blaster

    Dunno how old this one is but yeah I'm pretty happy being male.
    Although at times I've thought it'd be great being a girl.
    They've both got lots of goods and bads in them but if you think about it there's usually a vise verse situation or a matching equivalent in both sexes right through. Excluding female problems and giving birth, they're on their on with those.
    I love girls being girls and I like being a male , especially on the receiving end ha ha.

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  • Lokarunith

    I'm a man and i don't think I would be any different if I was a woman, in fact, I have a deep admiration for many women and their work. WE ARE THE SAME, the diferences were forged by society, we are educated difrently, there are TV shows for boys and others for girls, role models for boys and completely diferent role models for girls. WE ARE THE SAME, only our body is not.

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  • AL_Ranger

    I've always been slightly curious what life is like from a girls perspective but that's about it. I'm male and happy with it.

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  • power3r3

    I wouldent want to be a women cause I would have boobs in the way of doing things. lol its all stupid women all say they get disrespected and want to be respected but then get mad when you let them do things on there own lol.

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  • Sourissime

    ...I'm a female. And I wish I'd be a male so badly. It's been like that for AGES. I'm 25 years old and I simply can't deal with myself. I hate my body, I never had sex with a man 'cause I'm feeling so bad in my head and body. I hate being a girl, but I know all the advantages there is to be one... Even tough, I wish I were a man...And probably always will. I'm bisexual. I had both boyfriends and girlfriends, I always claim that I love a person, a soul, not a gender or a body. But I can't stand mine, and that's hard to live with.

    No one really understand in fact, since being a girl is so "cool". Why would I want to change, eh ? Well I can't say... 'cause I don't know. I just always felt like I don't belong in this body and it's pretty uncool. It's a real problem I have to deal with everyday of my life... Heh.

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    • You're probably a transsexual if you don't already know it, a guy trapped in a woman's body. You should think about transitioning-it's far easier for a girl to become a guy than the other way around due to masculine features men have-particularly the face and body shape.

      While for a FTM TS, once you get on hormones, breast surgery, change your voice, you can easily pass as a man.

      I feel as you do but I'm a male who would've preferred to have been a female. Actually that's not entirely accurate, I wish I could transition between both sexes depending on my mood that day-that'd be awesome. Cause some days it feels good to be a guy, other days it'd be nice to experience it as a girl.

      Imagine if in the future the human race is composed only of hermaphrodites.

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  • pansyfugufish

    Sometimes my gradeschool students try to convince me I am a boy b/c I have short hair and no boobs... but i got a big round booty....

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  • buntaboss25k

    i like having a fat cock

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  • simple.chicc

    i am a female and i wish i was a male.
    SO SEXY.

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  • RandomFactor

    I'm Female and wish to be none of the above... now what?

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    • lufa

      what do you wish to be, since the options above seem to cover it all?

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  • ConsuelasLemonPledge.

    If I were a woman i'd be UGLY AS HELL!

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  • dtf

    would be cool to be opp. sex for a day

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  • Hmmaybe

    I was born male, but I dislike conforming to any gender norms and avoid doing so unless around people who expect it of me (family mainly).

    I'm not androgenous, I don't mind which gender I can pass for; I just want to be seen as me, with no judgement made on gender.

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  • GothamCityDiva

    Yes, but sometimes I daydream about being a guy and writing my name on the wall with pee from my penis.

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  • myownopinions

    To answer the poll, I like the sex I was born with (female), but I would rather be male (just to see what it's like on the other side).

    Off topic: Does anyone agree that whenever there are gender polls, ItDuz always seems to be in the middle off it?

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    Psychiatrically, I am considered to be rather male-brained for a female, especially consdering that I have Aspergers.

    I love being a female, simply because I have a great figure, look great naked and with any effort can get just about any guy I want because men relate to me so well as I am basically, heh, one of them.

    Men usually hold positions of power and I am friends with all of my bosses, I know how to charm said powerful men and it makes my life really damn easy. And when I open my mouth and say something intelligent, insightful or bold, I stand out a hell of a lot more simply because I am a woman. It's so easy to gain the respect and friendship of men because many of them are not used to women that are so approachable and so laid back, so I count myself lucky to have the genitalia I have because as a man I'd be typical, or a fucking nerd but as a woman I am cool as hell.

    I know I sound arrogant right now, and trust me, I'm not happy that many of the men that I deal with either like me for my young-girl charm or because I am different from the perspective they have on women but I shudder to think of how shitty my life would have been if I had turned out to be a boy. Figure out what power being a chick has in society, ladies. Don't try to beat 'em, join 'em.

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  • Glass

    The only real reason I guess I'd want to be female is because I think their clothing options are so much better than what males get. Other than that I content with being male. I'd consider doing crossdressing if I wouldn't be socially attacked by others on a daily basis.

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  • Aleks85

    I don't know I'd have to experience being a female to make an accurate assessment.

    If you look at the pros and cons of being female/male I'd say they even out fairly equally. (fairly equally? im tired)

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  • theytookthisone

    Yes, I feel half the shit I pull of as a female I couldn't get away with as a male. LOL..but that doesn't mean I don't have to watch myself :o

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  • RinTin

    There's is always an argument with these types of questions/polls -.-. I'd stay a female b/c if I was a male I'd still be the same f-ing person as I am now except with a dick and no girlfriend unless I was really good looking I could get lucky and a girl would ask me out.

    ps. the human race as a whole is fucked up so I wouldn't be proud being either male or female. They are both, generally, an embarrassment.

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    • Saycheese

      Agree! Just be happy with your f-ing self.

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  • kckvekili

    why do girls wish to be opposite sex more than girls do? as we can see at the results

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    • good question I'm wondering that too.

      some women have actually transitioned to being men. Why would they want to give up some sexy boobs and a vagina?

      it just proves that gender is biological wired into our brains. TS's who hate being in the wrong body do whatever they can to change it.

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      • Saycheese

        It's mainly because we are more emotional. We get sick of crying. lol

        You most certainly would hate having PMS, even though you have to deal with us women having it.

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        • you should try to suppress your emotions like the Vulcans from Star Trek. :D

          I think they will invent some drug to stop menstruation when you don't intend to get pregnant.

          you're right about the drama though-women do create it.

          I've been around women all my life-believe me there are some things I hate about them (especially the irrationality), but they make up for it with their girly, affectionate side. :) (referring to girlfriends).

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          • Saycheese

            Yes, for sure.

            Although I truely have been around some pretty dramatic guys too. They weren't even gay. lol.

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            • lol, ya some guys cause drama too-they hyper and emotional ones.

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  • Ihadtomakeyetanotheraccountffs

    I'd be a woman and fuck everyone.

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    • women have it so easy when it comes to sex, yet few of them want to have it as much as men.

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      • Ihadtomakeyetanotheraccountffs

        Well as a man you pretty much have sex whenever a woman wants to. As a women you can fuck whenever you want.

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        • Saycheese

          I personally don't like it how men are too easy. I'm just saying... Women have to go through the pregnancies and STD's actually get transfered much more easily to women.

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          • Ihadtomakeyetanotheraccountffs

            What do pregnancies and STD's have to do with men often being DTF?

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            • Saycheese

              You were stating that if you were a women you would fuck everyone and that women can have sex whenever and men only can when a women wants too.

              I'm stating that's why a lot of "women" don't choose to go around. They care more about the results in the end. There are too many men who leave.

              I'm not talking about a relationship and I wasn't talking about men being DOWN TO FUCK exactly.

              I have a feeling there was a misunderstanding on what we were both stating.

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          • yes, women have to deal with a lot more shit than men. Aside from STD's they have menstruation, they get stalked, abused by men, they usually get paid less and are not considered as competent as men on the job, they have mood swings, etc.

            Though one can argue men have it pretty hard too-we still have to be the breadwinners, we have to protect our families/go to war, have it harder than women when it comes to dating on so on.

            There's advantages and disadvantages to both sexes but I think I'd still rather be a female-if I got to choose.

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            • Saycheese

              I most certainly agree on this. I believe we are about even on our advantages and disadvantages.

              I think it's kind of funny though how women these days are out weighing the men in management jobs. I think it's because women can actually hold in anger much easier than men. Yes, women can be rather emotional but most likely they wouldn't go off on an employee that makes a mistake or that tries to argue with her on disagreeing with something. Plus women are more organized and can multi-task better since we are more scatter brained.

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  • Dunkfunk

    Male,i would like to be a female for a while but not permanently as long as i was hot and had big tits for obvious reasons.:)

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  • I want to stay as a man. It's not suprising why alot of men would want to be female, though. Females have a lot of benefits men don't have.

    I'd stay as a man, I think they're much more better to look at. There is alot of history to them.

    The smartest, wisest and strongest people have been men. I just like being part of a gender that has such people.

    but, I'll most likely get thumbsed down for the smartest, wisest and strongest part, even though it's completely true...

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    • karmasAbich

      'The smartest, wisest and strongest people have been men. I just like being part of a gender that has such people.'
      This is a common misconception.
      I'm a proud male, but women have a huge impact on how we are today. Women, years and years ago, were actually considered more valued and 'a gift from the gods' and were treated as such. This caused a lot of men feeling as though they arent the dominant species, and in turn, became very disrespectful towards women, and strive to show dominance. Which is now in our nature. We strive to be the best. And your comment proves point. :)

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      • disthing

        "Women, years and years ago, were actually considered more valued and 'a gift from the gods' and were treated as such."

        Which civilisation are you referring to? How many years ago?

        Women being considered a 'gift' is quite apt, because from what I've heard women were 'worshipped' only as a gift to men. Women were traded, just as male slaves were traded. Forced into marriage, given no political voice, little education, no power of authority (with the exception of Queens who inherited their roles). The average woman was always regarded as inferior in most ways to men.

        This, I expect, comes down to the simple factor of males being generally inclined to be dominant. The territorial competition which has shaped human history is one typical in nature, with males fighting for power. It seems to be the path evolution has followed, that of power being a deciding factor in survival, and males being necessary to obtain power and gather / hunt food, whilst women being necessary to bare child. In modern society, whilst we still have this pervasive masculine inclination to dominate and a pervasive feminine inclination to nurture, there is less of a need for gender disparity. Essentially, we can afford to be more or less equal intellectually and socially (in Western Europe anyway).

        I don't think this male dominance came about because male egos were hurt due to the worship of females...

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        • karmasAbich

          I am talking about, before the Roman empire era.
          Before governments, and cilizations.
          It's throughout many historical documents. Like i said, women being disrespected, is a VERY common misconception throughout history. Obviously, you can believe what you want. I'm only trying to spread some information around to better inform. Not trying to force any beliefs among anyone. By all means, believe what you want to believe :)

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          • disthing

            Of course! I can be stubborn at times but all I really want is to learn.

            You're saying before governments and civilisations, so prehistoric times?

            This was prior to written history. There were archeological artefacts and artwork to go on, but little else. Of course there were tiny settlements of humans all over the world then, with their own culture and traditions. Which part of the world are you talking about? What evidence are you referring to that paints the picture of female-worship during these times?

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            • karmasAbich

              Oh absolutely i can be the same way.Vesta, Venus, the 'Great Mother', Isis and Cybele were all Roman goddesses that were based from women only cults. When I did research on this, i found that it was extremely common, and it dates back to prehistoric. Much like the woman in the Amazon. (Which a lot of people are familiar with) Im going off of historical events, and underlying historical politics that isnt really ever in the spot light.
              Its just something that i am convinced of.

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      • Why where they valued so much? Was it their intelligence, their wisdom, or their strength? Because women aren't being held back as they were once upon a time, and yet it is still specific men that are the wisest, the most intelligent, and the strongest.
        So, how is it a misconception? Civilization was created and built by men, what did these "God's gifts" (women) do in those times that made them viewed in such a way?
        My guess would be their appearance, the fact that men had to fight eachother for the chance to mate with females (which would be a good reason as to why they were viewed as such), and/or the fact that they give birth to children.

        Why where they viewed to highly? What traits that women gave out seem to be so great that seperated them from the men?

        So no, it isn't a misconception, because even if they were viewed as God's gift for their intelligence and wisdom, their intelligence and wisdom has been surpassed by male intelligence and wisdom, and my proof is the world and everything in it.

        I have been told to be more careful with my words, so I'll explain something briefly.
        I don't think that men are better than women just because they're men, such a thought process is pure stupidity. Although, the ones that have been the most intelligent, most wise, and most strongest have all been male.
        A few examples are:
        Einstein, Ghandi, and the strong bit is self explained due to it being the main male trait.
        Am I saying there aren't women that are very smart, very wise, and/or very strong? No, I'm simply saying the ones that have the 'title' for such things (couldn't think of a better word) are men.

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        • PumpkinKate

          Intelligence and wisdom are subjective. If you're going by some measure that isn't subjective (such as IQ or recorded accomplishments) you MUST be COMPLETELY aware of EVERY man and woman that ever lived. Meaning, you absolutely beyond any doubt must KNOW what every single person in the history of the world's IQ and personal life accomplishments are. If you do not have this information (I'm going to assume you don't, as nobody does) then you are drawing your conclusions from incomplete sources of data, and the entire conjecture is moot.

          There is absolutely no scientific proof that your rather passionately sexist theories are correct, as such proof cannot be gathered. You assume the role of someone omniscient to all life that has passed on this planet, and... well, I do not believe that you are.

          The only thing you are saying is that you utterly fail to adhere to what is provable truth. Go dig up a comprehensive study that uses the scientific method to prove your points, and present it as it is: a theory, if you wish to have any credibility in these claims.

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          • I knew this would come up. "The recorded data has shown that it is a man that is most intelligent, a man that is most wise, and a man that is most strong" What is your counterpoint? "You haven't recorded everyone, therefor your data can't be conclusive".
            It's the same logic as "There's more proof to sugest athiests are right, and that the whole God thing isn't true" and then the other person (you in this scenario) replies "Yeah, well you don't know 'all' the answeres of what you're saying is true, therefor, even though you have far more data to support your claim than I do, a mystical being that magically created everything in seven days is just as a reliable conclusion as what you athiests believe".

            So, I'm sexist because the wisest, the most intelligent, and the strongest people were male? Oh yes, ofcourse, because avoiding the actual facts simply because they happen to be males isn't sexist at all.
            This is what I can't stand about people like you, you want to slander someone as sexist for stating facts, simply because it isn't in the female gender's favour, so therefor it must be sexist.

            Did I say "all men are smarter than women"? No, I said that the smartest, wisest and strongest are male. For example, Einstein and Ghandi.

            And just for the whole point of entertaining these points.


            Shows that so far on the whole recorded who has the top IQ score, there are four men at the top, and then only fifth is a woman on the list.

            Am I saying that women are dumb compared to most men? Am I even saying that there are more smart men than women? No, I'm saying that the ones that have shown to be the best so far, are men.

            But hey, if you want to avoid these facts and call 'me' sexist when you're the one avoiding the facts and calling me sexist just because the facts show that it is a male that is the most intelligent, wisest, and strongest simply because they're men, then you go right ahead and call 'me' the sexist one. Something tells me that you're poited finger at the wrong person when you claim I'm the sexist.

            Newsflash, saying the genders are equal in something when facts prove otherwise, just because it's not in a certain gender's favour is just as sexist as saying one gender is better than the other.

            And here are a few things in which males are famous for, if you can find a female that can compare, then I would like to see (That wasn't sarcasm, I would actually like to know)


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            • PumpkinKate

              You state ZERO facts. You don't even seem to comprehend the definition of what a "fact" is.

              You keep parroting the same names "Einstein" and "Ghandi" over and over. Can you say without a doubt that Mother Theresa or Marilyn vos Savant were any more or less "wise" and "intelligent"?

              Do you even know what an "opinion" is? The word for saying "Men are smarter and more wiser and that's fact" is pretty simple. It's called a L-I-E. You're posing subjective qualifiers as provable fact, which they simply aren't. In a patriarchal society, that throughout history has provided men with different opportunities than women, you have an EXTREMELY flawed data pool to draw from. There is ZERO proof that any woman out there wasn't "more intelligent" or "more wise" than the men of their era.

              You ignore fact by pretending you are the ultimate deity of truth, with ZERO backing, save for the jaded interpretation of records of a male-dominated society. Gee, let's stretch our intellects to the extreme here and take a wild guess at what could POSSIBLY be the sort of data recorded?

              Newsflash - there is no fact in existence that proves men are smarter than women. You are woefully incapable of grasping the concept of a "fact" in your counter-points.

              Now, if you're trying to argue that the what APPEARS to be, what is RECORDED, and what has been DOCUMENTED (by a couple thousand years of overwhelmingly misogynistic and patriarchal societies) is that men SEEM to be "smarter and wiser" then yes, you could very well be correct. It would still be subjective, but you'd have some backing. To say that you KNOW that this is the case is pure delusion. Nobody can prove these things.

              Even the notion that you are "sexist" is an OPINION, yet you seem intensely defensive about this. I stated nothing anywhere that claims women are better in any way. In fact, I didn't state that they were equal, either, I just said that men cannot be proven to be "smarter and wiser". Call me sexist for that if you'd like, that's your opinion.

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            • PumpkinKate

              As for your links- you linked something about IQ. Perhaps you could have stated that it's "fact" that men, on average, score 3-5 points higher on IQ tests, which examine specific aspects of mental acumen, such as spatial awareness. You would be correct.

              That is, of course, completely disregarding the concepts of emotional intelligence, or one's aptitude with language development (women take the lead in these categories). And what of the entire realm of psychology, or consideration for the fact that tests are simply that - tests. It's widely accepted that some people (male OR female) simply do not preform well on tests.

              Your second link is a personal blog by some guy who also claims to love twitter, and wrote a children's D&D game. (I think that's really cool, actually) But... it's some dude's blog.


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    • Energy

      I always see you saying this crap about women. Sounds like you're insecure....that's why you keep fighting for men. Lame. if you were truly happy with your gender you wouldn't keep being like this ;)

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      • Ah.
        Women fighting for their gender = Great.
        Men fighting for their gender = Incecure.

        Really? God forbid if men stick up for their gender, right?

        Oh, and here's a side note, my comment was mainly focused on males, not females.

        Sorry, I'm not going to accept that women can fight for their gender to be seen great while men are forced to say the same about their gender due to the chance of people like you calling them insecure for it.

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        • karmasAbich

          To respond to your comment above, I guess it was unwise of me to say misconception. from my point of view, i see it as a misconception, but i do see your point as well and it makes sense. Wasn't intending to offend, apologies, ItDuz.

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          • No worries. I apologize if anything I have said has offended you.

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        • Energy

          Oh there you are again being all dramatic rofl. Why can't you just be happy the way you are? I'm happy to be a guy, so I don't go around saying "MEN ARE BETTER BAHAHAHHAHHAAHHAH" cause well I'm secure. Yes, you can fight for your gender, but what's there to fight about??? I don't see any women being sexist towards us. Infect, all I see is women complaining about their gender probably thanks to guys like you!

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          • Cool. If you can quote me where I said that "men are better" and not that individual men have the record of being smartest and wisest, then you have a point. I think you'll find that I have never said something like "Men are better than women". So before you try get all sarcastic, how about some reading skills beforehand? Otherwise, your sarcasm just fails like it did there.

            Ah, the funny moment when I inform you that I used to think the sun came out of the female gender's ass, and that it was infact the way females portray themselves over men than made me have the opinions I have today.

            You don't see any women being sexist? I'm quite antisocial, I rarely go out when asked unless I have to, and even I have noticed it.

            You're probably the type of person that thinks feminism is the same today as it was when it first started.
            Or how about the part when alot of feminists say "All men are potential rapists, if they have the chance to do it and get away with it, they'll do it". Yeah, because that's not sexist at all.

            Going to basically repeat this. Don't wrongly quote me and try pass it off as something I've said, especially when it's something I myself don't agree with.

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            • Energy

              How about you stay on topic and not attack my "reading skills"because that's just plain STUPID. I wasn't even born here. Now back on topic, GET OUT MORE. Sexism is almost gone and you need to live in the NOW. I don't see any feminist and so what they think most men are rapists? SO WHAT? I bet it's harder to rape a man. If it wasnt for physical we'd have more female rapist. So get over yourself and stop bitching. It's like you're not happy with yourself.

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    • PumpkinKate


      No wait, I see - it's funny, because when you typed "isn't true and is based on nothing factual whatsoever" it seems you made the mistake of hitting the wrong keys and typed "it's completely true"

      Don't worry. I caught the typo, and people now understand.

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      • -Pats head- Read my other reply. Look at the links, answer the questions I ask. Should be hard to do given that you're so certain I am wrong.

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    • Saycheese

      Can you give us some examples because I would say it would be about even.

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      • Einstein and Ghandi. Just two very known ones that I can think of at the top of my head before going to bed.

        As for strongest? Well, obviously men have that one covered already. Giving a name would be poitless, I wouldn't have to even give the name of the strongest man, perhaps the second, third, all the way down to tenth (maybe) and not find a woman as strong.

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        • Saycheese

          There have been plenty of strong women in history; which I'm saying that have stood up for themselves and that have done a lot. I can give you a list.

          And of course there are more physically strong men since women need more fat in their bodies to have children and to support the babies in the womb.

          But we do have to go through periods and pregnancies which are painful.

          Women are more emotionally strong and men are more physically strong.

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          • Why do you assume that I don't already know that? Simply because I say that it is a man that is smartest, a man that is wisest, and a man that is strongest, doesn't mean that I don't think there are women in those three parts of the mind and body that aren't better than millions of other men?

            Why is it that when a male says that it is a male that is smartest, wisest, and strongest that it automaticly translates to "I hate all women, they're useless, not even worthy of comparing to any average man"?

            I know full well that there are many great women that millions of men won't be able to surpass, I know for a fact I won't either.

            I don't know about the emotionally strong bit, you may be right, but unless I see proof of that instead of just people saying it's true, then I can't believe it. Surely you understand.

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            • Saycheese

              I wasn't trying to say that you hated all women.

              But I still believe that it's about even on the smartest, wisest and strongest part.

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