Do you like to amass things before throwing them out?

Do you like to amass large amounts of certain things before throwing them out? Make a collection, be kind of proud of it, look at it, arrange it, and then let it go only to start one up again?

I don't mean saving things up for the purpose of filling the bin or to make the trip to the garbage worth it, I mean purposely saving up a certian specific type of trash and being proud or taking pleasure in seeing the collection grow, throwing it out and repeating the cycle again and again.

Yes! 16
No. 10
WTF? Seriously? 20
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Comments ( 6 )
  • OCDC

    I keep piles of recycling stuff, like cardboard and paper, until it no longer fits in my bin, but it still pains me to throw it out! :P

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  • joybird

    I try to live with as few possessions as possible, so only buy something new when the original is broken. I still have my clock radio and portable TV from 30 years ago, and they still work - OK no remote etc but ...

    My family are in the waste business and we see people's 'precious' possessions being dumped every day by their relatives. I swear to you - jewellery, money in purses, ceramic / glass collections, everything you can imagine!!

    If I'm given any gifts, I give them away to the first visitor who admires them, or to my housekeeper!

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  • :)BABYDOLL:)

    O never. once something gets old or broken I throw it out and buy a new or get something better. If i get tired of looking at something every day I get rid of it. (LOL)

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  • wigsplitz

    Liquor bottles.

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  • howaminotmyself

    I do this with compost! But it's not really being thrown out. I'm just watching it turn into something different.

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  • Hmm...I don't really like throwing things away to be honest and I don't know why. I got tons of work from school and stuff when I was really really little. I'm scaring myself though...I feel like I'm becoming one of those people in that tv show Hoarders...

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