Do you like to dance?
Yes | 66 | |
No | 29 | |
I don't know how to dance | 48 |
Ask Your Question today
Yes | 66 | |
No | 29 | |
I don't know how to dance | 48 |
I like to dance. but if your friends don't dance and if they don't dance well they're no friends of mine.
I'm dancin with myself. With the record selection and the mirrors reflection.. eeeeeek!! Threat! Threat!!! Peck peck peck!!!!! Flap scratch flap!!!!
Oh yeah!
I like to move it move it
I like to move it move it
I like to move it move it
Hells yes I do. :D I've got all kinda nifty light gloves and I'm getting half decent with them.
Never took a lesson or watched a video, but some guys from jersey said they liked my shuffle, so I think I'm doing alright for myself. ;)
To anyone who feels self conscious about dancing, I would highly suggest hitting up a rave at some point in your life. Before I started raving I didn't have the confidence to even try; it was one of the most liberating experiences of my life to go to something like that and be able to jump around and be silly without anyone judging me. :)
I absolutely love dancing and would like to dance with the writer. You really got me...I love to dance.
I love to dance, but it's not real dancing. I just move around, and shake my limbs and body. It's fun!
I love to dance, it's fun and its good exercise :) but only when no one's watching XD
Sorry, I'm not a dancer and I have zero desire to, its just never been something I've wanted to do. The only times when I half-seriously have was back in middle school when my health education teacher made the whole class do it (she showed us what to do), back in high school when I was on the drumline (it isn't hard to dance with a drum on, just sway and stuff)and at prom. Even that was only because it was the Cha Cha Slide and I previously said I wasn't going to dance, way to get on her good side for free! I'll play instruments and I'll play the crap out of some Stepmania or DDR but that is all you'll get from me, my apologies.
I LOVE to dance.
I really do it entirely for self amusement. I'm quite a silly dancer. I like to create moves. I love dancing bollywood style too.
Sometimes people will compliment my dancing and I find that hilarious because I'm just being a spastic, really.
I'm obsessed with dancing and I don't care what I look like.
Me and my friends have been accused of being on MDMA so many times when we actually haven't, because our dancing is so hardcore ;)
When I get in a club I go crazy.
♫♪ We love to boogie, we love to boogie! Jitterbug boogie! Bolan pretty boogie! ♪♫
Yes, I love to boogie!:D Although, *not* in public. God no. But dancing is fun, and I *love* watching others dance. OOH! Speaking of, there's such a good video someone put together on Youtube to the song I've just answered with. Weeeee, I'm going to go watch it!:D:D