Do you like to hurt animals or children?

There are people who do not see the harm in hurting or killing animals or children. I would like to speak with them about their choices. I do not want to know specific information, but why they feel the way they do. I will be honest and say that I do not agree with this point of view, but would like to hear the other side. As we exchange information, I will ask more specific information.

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Comments ( 7 )
  • chetbaker

    I like to hurt people who hurt animals and children.

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    • Bipolarjetlag

      Whilst i appreciate your comment,violence is never the answer.i will pray for you.

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  • nikkiclaire

    Tbh, you sound crazy. No one should ever want to harm animals or children and if you ever have those thoughts let me know cause you need help.

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    • lordofopinions

      There ARE people like that. Serial killers in training.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    I don't think the users currently on here enjoy beating on kids or animals. I hope it stays that way.

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  • ImBobMonkhouse

    When I lived at home many years ago My neighbour tried to kill a wood pigeon with a golf club for feeding on his bird table! it upset me so much , that night I through a 2.5kg lifting weight through his conservatory window. Maybe that reaction was not normal but the actions he took also can amount in the reaction shown by me, so it would be classed as not normal.

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  • radasfrick

    I like to keep an open mind on most things. But harming children and animals isn't a good thing. If your sport is hunting then yes it's okay to kill animals. But to just hurt children for no reason isn't good at all. I think you should talk to a professional about this.

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