Do you like to read?
no | 38 | |
other? | 1 | |
once in a while | 31 | |
sometimes | 39 | |
only if I'm interested in the book | 137 | |
not unless i have to for an assignment | 17 | |
yes, all the time | 138 |
Ask Your Question today
no | 38 | |
other? | 1 | |
once in a while | 31 | |
sometimes | 39 | |
only if I'm interested in the book | 137 | |
not unless i have to for an assignment | 17 | |
yes, all the time | 138 |
Negative. I have the patience and attention span of a toddler and many words make my head hurt.
Loved reading when young. Fell out of it in my teens, but I did read all the Harry Potter books, The Lord of the Rings, and some other stuff like Adrian Mole. Now I'm getting back into it. Grapes of Wrath, wow.
I've had a lifelong obsession with reading. If I don't finish two books a week, I feel like something is missing. On my school report, when I was six, it says "Other interests: Reading takes precedence over all other interests for [Dappled's name]. He is a bright, social, popular boy despite often isolating himself in books." I still don't know whether that was a criticism or not.
When I was growing up, it was normal for everyone to be reading. Some of sis's friends would come over to hang out and read books.
The only reason I don't have a card at the local library yet is because I have quite a few books to get through...
And for me personally it's normal to be reading more than on book at a time. I recently took a break from the Outlander Series by Diana Gabaldon - I'm in the middle of "The Fiery Cross" - and started rereading Kushiel's Dart by Jacqueline Carey.... at the same time I've also started reading The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher (I'm on book 2, Fool's Moon)...
So yes, I am in the middle of 3 separate books at the moment. And yes this is normal for me. :)
I like reading, sometimes I would consider it as a cheap movie in your head
Compulsive reader, dammit! Is it an addiction? If so, cure me?!?!?! Seriously, this isn't an official disorder?
I don't think reading should be limited to only books. Even looking over comments on here or browsing news articles online should be counted as reading, if you actually absorb the information in a meaningful way not only glance over things. And reading isn't just an activity that you do, it's a state of mind where curiosity and thirst for knowledge are important.
I'm very very picky about what I read because my attention span is so short and I will start a book and easily become distracted by something else unless the book is just so damn good that I cannot put it down. Also, I have a tendency to start reading books and never finishing them, even when the book is good because I never get back to it. So I'm very picky about what I read. I DO however love to write, as when it is a story I wrote, I don't have to be picky about it because it is my story and everything I want it to be.
Reading has been a constant in my life since my mid-teens. That was 36 years ago. My preferred non-fiction reading is somewhat philosophical (e.g., Taoism, Charles Handy's "The Hungry Spirit", Kalil Gibran's "The Prophet", Baltazar Gracian's "The Art of Wordly Wisdom" etc.,). However, lately I've read (and thoroughly enjoyed) some of Albert Camus' books, such as "The Stranger" and "The Plague." Reading is such a mind-expanding experience.
used to read the Harry Potter stuff but now whenever i think about reading im just like 'whats the point'?
You implying there's no point in reading.
Yet, I bet you watch TV, and you do use the internet. What's the point in these things? Entertainment, and escapism.
I read because I find the stories and plots entertaining. I like to think about the characters and the story, and about how everything develops.
See what I'm getting at? There is a point in reading. I'm not saying you have to read, I'm just saying it isn't pointless.