Do you own any taxidermy?

Do you have any taxidermy in your home? Any furniture or decor made with bones, horns or skin? Anything?

Yes. (please comment!) 14
No. 57
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Comments ( 29 )
  • EccentricWeird

    I mounted and stuffed your mother, if that counts.

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    • Dad? Is it really you? Where have you been all my life?

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    • dirtybirdy

      I'd be appalled if that didn't count.

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  • disfunkshinal

    Ew. Honestly, ew.

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  • little_freak

    No, it's tacky.

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    • Justsomejerk

      Then it hasn't been done right. They should be dry to the touch.

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      • little_freak


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  • dappled

    An old friend is obsessed with it and everybody buys him stuff for his birthday. He's building a woodland army, by the looks of it. He has badgers, voles, shrews, polecats, mink, and God knows what else by now.

    As for me, the only thing which vaguely counts is amber. I have a lot of baltic amber with loads of occlusions like air bubbles, bits of leaf, and insects from 45 million years ago. It blows my mind just to hold them. Forty-five MILLION years. If I sawed the thing open and sniffed the air, that would be how the earth smelled back then. Of the life, I have spiders, ants, beetles, and my personal favourite is a tiny scorpion. I would love some bigger occlusions but the price ramps up exponentially. You can pay millions for really big stuff.

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  • bananaface

    Bleh, no! It would probably really creep me out, or (and I know this probably sounds awful) make me laugh. I'm not laughing because the animal is dead or anything like that. There's just something really weird about it to me. I think it's strange getting pets stuffed:S. I don't know why I think it's sort of funny, I just do! Especially if it's pulling a funny face:D!

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  • anti-hero

    Long horn bull skull.

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  • MissyLeyneous

    I don't own anything that's been professionally taxidermied per-say... But I *have* kept a chipmunk fur that I took and cured myself. I would have also had a grey squirrel one too if a damn bird hadn't have stolen it while it was curing in the sun. :P

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    • little_freak

      *per se

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      • MissyLeyneous

        *poo say

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        • MissyLeyneous

          Oh, I almost forgot, I have a gator head I bought from Florida too. He's got red glass eyes and he's soooooo cute!!

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  • Avant-Garde

    No. I have mixed feelings on it. I've seen some taxidermy art that was both wonderfully creepy and beautiful, but some of it creeps me out in a unpleasant way. I remember being very young and in Canada. I went on this trip with my mother, her mother, one of my uncle's and his then girlfriend, to what I think was Quebec. A lot of people who go traveling often like to go on tours of their new surroundings and that's what we did. I remember we went in this shop, that was run by two women, and they specialized in Taxidermy! I so young back then and I suppose you could even say, a tad foolish too. The Taxidermy they had there was true to nature. The animals were stuffed but they weren't made into ornate pieces. Or maybe they were and it has just escaped my mind? Anyway, I haven't the faintest clue what the fuck I was thinking but I think I thought these were toys! So, I go up to a fox and just petting it and my family was marveling over how well everything had been done. Then, I ask either my mom or my grandmother if they can get me one of them. I remember mixed reactions. I bet they thought I nuts and I brought up the fact that these were "stuffed animals". That was when the nice ladies that ran the shop told me that these were Taxidermy. I didn't know what that meant. So they told me and I was upset because these animals used to be alive. I think we left shortly after that and I remembering being so pissed at those ladies. I felt like they were mean and evil because they ran a Taxidermy shop.

    I'm less judging now than I was then. If I knew someone who owned Taxidermy in their homes I might be a little creeped out depending on what it was, but I wouldn't judge them.

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    No, but I have two skulls, I'm pretty sure they're a fox and a possum. Used to have a deer skull but it was in bad shape, I didn't take it with me when I moved.

    I would possibly like to have something taxidermy but I'd probably be really picky about it. That chair is pretty cool. Also I really need a drinking horn for parties.

    ....Is it bad I feel like if I got taxidermy it would HAVE to be a cryptoid? Those things are hilarious.

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  • charli.m

    We had a stuffed python where I grew up.

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    • anti-hero

      I like to stuff my python ... badda bing.

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      • charli.m

        I didn't even consider the probable interpretations of what I said...I'm an idiot :(

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        • anti-hero

          Still funny lol

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  • howaminotmyself

    No, but I have a skull on my porch that my husband acquired from the basement of a local non-profit. I'm not sure what kind of animal it is but he wears a blue bandana.

    And today I'm wearing an ammonite pendant. It's a fossil. There are a few other animal bone trinkets laying around and two drums that use animal skin. But no stuffed creatures, other than myself after a big meal. :)

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  • LadySimplicia

    I'm a vegetarian, I don't believe in killing anything (even spiders and such), and I can't be anywhere near a dead animal without my stomach turning.

    From this info, do you think I own any taxidermy.

    No. The shit's creepy as hell.

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    • disfunkshinal

      I am too, a vegetarian and animal lover. I haven't seen you around here before. I thought I knew every vegetarian/animal lover on the site...

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      • LadySimplicia

        Well, I just signed up yesterday. Everyone seems sweet and I haven't met any jerks yet. (Lucky me). Interesting profile. You seem very care-free and easy-going. And what's this about being Dominican? Do you speak Spanish? That is so cool.

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        • disfunkshinal

          Sí, hablo español, francés e Inglés. ¿Cuántos idiomas habla usted? Sólo Inglés? ¿O podemos hablar de esta manera?

          If you can't read that, then it says "Yes, I speak spanish, french, and english. How many languages do you speak? Just english? Or can we talk like this?"

          Also, I love your profile as well. Adorable avatar.

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          • LadySimplicia

            I don't speak Spanish, myself, sorry. Thank you for the compliment. You are quite pretty.

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            • disfunkshinal

              Thank you. I am not sure how you look, but you seem like a very beautiful person yourself. (I don't mean that as a gay thing.)

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  • westoptic

    I'm a vegetarian but I have always found bones interesting, and I have skulls that I've found and cleaned and preserved. I don't hurt any animals for the skulls but I also have a squirrel pelt and a rabbit pelt I preserved too just because they're super soft and they were both killed by someone other than myself who was going to throw them away.

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