Do you pee in the shower?
Yes but I'm open about it | 102 | |
Hell yeah! | 256 | |
Yes but I'm embarrased by it | 105 | |
Ew no that's gross! | 82 |
Ask Your Question today
Yes but I'm open about it | 102 | |
Hell yeah! | 256 | |
Yes but I'm embarrased by it | 105 | |
Ew no that's gross! | 82 |
Yes. The bathtub probably gets cleaner than a toilet bowl, considering that water and soap continuously runs over whatever "trail" my pee took. Plus I don't really care - no one knows I'm doing it and no one asks me if I does. Easier than getting out into the cold and sitting my soaking wet ass down onto the toilet seat and makes the whole floor wet.
I don't do it anymore because I don't like the hot pee smell, and I don't want to have to clean my tub all the time. When I was a little kid I loved to pee in the bathtub/shower. Sometimes for fun, I'd stand with one foot on either side of the tub and pee into the water. One time I asked my mother what happened if you peed in the bathwater, and she said that it would just turn all the water into pee. I remember thinking that was really gross, but I still peed in the water because I enjoyed it.
I don't do it at all, it's disgusting. I will however drop and take a shit and use it's grainy texture to exfoliate my skin.
There are two types of people, people who pee in the shower and people who lie about peeing in the shower.
When I was little, My dad was drunk one night and he peed in the dryer. :) we had to get a new one.
And another time when He was drunk, he broke the 2 toilets in our house, so we had to use the bathroom outside for the whole night :( and it was cold!!!!!!!!!!! We had to wait for the landlord to come ad fix them because no plumbers were avalible.
yeah i do to why not because it all gos down the drain anyways you know to the same place
I have since about 3 or 4. Im 26 now and still do. Lol I jumped out the shower to piss one time-slipped and broke my dick as well as my left nut and sprain my right ankle. I wont do that again.
No but it's not gross (urine is actually sterile), just never had any need to do it.
George Costanza said that it all went down the same pipes! So what's the big deal?
All the time, even when I'm in the shower with my boyfriend. He finds it amusing, but rarely does it himself. and yes, I know it's revolting.
One thanksgiving dinner I went to my aunts house for the big meal my uncles were getting super drunk while us younger people just watched at how dumb they looked, i woke up in the middle of the night and saw my one uncle so drunk he was peeing in the oven (Where the turkey was!) It looked like he was marinating it. He wondered off to the room i went back to bed a few hours later everyone awoke and we had thanksgiving (why at 12pm i dont know) but everyone thought i was strange for not eating any of the turkey.
once or twice but not meaning to and not fond of warm urin smell. I get that enough walking on the streets of the city. don't need it when taking a shower.
No. It is gross. My whole family has to use that thing, and I hope that I don't have to stand in their piss either.