Do you pick up your dogs doodoo?

Yes, every time. 7
Never 8
Sometimes (rarely), when I feel like it. 12
Most of the time. 6
I don't have a dog but I would. 10
I don't have a dog but I wouldn't. 4
I don't have a dog but I would sometimes. 2
I would train it to use the toilet. 8
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Comments ( 5 )
  • Alison89

    In my neighborhood, the only people who pick up their dogs' poo are people who know someone is watching at the time their dogs are making a poo. Otherwise, they just leave it.

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  • Sleckel

    I step in it if i dont pick it up -.-

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  • Dember

    In my own yard, I actually just wash it down with the water hose -- we have five dogs who have a bowel movement at least once or twice a day each, so picking up each and every pile would be ridiculous -- especially when one of mine likes to walk WHILE she is going, leaving a lovely little trail of turds halfway across the yard. 8/
    Besides, this way, our lawn grows like crazy, so I think it's simpler, not to mention beneficial as fertilizer (helps balance out the harmful urine, I guess).

    Whenever my dogs do their business anywhere else, though, I always pick it up without exception -- if I forgot a bag, I'll knock on the door of random houses and politely ask for a ziplock or grocery bag or similar to make sure it's not left. Seriously, who would want to step in it, or leave it where another animal could eat it (gross but very common)?

    It's just simple pet owner's etiquette to clean up after your animals, if not on your own property, then at least where other people will be forced to encounter the mess. If you would appreciate someone else doing it to spare you the trouble of having it cemented to your shoe or foot, then set an example yourself.

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  • myownopinions

    I don't have a dog, but I would only if it got in my way.

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  • zchristian

    Unless my dog does it in a place where people are not supposed to walk i pick it up...

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