Do you play with fire?
YES! Pyro4life :D | 172 | |
No, playing with fire is dangerous D: | 104 |
Ask Your Question today
YES! Pyro4life :D | 172 | |
No, playing with fire is dangerous D: | 104 |
i <3 fire. i set a fire in my backyard and almost caught my house on fire!
I always argue with my dad about this.He says,what I can burn my hair and my clothes,but i don`t trust him.I`m still a child in the soul:).
I think all of you are a bunch of psychopaths, pyromaniacs. You should seek help with your love to play with fire.<BR><BR>I hope that none of you are so sick that you like to burn animals and watch them suffer.<BR><BR>Seek psychiatric counselling please.
I once used a lighter to burn a red solo cup over my trashcan... i ended up dropping it in the trash and it caught on fire... I used the kitchen sink hose to put it out... never again
I used to love burning things in the past.
Was very fun ^^
But after lighting over 30+ Fires, and only getting caught 7 times (No people were hurt) I grew up lol
Fire is simply amazing. Its so beautiful, like an artificial life. I don't play with it anymore because it can be dangerous but it still fascinates me.
I practice making fire on a regular basis. I don't really "play" with it. I can lay down a winter night's firewood in 45 minutes with nothing but a 3" pocket knife.
I like it but I don't go out of my way really to play with it. I burn shit like trash and so did my parents while I was growing up so it was fun to see how different shit burned,and the different colors but it's not like it was the most interesting thing in the world.
Yeah sometimes, but you gotta be careful tho. Or the fire ghost might show up.