Do you purposely annoy people clandestinely?

Clandestine: Kept or done in secret, often in order to conceal an illicit or improper purpose.

Example: I used to live next to a man that was obsessive about his lawn. He spent hours mowing it, and it was just a smallish in-town lot (about .3 acre) with a front and back yard. I would carefully watch the weather to estimate how fast the grass would grow any given week. This guy always seemed to mow on Sundays, so I'd purposely wait untill he mowed, and put my grass growth calculations into effect to figure out when would be opportune for me to mow my lawn so that there would be an obvious difference in grass mine would be much lower than his. He'd almost always mow his lawn again just to make it match or be lower than mine. I knew it just ate him up, it really chapped his ass. He went to work real early in the morning and got home quite late so it was a real pain in the ass for him to mow his lawn again after such a long day, especially since he spent hours doing it. I always laughed so hard and thought it was a great success, that I had accomplished my goal of annoying him so badly and he never knew I did it on purpose.

I do plenty of other stuff like this too, but that was one that I did for years and it never ceased to delight me. Never.

Is this really fucked up or do other people do shit like this?

That's fucked up, what's wrong with you? 6
That's funny, I might start doing stuff like this. 23
It sounds funny but I wouldn't do this kind of thing. 11
I do stuff like this all the time too. 22
I think someone is doing this to me..... 1
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Comments ( 28 )
  • flutterhigh

    Did you learn that word in school today? Gold star for you!

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    • Short&2thepoint

      Haha... that was great...

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    • No, actually I dropped out because I'm a genius. Just making sure you morons knew what it meant. Didn't care for 50 responses saying "What's clandestine mean?"....

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      • flutterhigh

        Pretentious: Marked by a tendency to fabricate an outer appearance of great worth, intelligence, etc.

        Asshole: A detestable person; the anus.

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        • Excellent. Now define "facetious". Or find a synonym for "no sense of humor".

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  • it sounds like you have too much time :S no offence, peace

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  • FocoUS

    He probably does know that you're doing it on purpose. :)

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  • dappled

    I'll annoy people who deserve it. I formulate cunning plans when people get on the wrong side of me (which is rare). One of my posts on IIN was about something I still do to a friend who treated myself (and our other friends) with what I consider is a lot of disrespect and selfishness.

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  • Shackleford96

    Your story was hilarious. I used to do something similar. I had this black guy for a neighbor and he used to play loud thumping rap late at night when I was trying to sleep because I had school in the morning. Well, when the weekends came around I would get up really early and turn up my surround sound and play some Call Of Duty! That showed him!

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  • MangoTango

    Insidious humor, lol. What an unhealthy obsession you have with your neighbor. I don't do such things unless a prank is well-deserved vengeance.

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  • TheStig

    You, sir, are a Gentleman and a Scholar!

    May your life be long and your plans be cunning.

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  • kaboing

    I really love farting in a crowded bus in the middle of the summer, after a hefty portion of chili.

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  • lawlarcane

    I had a teacher once, who was very anal retentive about everything being neat and orderly in his classroom. And by neat and orderly, I mean, he would pull out his protractor, and make sure that things were at ninety degree angles to the desk and such. I had his class right before break, so I would tilt a picture on the wall, or rotate his pen cup, or mess papers up on his desk as the class was filing out. He would stand by the door as we were leaving, so he would never know. I would stop by his class after break, just to view his reaction, and he was FURIOUS, every time, guaranteed.

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  • AppleMelancholy

    If I’m going to annoy someone I make sure they know I'm trying to annoy them. What's the point if they don't know the culprit?

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    • What's the point?? You seriously don't know? To sit back and get such enjoyment out of someone continuously having a hard time, getting pissed off, and not even knowing that someone is doing it on purpose, let alone who could or would possibly do such a thing. Why let them know? Then they're going to do stuff back to you. And I also have no reason for doing it, other than my pure enjoyment. It's not like they did anything to me, I'm not getting revenge or anything.

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  • Tehboss

    It's fucked up but i do it too =D

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  • I am humbled.

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  • joybird

    My next door neighbour and his family are outright snobs and actually said that people should be required to complete a questionnaire before they should be allowed to move into our area! I think he means me ;o) A new neighbour moved in and their 2 year old child was on his lawn when he drove up. I ran over to stop her walking in front of his car and he said to me, "Where did that THING come from?" Eh? "What THING? This baby?!" I asked him. Oh he makes me so angry!!!

    Anyhow, he has a dog (as I do) and unless he gets down and sniffs his dog's perfumed pooh, he can't tell which dog has dumped on his lawn. Therefore, I NEVER lift my dog's pooh off his lawn and when my son walks our dog he dumps the poop bag in our neighbour's bin.

    Other neighbours have stolen his recycling bins etc and he gets really wound up ranting and raving about it!! The local children constantly ring his doorbell and then run and hide.

    He and his family are such idiots they just make me laugh.

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    • Wow, I'd hate to be your neighbour. What exactly did he do to you???

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      • joybird

        Our houses are in a new development and we moved in before him, although his family rented a house just over our back fence. His burglar alarm was too sensitive and went off 3-5 times a day, for 20 minutes, every day for about 3 weeks. BUT my husband was on night shift! When the builders rang them to say the alarm was going off again they said, "So what?!" They explained to them that they'd a neighbour on night shift and the arrogant b@stards said, "That's his problem."

        I eventually met him when he moved in and he introduced himself,
        "Good afternoon, I'm ...., I work for ...., do you know who they are?...I have a company car... and I'm in charge of 800 employees..."
        "Very good." I said, not impressed at all.
        "What do you do?"
        "What about your husband?"
        "He works nights."
        "Oh, yes I'd heard that."
        "Yes, so the next time your alarm goes off while he's sleeping, he's told me to let you know that he is going to rip that box off your wall. Bye"

        He got it fixed.
        His ugly rude wife calls to complain if any of my son's friends kick a ball and it goes onto her lawn. However, she always brings her ugly daughter about 7-8 with her (obviously to show her how to handle people). That child is the only thing that saves me from telling her to fuck away off and live on a farm with the rest of the pigs if she can't stand other people or their children!

        Dozens of other little things like that, but all the neighbours hate them. Their behaviour is really strange because they are only in their 30's yet they think they are so superior to everyone else. He's not so bad anymore but his wife has no education so tries to pretend she's something she's not.

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  • chubsbulb

    You should up the ante and start fertilising his lawn with Nitrogen when he's not home. He'll get some great growth. ;-)

    Is this guy visibly annoyed that he has to mow his lawn just to keep up with yours? He's probably going to go postal some day and you'll be first to feel his wrath.

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    • Oh, I moved from there a while back. He's just anal about his lawn. It's not even a nice town or anything....I don't get it. But he loved his lawn. I don't think he had any clue I was doing it on purpose, and yes, it just ate him up when he felt he had to mow again after a long day of work.

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  • penguin1

    When I was in school, I had a teacher who was very precise about everything. Everything had to be done in an orderly fashion. For example, he had us seated in rows. When he collected our papers, he always went from the right side of the room to the left. The last person in the row handed their paper up to the person ahead of them. The person ahead put their paper on top.

    He was so bad, he would actually count the number of colored pencils in each box to make sure they were all there before he'd let us go to our next class.

    Once, when I was having a bad day, his meticulousness just got to me. I took two worksheets and filled them both out. I only put my name on one and I left the other name blank. Then, I slipped the nameless paper into the rest for my row. It confounded our teacher to no end!

    And yet, some may fancy me mad!

    Looking back on things, I realize that this guy was probably just obsessive compulsive. I kinda feel bad now that I understand ocd better.

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  • howaminotmyself

    I live in a town full of passive aggressive ass holes. It is quite the art and I will dish it right back.

    "Oh, I'm sorry, did I make you come to a complete stop and delay you 30 seconds. I feel so terrible, here let me slow my pace as I walk in front of your car."

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  • It's people like you who can cause others to flip the fuck out! xD

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  • I only anoy people on purpose if they try to do so to me but when I do it I pretty much damage their personal lifes with all their secrets I know on them.

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    • Well that's not clandestine or random, then. The point of the poll is you do stuff to people to annoy them (not harm them) and they have no clue that you're even doing it on purpose, or who is even doing it in some cases.

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      • Well I guess the difference between what me and you do is that what you do is a harmless prank while mine is a harmful payback.

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