Do you purposely annoy people clandestinely?
Clandestine: Kept or done in secret, often in order to conceal an illicit or improper purpose.
Example: I used to live next to a man that was obsessive about his lawn. He spent hours mowing it, and it was just a smallish in-town lot (about .3 acre) with a front and back yard. I would carefully watch the weather to estimate how fast the grass would grow any given week. This guy always seemed to mow on Sundays, so I'd purposely wait untill he mowed, and put my grass growth calculations into effect to figure out when would be opportune for me to mow my lawn so that there would be an obvious difference in grass mine would be much lower than his. He'd almost always mow his lawn again just to make it match or be lower than mine. I knew it just ate him up, it really chapped his ass. He went to work real early in the morning and got home quite late so it was a real pain in the ass for him to mow his lawn again after such a long day, especially since he spent hours doing it. I always laughed so hard and thought it was a great success, that I had accomplished my goal of annoying him so badly and he never knew I did it on purpose.
I do plenty of other stuff like this too, but that was one that I did for years and it never ceased to delight me. Never.
Is this really fucked up or do other people do shit like this?
That's fucked up, what's wrong with you? | 6 | |
That's funny, I might start doing stuff like this. | 23 | |
It sounds funny but I wouldn't do this kind of thing. | 11 | |
I do stuff like this all the time too. | 22 | |
I think someone is doing this to me..... | 1 |