Do you really think paper beats rock in rock, paper, scissors?
I'll throw a rock at you and see you use paper to defend yourself | 111 | |
Hell no, rock beats all! | 40 | |
Yes it does | 67 |
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I'll throw a rock at you and see you use paper to defend yourself | 111 | |
Hell no, rock beats all! | 40 | |
Yes it does | 67 |
Deep down paper is really a vindictive bastard. It can wrap around rock and give life threatening paper cuts. But who is the true evil? Paper or Scissors? Because when having to go up against scissors, paper will always partner up with rock and pretend to let bygones be bygones. But rock deep down still harbors a grunge against paper and is plotting his revenge!
I like the variation with lizard and Spock. Spock breaks scissors and uses his phaser on rock. But he is disproved by paper and lizard poisons him. Lizard poisons Spock and eats papers, but is crushed by rock and beheaded with scissors.
As a kid, we used to play rock, paper, scissors, dynamite, but it ruined the game dynamic because dynamite was both overpowered and the game only works with an odd number of items (each item has to have an even number of items to play against and can defeat exactly half and is defeated by exactly half). And, yes, I'm a total geek. One day I shall invent rock, paper, scissors, Spock, lizard, nuclear reactor, pathogen, the word "gay", water, Ghostbusters, and "a diminished sense of self".
Well clearly if you dont understand this rule you don't know how to play ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS. Since anyone who knows how to play realizes PAPER COVERS ROCK.
Now in the real world of course is going to crush paper but I think they needed something to counter rock. Which clearly scissors even beating paper will not do so.
So I believe they were simply evening out the playing field since if everything beats paper that means paper has no room playing in the game anyways.
Which would leave them with two option ROCK or Scissors and since Rock always beats scissors that is not really a game is it? So sorry but you're an idiot. Congratulations don't forget to grab the dunce cap on your way out.
You fucking Halfwit.
You really could not have figured out this all on your own? Its sad there is people like you in this world. It just makes humanity look bad.
This is stupid. Its the rules of the game. They cant have nothing beat rock. Otherwise why would they put it in the game? Now in reality rock should get crushed by rock. However if paper is cut by scissor and crushed by rock it would be a virtually useless element in the game and there for no one would pick it meaning it would probobly get replaced. Yet than you would be bitching about the fact this element does not win. So get the fuck over it and play the fucking game. Rules is rules. There I just explained why they made it Rock, paper, scissors you idiot.
On the Regular Show they call it 'Quartz Parchment Shears' and Parchment always wins over Quartz. So I'm going with the wisdom of Mordecai and Rigby.
paper covers the rock ,, it doesn't beat it.
but i'll throw a rock on u anyway lol~
Just because it doesn't work in real life doesn't mean it can't in the game.
No, the paper slashes through the rock.
Rock smashes scissors
Paper cuts through the Rock like a sword
Scissors cut Paper
Lol, in 3rd grade we made it so it's: Rock, Paper, Scissors, Volcano, Dynamite, etc. All we did was just add better things like volcano or dynamite to make the game better. I think volcano beats paper and scissors and dynamite beats rock and scissors. :D
In Sweden we say rock, BAG (as in plastic bag or something similar), scissors. Someone throws a rock at you; what do you do? You capture the rock in a bag before it hits you...