Do you resent your family?
I barely talk to my family now.
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I barely talk to my family now.
I no longer talk to my brother because he is an alcoholic and is a bully when he's drunk. For my own sake I have decided to cut all ties with him.
And I blame my mum a little because I think that she is an enabler and that allowing him to stay in her house and to continue having such habits is neither nice nor healthy. So I do not go often to see her because I do not want to see him.
I see a big difference in acceptance of family today then in previous generations.
When I grew up my parents and grandparents had different views and values than I did, but I understood that. Most likely I was never going to be able to change their values, it's based on things that happened and influenced their lives as they grew up.
However, to me there is nothing more important than blood and family
Today's generation seems hell bent on insisting you believe and agree with them. They are right and if you disagree, then you can go to hell, family or not!
I've lost a son to political views, and walk on egg shells around one of my daughters. If I say the wrong thing she gets all mad and goes into a rant. Things like climate change, gender, trans, even working for what you want can set her off. I try to avoid the subjects but if I see something, before I say anything about it I find myself second guessing how will she react, then edit my comments either to not express my opinion or express it in a way to not upset her.
My love for my family is more important than expressing any opinion. I have friends and other family I can have those discussions with.
Very true, family should come before any political view. And it's great to have friends you can say anything with.
What happened to my generation is that we got taught to be narcissists, under the name 'self care'. That means 'cutting out toxic people'/anyone you disagree with, classifying people into toxic/narcissists, instead of realising that people are flawed and behave differently, and that, because of the internet, we can surround ourselves with people who share our views 24/7, which is nothing like the real world- hence, we lose our ability to deal with people who think differently to us. We started to care more about what the 'crowd'/public/twitter thinks of us than what we actually believe is right. Pretty sad.
A bigger problem than having different views is when they arent reasonable enough to listen and have a discussion. If they are so educated on the topics they could express why they feel that way and not get angry when challenged.
Not sure who you are implying need to listen and not get angry.
However your comment comes across as very aggressive and would shut me down as well. It sounds as if, you want to have this discussion to try and change someone's opinion. You're not going to be satisfied until they agree with you. It also sounds as if they've stated their reasoning but you continue to challenge their reasoning. You seem to be exactly what I was talking about.
You can let them believe as they do, you can fight with them everytime you see them, or you can resent them and cut ties with them. Have a nice life.
I was referring to the youth of today but I see how you would think I was referring to you. I did not word it well.
I didn't take it as me, I took it as applying to the parents or family members that the youth resent.
However, with your clarification I understand and pretty much agree.
It's just the statement you made;
"they arent reasonable enough to listen and have a discussion"
sounds exactly like the words my children and other young adults have used even in the media or politics. Basically used when you've voiced your opinion and justification. They want to continue the argument because you haven't agreed with them yet.
I don't want to argue about it especially with my family. I try to treat conversations of disagreement with family like a court case.
You present your opinion and any support then I present mine. If it's too heated after that then let's agree to disagree and drop the subject. Continuing to argue or discuss normally results in the use of personal shots or insults.
I'm not going to do that with family. I love them too much. We've stated our cases, we know what and why we feel about an issue. Live and let live!
Are they older? Many people become less liberal as they see they get older. I was also liberal in my early years and was obsessed with things like climate change. But as I got older I saw the predictions they scared me to death with in school about the climate did not come true. The ice caps didnt melt by 2012 like they said they would. Life can sometimes lead you to change your views. Maybe theres still hope for your kids to come around anyway.
Depends on the household you came from. It's common to hold resentment towards family members for unresolved matters/issues, it however is rarely something that often gets overlooked by the majority of households. Culturally I've heard a great deal of differences between families regarding dynamics, religious bias or simply general close-mindedness. Depending on where you are in the world can play a big role in how your family behaves which in itself can cause a great deal of disconnect. If you wanna work on the mindset you have I would suggest looking into counselling, online research into matters of the mind and behaviour, and lastly distancing yourself from them as a final option if you truly believe no good can come from attempting to mend things.
I'm very thankful to have a good relationship with my family. We have disagreements every now and then, but I don't resent them by any means (though I've definitely felt frustrated with some of their decisions and actions towards me over the years; most of it was misunderstandings or someone just not thinking things through, though, nothing malicious).
I have a slight resent with my mother though we have a love and hate going on with each other.