Do you sleep naked??
Yes, completly naked | 716 | |
Partly naked | 675 | |
No | 567 |
Ask Your Question today
Yes, completly naked | 716 | |
Partly naked | 675 | |
No | 567 |
I go to sleep with undies, but by the time I wake up they are on the floor..
Well, I like sleeping naked but I don't want that my little sisters come to wake me up, pull off the sheet and I'm like naked dreaming about some hotties and got a boner xD
I've always been a bit of an exhibitionist and I like to sleep naked. It sort of excites me to think somebody might yank my blankets off while I'm sleeping naked. If they are going to violate my privacy in my sleep they deserve to see whatever they see and it's not my fault, it's theirs. I hope they like what they see, sister, mother, whoever.
Depends if im in my house, Partly...
If my gf is in my house, completely
If im at a friends, no
I never sleep naked because my friend did that once and had a beetle crawl inside her.
Not to sound like a smarty pants,thats sounds like you folks need to move. You got bugs in your bed! Goood gaawwwd... Scary
I sleep partially naked with only my boxers on and some socks on if it gets really cold.Ive slpet like this since I was a kid
I always sleep naked. Now my younger sister is sleeping naked too. Seems normal in our family.
I sleep naked.. I hate to roll over and have clothes bunched up, or spillage out of my bra! Not to mention when it gets too hot!
Awww I had to vote no. I used to love sleeping naked when I lived alone, sometimes even walk around partly naked around my whole apartment. But now with my three kids I never know which one might walk in my room early in the morning so gotta keep clothed
No. I tend to flop about in my sleep, and if I have an erection that can be uncomfortable. Ugh, morning wood.
From an early age I remember sleeping naked. My parents tried to put me in pjs but to no avail. I just couldn't sleep with clothing all around me. In the winter, extra blankets do the trick.
i mostly sleep naked unless im ova a friends house then mostly like a tank n shorts but nakie is bestie :)
I cant believe anyone sleeps with clothing on. I hate the way clothing feels against bedding. eeeeeeeehhhwwwwwwwww
as long as i can still stay warm then its cold. doesn't everyone sleep naked?
Only in summer or if I'm ridiculously hot. Otherwise, PJs or whatever I'm wearing when I pass out.
I never really slept naked before. One reason would be that everyone opens my bedroom door without knocking, and also I have a terrible fear of insects touching my bare skin while I sleep... (blankies and clothes make me feel safer)
I sleep with boxers on. I used to sleep in my day clothes until I actually started to give a shit about being comfortable.
sleep nakid any where i was on a camping trip with my friends (mostly girls) and i forgot my sleeping bag so i slept nakid in one of those camping chairs i woke up with one girl gargling my balls one girl licking the head of my dick and one girl stroking my shaft :] and that was the best camping trip ever :D
At home i sleep with pj's on. But when i'm with my gf i sleep in my underwear. She sleeps naked 95% of the time though.
yes always i like the soft blankets on my penis infact its night now and im in my bed naked
Sometimes but I keep rolling over onto my balls. Especially on very warm nights where they just hang all ova da place
I have this fear of small insects, a bed, and me naked. So hell to the no I sleep with PJ's.
yessir! yes i do. i do have 15 pillows made into a fort surrounding my bed and a hole cut in my mattress so that every morning i can wake up and reenact Sinbad
lol i made a for with 30 pillows and i super glued it so it wont collapse and i made a window and every morning i put on my zorro costume (i sleep nakid but the costume is in the fort around my bed) and i have a rope attached to my roof and i swing out the fort window like zorro :D *puts on zorro costume and takes out a sword and slashes a Z on the computer screen* DAMN I DID IT AGAIN
i can't sleep if am not naked in my own room and the door is locked that's why i hate sharing rooms..and a girl
Must have underwear on. I do not like my testicles and penis feeling sensations every time I move.
I can't stand to sleep with long pants/sleeve pieces of clothing on. I sleep in my underwear, a loose sports bra and a tank top on every night. I tried the naked thing once and didn't like it, it felt weird for me. But in no way does that mean it isn't normal. xD People should sleep with whatever they want on (or off!)
i sleep with ym clothes on. you never know when someone is going to walk up to your bed. i sleep with clothes on. never jeans though.unless i am really tired. they hurt my legs when i sleep and always pjs. and maybe a regular soft feeling shirt. most of the time i wear my pjs for the whole day!
How do we not know when someone is going to your to do things their notwhen your at sleep,
Depends... If it's unbarably hot, I'll sleep in nothing but my undies. I usually sleep in a big old shirt and undies.
I used to sleep nude, but I have some skin problem, especially on my legs, so I feel really uncomfortable sleeping without pants on.
I sleep naked unless There are guests over, or I'm at someone else's house. On the coldest nights, I may throw on some socks.
i sleeep in knickers, and braaa, i would sleep naked if i didnt share a room with my sister.. hahaha
I think whatever makes you feel comfortable is what one should do. I prefer sleeping naked because it's more comfortable. Things can just flop where they want without being restricted and with guys getting erections all through the night it's just more comfortable. Boxers at times also.
Sleeping with jacket on in Winter,spring and fall but using short in summer.
I sleep in my bra and underoos on those hot sleepless summer nights. so no I dont sleep naked.
Depends on the time of year, lol. Living in Canada, I always have to wear very thick warm flannel PJ's and like 10 blankets so I don't freeze during the COLD winter nights!! But then summer nights can be hot, so I wear a lot less - pretty much next to nothing, lol.
i always sleep with my boxer on when i was young i always sleep with short on.
i sleep completely naked pretty much every night, did you know one of the stupid old laws says its illegal to sleep nude in Minnesota
It's more comfortable than having clothes that bunch up. I only sleep in clothes on the coldest winter nights, if I'm staying at someone elses house, or if I have guests who I think might come knocking on my door at night. I live with roomates, male and female and I suspect a few of us do. We just cover up before leaving our rooms for the washroom.
I know one friend who can't stand the idea of sleeping naked, but he once woke up to a house fire when he was young, so the idea of being unprepared is what worries him. I've had nights where I've woken up to fire alarms, frighteningly nearby fireworks, or a party in my house, but that's why I leave yesterdays clothes on the floor until I get up.
It varies. I grew up where winters actually got cold and sometimes the ac is a bit too cold. Lately though I've been stripping down.