Do you think america will ever have another presidential assassination?

Will there ever be another JFK?

Yeah 21
No 10
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Comments ( 18 )
  • idolomantis

    I hope not, that shit is freaky to think about.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    id prefer not i dont wanna listen to the nonstop bullshit for months afterwards

    but well just have to wait & see

    the secret service seems to take their jobs pretty seriously when theyre not up to their necks in hookers & blow

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    • Surprised they let JFK ride around in a cabriolet. As the president of the United States, that is basically asking to get shot.

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  • RoseIsabella


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  • Boojum

    I have no idea what sort of a legend this incident has been spun into by Trumpist froot-loops and similar nut-bags, but it was hardly a serious assassination attempt.

    A pathetic little dweeb of a twenty-year-old guy with a history of serious mental health issues tried to take a pistol from a cop at a Trump rally. Completely predictably, the cop realised what he was attempting, didn't let him have the pistol, and he was instantly taken down and piled on by several cops.

    What's more, the guy was a Brit, so the first and only time he had ever fired a firearm was at a firing range the day before, and the person supervising him then said that he was a lousy shot. So even if he had managed to take the Glock from the cop, remembered how to chamber a round and take off the safety in the heat of the moment, and actually taken a pot-shot at Trump, it's unlikely he would have hit his bloated target.

    Two other things you got wrong:

    First, this happened in June 2016. At that point, Trump wasn't even the Republican nominee, never mind President.

    Second, after the guy pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct and being an illegal alien in possession of a firearm (during his time on the range, at which point his visa had expired), he was sentenced to twelve months - not four - in prison. He served eleven months and was then deported to the UK.

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      handgun is harder than it looks to shoot accurately (even more so under stress) and takes lotsa practice

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    • dude_Jones

      Unfortunately, a non-amateur attempt will happen eventually. Someday, we will get a sociopath for Vice President, or a CIA director that takes orders from billionaire interests. Dick Cheney exemplifies what can slip thru vetting processes. Fortunately, he was smart enough to sidestep confrontation and make the clown he was working for, George W, look slightly credible.

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    • Whatintarnation

      Interesting. The only thing is I think cop would already have a round chambered in his Glock. Most people are to dumb to figure out the safety though.

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  • JustAHuman

    Really high security these days. I don't think it will happen. Attempts sure, but a successful one? I don't think so.

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  • Rocketrain

    Being a president or prime minister of a country we think it's the biggest guy in the joint. Not really. Very vunourable. Can't do anything with their own will. Just a puppet.

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  • PurpleHoneycomb

    It's possible. I was suprised it didn't happen at some point last year or early this year.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Most likely

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  • Meowypowers

    Maybe if Trump had won? It is hard to know who the real power brokers are in American politics. Trump was tied to some of the nastiest mobsters as were the Kennedy's.

    The swamp that was supposed to be drained are more of the same people just exchanging positions of power between high levels of government, business, and the law.

    The Carters, Bushs, Clintons, Obamas, Trumps, and Bidens are still alive, so I can't imagine the next wont be also corrupt as well, and won't upset the apple cart so much as to actually get murdered.

    Any assassination of an American curent or former President
    by a foreign entity would result in nuclear war I would imagine, so I am sure it won't take place.

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  • Grunewald

    The odds are, probably. I think America is going to be around for a long time, yet.

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  • RoyyRogers

    Any leader in the public eye is at risk of assassination's. That is why they are given so much security and security forever after. Since this is a very real threat. So yes, another attempt may happen. It is not a guarantee by any means but yes. Also public figures who are causing too much controversy are at high risk of assassinations' attempts. I do believe history recording the assassinations' attempt of Luther King Jr. Though this does not seem to apply to celerity as much.

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  • Tommythecaty

    History is doomed to repeat itself.

    It’s an eventual certainty.

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    Not for a while if at all because there's surveillance everywhere now

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  • idolomantis

    Really? I don’t keep up with politics much honestly, so I had no idea about that. Do you happen to know the name of the person who did that?

    Lol but with unintentional advertising like this shit floating around, I’m not sure why I’m surprised 🤣;

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