Do you think bisexuality is real?

Some people think its fake or its just gays in denial. I disagree with that, being bi myself.

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No 97
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Comments ( 71 )
  • disthing

    Only ignorant people think bisexuality is an invention, the result of greed, indecisiveness or 'a phase'.

    Sexual orientation is a spectrum, so there are those at either end, and those in the middle.

    People can't choose what they find attractive.

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    • Crusades

      People can't choose by themselves because society chooses for them. We are brainwashed into what we are from the very beginning.

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      • MysticLane

        that's not true. attraction is innate

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        • SubstationSubCurb111713

          Is it, though? How many people would be attracted to Bieber or Cyrus from birth and how much of people's attraction to them is learned?

          In this case, I'd be willing to say most of it has to be learned. I'm not saying that sexuality isn't innate, just that attraction might possibly not be so solid that it cannot be swayed by anything else.

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          • MysticLane

            I get your point, a lot of societies view of what is attractive and what isn't is impacted by conditioning by the media, but I still don't think that has anything to do with sexual orientation. &whether society has swayed your view of whats attractive or not you're still gonna be attracted to what your body tells you to be attracted to, even if you don't admit it

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            • SubstationSubCurb111713

              So there is no relation between what societies view as attractive and what individuals who are part of them do?

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  • shuggy-chan

    Sexuality is fluid, so be with who makes you happy

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    • VirgilManly

      Or be happy with whoever makes your fluid.

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      • anti-hero

        But, but, but my transmission fluid is made by casteroil and my brake fluid is made by valvoline... who should I be with?

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        • VirgilManly

          Whoever greases your crankshaft.

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  • People don't realize that bisexuality isn't just liking men and women 50/50, that you can be bisexual and like someone of the same sex more than the opposite sex, same in vice versa.

    So someone that is a guy going for guys more than girls but is still attracted as girls can be seen as gay by someone that is ignorant on the topic, but that's just not the case.

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  • Anime7

    I think it's real yes. One of my good friends has this motto "why not do both?" Honestly if he were gay in denial it would defeat the whole point of the saying. Plus he's dated girls before for long periods of time. Anyways I think bisexuality is real.

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  • Shiroyasha

    I think I understand where the bisexuality disbelief comes from. For many homosexuals in denial, claiming to be "bisexual" is a step or a phase towards their true self. At the same time, heterosexual people seem to believe that if you are tainted as a homosexual, you cannot possibly be into the opposite gender as well.

    I do believe in bisexuality though, yet, as many have written here, I think that there is always a stronger preference. For some people however, this preference can shift over time.

    Regardless of all this, I do dislike how certain people claim to be bisexual just to appear interesting, specially girls who want guys to fantasize them with other girls.

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  • Unimportant

    I think sexuality in general is a hoax.

    Sex is just a government plot, created for the mere reason to distract us from the real problems.

    Don't fuck each other! It's all a conspiracy!

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    • bfus

      Sexuality is just there to distract us from Benghazi

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    I like both. I've been with both. Seems pretty real to me.

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    • yoongies

      have you been in both relationships? for real? how does it feel?

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Yes, it's real. I like both sexes. Though I like men more because I find them more beautiful than women.

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    • PureLikeSnow

      In which sense are men more beautiful?

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      • Cuntsiclestick

        I really can't explain it. I just prefer males.

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  • RearedPyro

    There are thosee who use the bisexual label as a stepping stone before they admit they're fully gay. There are fully straight people.
    Bisexuality is real. If you doubt that then you're a fucking moron.

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  • EccentricWeird


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    • anti-hero

      You do if you don't phrase it as an IIN question.

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      • EccentricWeird

        You're SUPPOSED TO. That's the name of the site. That's the PURPOSE of the site.

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  • Avant-Garde

    Of course, it is real. Have you read the equally ignorant views on Asexuality?

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  • iEatZombies_

    Who cares. If you wanna fuck it, fuck it. If not, don't. Quit worrying about what everyone else screwing, unless that screw is you.

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  • loopoo

    Everyone I know who has claimed to be 'bi' is now totally gay, or straight. It's a phase to me.

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  • CreamPuffs

    Of course there's fucking bisexuality.

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  • Sarahjaynegurl

    I put meat AND vegetables on my plate, and I don't claim to be a vegetarian.

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  • Hikenude

    I appreciate a good looking body on a girl or guy, some Iam attracted to , most not, just because you have a cock don't mean I want it, same with tits and pussy, unless they are nice looking then it probably turns me on

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  • TheArBuilder

    I'm bi myself, so yeah. It does exist! People are just confused by the bi-being, so they say it doesn't exist.

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  • krollman

    It's all about the pleasure thang!

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  • Para-Normal

    Could be wrong, but true bisexuality is impossible. You will find that you're attracted more to one gender than another, even if just a little...

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    • bfus

      You don't have to be attracted to both sexes equally to be bisexual

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      • Para-Normal

        True. I guess I was saying that bisexuality is not an absolute (meaning that if it was , it WOULD BE a split down god middle

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  • scrount

    I wouldn't mind being bi-sexual myself. You get the best of both worlds. It would be great to be able to look at men AND women in the same sense that every straight guy/gal looks at the opposite sex. Sure some you will find that aren't your type, but being attracted to both sexes its not like you would be out of choice. Its like, in my fantasy, having twice as many women in the world around and to choose from.

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  • FireFlower

    Hell yeah. I love my bf and think he's hot and sexy but I also find my friend (girl) hot and sexy.

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    • yoongies

      that's right both sexes were sexy in the best way.., depends on how we see it.

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  • Mr-Myrtos

    In the community were I live there is several guys living alone and they say to be bisexual. Nobody asks them about their sexual options but they care to inform I don't know why!
    I realize talking to them they definitely are gays in denial.
    They say all the time they are straight but they also like to do it with gay guys and than they find they are bi. Otherwise they say to be gay but they like it with straight gays than they think they are gay.
    But here comes the thing. Talking with them in all matters they are pretty gay in their way of thinking, talking about typical guys issues and women as men do talk about women.
    Until today I only found one single guy that for sure he was bi. He had in his head the two options divided as if he had a switch. Incredible thing.
    That switch never found in any other guy claiming to be bi. In my eyes they were all gay guys that did not like to be gay or straight that did not like to be straight and either or both very confused when in came to talk about sex or relationships with both genders.
    In this site I find lots of guys starting post saying they are straight but this or that.
    If you are straight you don't start a post saying to be straight coz to be straight is normal. Rarely someone starts saying to be gay and only gay. Yes there is a few.
    Were I come from regular people does not talk about that. People have the right to be what they want to be and its not an issue. Guys here can get married, adopt children etc.etc.
    By the way...sometimes I feel this days to be bisexual Like all chances of getting sex are open no matter the gender. What matters is to have pleasure no matter with whom.
    What I find all the time is gays in denial. It must be complicated!!!!!

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  • RoseIsabella

    Yes bisexuality is real; I've seen it in the dictionary!

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    • Riddler

      Along with the many other sexuality's they have created a name for this generation.


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      • RoseIsabella

        I knew a guy who used to use the word "lesbionic" all the time.

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  • GreyWulfen

    Bisexuality IS real, no matter what you 'think' it is.

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  • Karmasbitch

    of course its real. in the age of information, i am surprised there are still such horribly naive people 'round every corner.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    Of course. There are all sorts of sexualities. Why wouldn't bisexuality be real?

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  • bananapie

    Hell yeah it is!

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  • Couman

    Definitely. It's monosexuality I have doubts about.

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  • handsignals

    I don't know if it's real but it would be pretty cool, double the eye candy.

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  • Frozen_Stair

    By the way, I meant to vote "Yes" but accidentally clicked "No." *embarrassed*

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  • kingofcarrotflowers

    I was just about to comment that no-one could surely not believe in it then.........

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  • thegypsysailor

    No, it's not real. Those that are labeled bisexual are just so horny that they don't care who (or what) they have sex with. Wanton sluts.

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    • Cuntsiclestick

      Can't tell if you're being serious or sarcastic.

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      • thegypsysailor

        Wantonly unserious, thanks for all the thumbs down. So nice to see IIN member have such a great sense of humor.

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        • Cuntsiclestick

          Okay then. I apologize for my confusion.

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      • I think he is being sarcastic. Even then, if they didn't care about who they have sex with just because they want sex, that is still classified as bisexuality.

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        • disthing

          I think some would reclassify that as pansexual, since it's broader than just male or female.

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          • Or may other sexualities...Beastiality...Pedophilia...Incest...

            Uh oh. Lol.

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            • GreyWulfen

              These are not sexual orientations, but fetishes or philias.

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          • That's true, fits more in to it.

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        • Cuntsiclestick

          Oh okay. Thanks.

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  • Riddler

    Considering how many people have said they are bisexual and later choose a side I think it means your sexually confused. A lot of people say they are bi and eventually pick a side. If it is real most of the people claiming to be bisexual are not really into both. I think a lot of people claim to be bisexual since they don't want to feel guilty about choosing another side.

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    • Wolverine99

      i'm with you. it's definitely possible to be bisexual, but having a dick in your ass while your making out with a girl is just nasty for everyone. what i mean is: after like the age of 21 they should decide what they want: boys or girls. it's just common courtesy.

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    • bfus

      Sexual attraction isn't a choice, it isn't possible for someone to pick who they are attracted to.

      Lots of people who are bisexual are not equally attracted to both sexes. Some people are sexually attracted to both sexes but only romantically attracted to one sex. Most people automatically assume someone is heterosexual if they are in an opposite sex relationship, and homosexual if they are in a same sex relationship. That isn't always the case.

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      • Riddler

        So you are saying people are not free to love who they wish? Very narrow minded of you. We should have a choice of who we choose to date. Be it male or female and its incredibly close minded that you think you can dictate who people get to love.

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        • bfus

          I am not saying that at all, of course people are free to love who they wish. We can't choose who we are attracted to, but we can definitely choose who we form relationships with and who we have sex with

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          • yoongies

            but what exactly the reason why people get attracted to both sexes, if they can just choose one? because two is better than one, isn't it?

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            • bfus

              Well, when I see Tricia Helfer, I don't choose to get a boner. It just happens, no matter what I do. I'm attracted to her, even though I never chose to be.

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  • Crusades

    For all you morons who claim to support the LGBT community, i think you don't realize that when you say that sexuality is fluid, you do nothing but give a slap to the face to gay people and everything they stand for. Because most gay people claim that you are born that way and you can't change what you are. So, who the fuck is right in the end?

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    • zenparadox

      fluid not in the sense of changing at will fluid in the sense that there is a spectrum for orientatation along which there are infinite points, & the terms gay and "straight" & even bisexual should be used more for communication purposes (fitting a label to you for the purpose of describing part of your identity) rather than worrying about fitting yourself to the label. In the end it is what it and you are what you are no matter what you call it, if you don't worry about what you call it and have an identity crisis everytime it doesn't fit perfectly. Since the spectrum is full of infinite points and only a few labels people have crises when they don't fit a label, but their point along the spectrum is just as real no matter who likes it, those at either end. We might all do better if we must label to accept that this spectrum is there and identify by far left, along the middle, etc. But myself, I prefer descriptive phrases over any labels, thathat's really owning your unique orientation. Such as I am attracted to Susan, I like the man with the short brown hair, I dream of cock, I enjoy watching women dance, etc.

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