Do you think blood is sexy?
Hell yeah | 549 | |
No | 965 | |
maybe? | 271 |
Ask Your Question today
Hell yeah | 549 | |
No | 965 | |
maybe? | 271 |
i say it depends on how u see it
if it is slowly dripping down from a small cut then it is sumwat sensual in my opinion. if it is gushing out from a stab or exploding from being amputated in sum form then it is gross
Only when it comes from a girls vagina!!!!
**cough sarcasm cough cough**
Do you find it sexy.. If you were drenched in blood while having sex?
To me.. yes. So, there's my answer.
agh, you must be that one kid at school who is planning to bring a gun and shoot it up.
jesus, get help... and alot of it
i think blood can be sexy when portrayed in an artful manner on someone, whether it's real or not. however, the movie/art feel of blood takes the edge of the fact it's really blood for me so maybe real blood is a no-go. but it looks desirable and haunting, if that's not too weird (cuz most people seem to think it's strange--but im with you in a way!)
It can be sexy. Forinstance the first time you take the virginity of your long time girlfriend and take you relationship to the next level.
Depends, depends.
If you're a Twitard or a teenager who loves vampire manga in general, the view of blood covered on a smexy guy/girl is probably going to turn you on. Those entertainment medias tend to showcase these kind of things. (Plus, weren't there those American shows on Vampires anyways?)
Now if your view of blood is someone who just got hit by the car, flying 50 feet off the ground, covered in blood where their arteries are spewing plasma... Well yes, that would be traumatizing and horrible.
For me, "maybe" (since I'm heavily influenced on manga. Lol.)
For people who are squeamish, "No way in hell."
I love vampires (not the stupid Twilight shit) I love it when my husband wears his Vampire teeth and has blood (fake of course) on him. he only does tht for me n the bedroom ;) turn on for me!
Yea. I would love my boyfriend to drink my blood. I might even try hes. And no I don't like Twilight. Its just something that occurs to me now and again. Like stitching my pussy up.
Blood per se?? No. Never got hard watching a girl bleed from a cut.
Menstrual blood?? Hell yeah.
Opposite of sexy, expect with, Count Dracula, who has a lot of sexual energies.
ahh blood is nasty i hate myself whenever i'm on the rag i feel gross :/
Yep, I have a blood fetish so I have to say hell yeah. Of course, the chance of disease is a bit scary. A sea of blood would be epic. I love fresh blood the best. The look of it, the feel of it, the smell of it, the taste of it. I dislike vampires though. It's the appearance and feel of blood that I love the most.
when my boyfriend got into a fight and his lip and hand was all bloody, that's when he was the sexiest to me. its almost like seeing them bleed their own blood makes you realize they're vulnerable
lol vampire ;D well i dont think it is but i guess if it's in small amounts and in a sorta dark vampireish or supernatual demon way i could see hwo someone would like it.
Wrong place to post such thing.... Please post it on "IS IT NORMAL (for vampires only)"
yes, yes it is..... i also have a thing for the sexy, sweaty action movie kinda stuff.... and blood like in a fight and your arm gets cut or grazed by a bullet... OMG makes me go crazy!!!!!!!
perhaps because of my profession, i hold no issues with blood but find it quite lovely.
Sick Yanks. Do you think blood is sexy.....what kind of sick society do you all live in.!!!!!!!
when my man has come back from slaughtering something and is covered in blood. . . BIG turn on!
Incredibly. It is life, love, passion, all of those things, but not really when coming from a vagina, it's quite unpleasant. The colour of blood is sexy, blood on pale skin on a winter day is sexy, blood from cuts borne out of passion or grief or longing is sexy. I agree with margeriewise and Bellabora, blood is sexy.
It depends. I was once with a guy, things got rough, necks were bitten, blood was drawn, by accident. Not drinking it, per se, but the sight of it made evrything more hot and heavy :P
Jus sayin'.
yes. if my girlfriend had some blood on her hand and she licked it off in a sexy way I would ask her for SEX!!!! lol it would be a turn on though. period blood too!!!
I. Can stand looking at blood and tending to it but for me blood isn't sexy.Its a part of life everyone needs and has.No sexiness about it whatsoever
I know blood is supposed to be a symbol of passion and stuff like that, but more from an artistic point of view and not in real life.
My boyfriend and I both love blood. He's impartial to the taste but sight and feel of it he loves. I love everything about it. We both love all the things it symbolizes, particularly the sadomasochism of it. It's not normal to sexualize blood, but it's perfectly acceptable as long as you take safety precautions and all parties involved are consenting.
menstrual blood? you guys are fucking disgusting, its not when you drag a razor across a girls back (thats consenting of course)
everyone knows chicks dig scars. if you injure yourself while skating it looks sexy, also ever noticed how when a guy injures himself or got into a fight and is all bloody and stuff they get attention from all the chicks there's your answer
Not that I think about it, blood may be the only thing that I DON'T find that bad?
Sometimes. Depends what mood I'm in.
Dark, red, metallic blood rolling down a neck...
Like beauty lies in the eye of the beholder,I suppose so does the conception of normality.
I had a boyfrfiend who liked to bite people, but Im not much into blood.
Not really for me... But I can understand and accept anyone who does think it is!! It's kind of unheard of and wrong to think that, which makes some people want to like it more... Also it's red, so it gets people's hearts beating a little faster than normal. =]
The blood that I expell out of my vagina every month could be described as anything BUT sexy. xP Yuck!
Interesting.I personally don`t see blood as "Sexy" ,but I guess i could see how some people veiw it as that.
Blood is an eccence, a medicine and a element[almost]. It means life fighting, loss, freedom, ancestory, relatives and Death. I personally don`t like it because of its texture and causes, but if the previos is veiwed as "Sexy" I guess it`s fine [or if your an homicidal, suicidal or twilight maniac]
Hope this Helps.
If your having sex in blood that fills good while kissing! I love sex oh and heres my secret I'm not a virgin. Lol haha lots of boys come on to me in playboy magazine! Its true I'm hot thats my comment!