Do you think dogs are equal to humans

Do you treat your dog like a human? Is he as important as the humans you know?

Yes, equal 50
No, humans are more important 29
No, humans are way more important 26
No, Dogs are more important (I'm a dog) 24
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Comments ( 20 )
  • sega31098

    In the eyes of the ecosystem, ALL animals (including humans) are equal.

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    • NorthernStar

      But dogs are not part of the ecosystem because they were creted by man, not nature.

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  • No. I think that a dog is a man's best friend is a good line, though. I treat my dog nicely, and just like if someone done harm to a human I like, I would react to someone doing something negative to my dog.

    Humans are superior, but dogs helped us in our early stages of humanity, so we owe them.

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  • anti-hero

    Yes, humans and dogs are both animals.

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  • Dad

    There was a story in the news today how someone was able to keep living his life because of his dog.
    Obviously dogs do become 'family members' to many.
    As for cats, damn selfish felines, they'd rather claw you to death than help you. My cat constantly taunts my dog, there is no other word for my CAT other than bitch (ironically)

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    • Moonbow

      There are stories that the earth is flat, but that doesn't make them true. If some SOB couldn't live without some POS dog, then the world would be better off without him!

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      • Dad

        Yes but that man and his dog story was true.
        Whereas the Earth is flat is not true.

        Anyway, is one of those 'suicidal' type issues and his loving dog somehow made him want to continue living, of course! I suppose that's good but any excuse would have done.
        Mind you, it has been scientifically stated (as true) that owning a pet when you're older (very old) can help you not go mad, and stop loneliness. So I suppose there are some good points here.

        Anyway, a dog saved his life. What a loser! LOL :D
        I think we should kill his dog just to make a point! (Jks)

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    The more I think about it, the more alike humans and dogs seem to be. We're both animals, predators, creatures that can be trained, used, multiplied and enslaved. There are good dogs that do good for others and are loyal and respectful and there are bad dogs that harm others and like humans, it is often to be blamed on the way they were brought up.

    I see them as deserving my respect, and as equal valued lives in their own way but I'm far less likely to sacrifice my life for a dog then for, say, a child. I love dogs and I don't care as much for people because dogs are awesome but I don't see them as more important than humans. No idea why.

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    • 800imawesome

      Dogs even build little "communities" that we just call packs.

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  • shuggy-chan


    (I wish human would take a lesson from us dogs)

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    • Moonbow

      Yeah, wouldn't it be nice if humans started sticking their noses in each others asses, licking their own asses, shitting all over the place, eating shit, wallowing on dead things, and chasing down and killing any livestock or wild animal they possibly can.

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      • 777electric

        I think some people here do enough of that already, see "vulgar" section.

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    • VioletTrees

      Don't get me wrong, dogs are fine. Some dogs are quite nice. That's something I've heard people say before, though, and I don't know what you mean. What is it that dogs are supposed to know that we don't? I mean, I guess they know a lot about what stuff smells like, but I doubt that's what you're talking about. Is it kindness or something? Because dogs aren't particularly kind to each other. They don't have war or nuclear weaponry, but it's not because they know better. It's because they have no concept of how to make guns and bombs, and even if they did, they wouldn't be able to use them because they don't have opposable thumbs.

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      • shuggy-chan

        have you seen them hump each other, that love man

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        • VioletTrees

          Hahaha, A+.

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    • VioletTrees

      Yeah, we could learn to shit on the floor and yell at each other all night.

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      • anti-hero

        I don't need a dog to teach me that. Around here we call that Tuesday.

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  • westoptic

    Dogs are better than humans. They have more humanity than we do.

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  • Moonbow

    What a dumbassed question! Dogs aren't even natural creatures, that is, God or nature didn't create them. They were created by man and that is the reason that they are filthy and defective. They eat human shit, wallow on dead things, sniff each other's asses. And they're murderers! Unlike the wolves from which they are descended that only kill for food or out of fear, dogs will chase down and kill chickens, baby lambs, goats, etc. just for the fun of it because they love hearing them cry in pain as they rip them apart. And all this crap about them being "man's best friend" is garbage. A dog is loyal to the person who feeds it. That's why a person can own a dog for years and the dog is loyal to that person and he can give it away and the dog will be just as loyal to the next person. It's all about survival with dogs. They have no sense of loyalty, but most humans are too G#@@!^& stupid to see that. A dog is the lowest form of life on earth -- way below cockroaches and you ask if they're equal to humans. You are one sick fucker!

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    • westoptic

      Go take your meds, grandpa.

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