Do you think homer simpson is a good or bad person?

Overall, would you say that Homer Simpson is a good, or bad individual?

Good 23
Bad 15
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Comments ( 11 )
  • BarakaBrat

    Good. He's very flawed, but he means well.

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    • LloydAsher

      Strangling his own son? Irl he would be in prison for child abuse.

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  • BatterMilk

    From what I've seen he is oblivious to many things. To a point where he doesn't even know if what he's doing is right or wrong most of the time.

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  • I honestly don't think he has the mental capacity to judge him in that way but I haven't watched the Simpsons in a long time..

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  • sillygirl77

    He's Not a person, he's a drawing in a cartoon

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  • Somenormie


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  • RoseIsabella

    Homer Simpson is really just a moron more than anything else.

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  • bigbudchonger

    When it's crunch time he does the right thing but when it's not he does the wrong thing.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Doesnt show up for work, is lazy, eats too much, drinks too much. Id say hes a bad person.

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  • What a philosophical question

    As it's been said, he doesn't even understand his actions or of those around him. He thinks the nicest guy in the world is a jack ass, for example, really only because he's jealous of Ned, and as he's written he's likely not to understand this even if he sat down with a therapist

    So in his mind, in his reality, his perception of reality, he's bound to be "a good guy"

    But to the ones observing his behaviors and decisions, he's too stupid to even understand how what he does is/could be bad

    Like when he became so fat so he could work at home. All he thought about was putting on more weight so he didn't have to go into work. In his mind, they were good and right actions. Not even by the end of it when he became a plug for a nuclear explosion did he admit it was a bad idea. He just lost the weight for consistency.

    There are lots of people like this too. Maybe not as transparently or superficially stupid, but they could fuck one thing up after another and there's no accountability for them, or those who hear a snippet of information and jump on a bandwagon of dissent, there's no reasoning someone out of hate like that

    So I mean objectively, even if we tone some of his things down to make them more realistic, he's not really a good person. He just has good intentions. It takes more than that to be a good person. What really makes all of it bad is that he's written as a lowest common denominator.

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  • Curiouskitten444

    Dumb guy

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