Do you think humans will coexist peacefully with robots in the future?

the Human race has made some amazing leaps and bounds in science and technology this past century. In the future, do you think we'll be able to create such sophisticated Artificial Intelligence that Robots and Cyborgs will become members of society? Or do you think that's just a bunch of Sci-Fi crap?

robots and humans WILL coexist peacefully. 27
robots and humans will exist, but WILL NOT coexist peacefully. 12
truly intelligent robots will NEVER exist. 22
robots WON'T exist during our lifetime, but perhaps in the future. 26
robots will eventually TERMINATE the human race. 17
robots will become the lower, "Minority Class" of society. 18
OTHER (explain?) 12
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Comments ( 24 )
  • jasonapple

    Robots are scary, they will come into fashion and people will have to have a seat on the train for their robot. Imagine a robot coming up to you and starting a conversation.

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  • Dricey

    Building a robot to emulate a person to the extent of requiring "peaceful coexistence" is pointless.

    See: Blade Runner.

    Why the hell would you spend millions of dollars making a robot that is so like a person that you can only distinguish between them by cutting them open or using an expensive and complex device?

    It's cheaper to make a person than a person-shaped robot so any robots that get produced will be produced to do a specific job. No need for "coexistence", they're fucking machines.

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  • Fleabitten2

    Hmmm...interesting question.

    I think AIs [robots, cyborgs, mechanical persons?] will at first be a subjugated underclass. Then perhaps they will become more integrated in society with organizations fighting for their rights.

    Then hopefully we will all live in relative peace. I can see a future where the relations between organic people and mechanical people is like the relations between the races nowadays--mostly peaceful, but with the occasional idiot doing/saying something cruel.

    I think this because as intelligent robots are created, they will at first seem scary; therefore, people will try to subjugate them. I can just imagine stupid religious groups saying that robots are somehow inferior to "God's natural creation" or something.

    But as technology advances, robots will become more and more like humans; therefore, humans will become more accepting of them.

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  • SassyFrassyLassie_old

    We are organic robots.

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  • woodoggy

    This is a good poll. I'm assuming that most people are going to vote that robots will destroy us all, because it's trendy and quirky to say so. Sometimes I wish that people would take this issue more seriously.

    If this question intrigues you, I would recommend reading certain work by Issac Asimov or Phillip K. Dick because they both wrote good literature on this subject.

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    • DaftDave

      yea, but we don't have three laws protecting us, or five or however many R.Daneel Olivaw added to the original laws. If AI ever comes about, we have no idea what will happen, hence the expression "technological singularity". If the Bots see us as different, and themselves as better, we could be pretty boned. we are, as agent smith so elegantly put it, "a disease, a virus".

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  • QuadriplegicLeaf

    Smart robots will realize that humans like to get rid of any threats before they become a problem. In this case people will be scared of robots because of their sheer intelligence that makes them dwarf the humans capabilities. The minds robots made to be a part of society, would be based off of the human mind. Robots will see humans as a threat, and may isolate themselves from us. They may try to get rid of humans just like we would try to.

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  • CheekyChihuahua

    It would be stupid to make a robot that was capable of emotions or exactly like a human or anything like that. There shouldn't be any real need for coexistence.

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  • UliNalaMansae

    we already have robots, and run the world?! im sorry, this is real life and not a sci fi movie, unless we give them a software that enables them to make their own choices and a sudden desire to take over the world i think we're fine.

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  • MrSillyPants

    I don't think humans will be around long enough to find out.

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  • I coexist with my Roomba and we get along pretty great!

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    Of course! There'll probably be a few wars, maybe some nuclear explosions in there, but that's what countries do, right? I'm sure we'll get along at one point.


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  • Legion

    eventually,at least some of them. They may even become divided amongst themselves as we humans are. Well, that is, when they gain our intellegence. they will have to develop feelings though, so they can see the world the way we do. A logical robot might see us as a threat, and try to kill us. Untill they gain real intellegence though, they will be simply tools to us, that we could manipulate in any way.

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  • Sickle

    'Robots WON'T exist during our lifetime, but perhaps in the future'

    Good job, robots already exist/

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  • Uzzie101

    Do any of you think humans will coexist peacefully with humans in the future?

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  • Chuntress

    Adam and Shaun are having an indepth conversaton about this now, it's getting rather heated... It's getting a little too deep for me now. :\ Shaun's main argument seems to be "nothing is impossible" Adam's argument mainly consists of words I can't spell... I don't even think that they are talking about robots anymore

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  • Xer

    They will live peacefully. But let's not forget they will be used in war too.
    So they will kill.

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    In the futer they will be something new that we cannot comprehend.

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  • yellowchalk

    I think humans are so cocky of themselves that they would make robots the 'minority class' and they would do all the dirty work, and there would be people who are extremely 'racist' towards robots, but some people (like me) would actually appreciate them

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  • emilio

    you watch too much tv

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  • deepthought33

    I chose that we'll live peacefully with them but what I'm really thinking is that both sides would have to have TRUE emotion to be something like "peaceful".
    Also, they may not walk among us like you might imagine them to, but we have robots all over the place.

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  • Mrtreakle

    Is the robots turn gay we will have to exterminate them ir become suceptible to orbit aids

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    • Legion

      I dont think their deseases will make us sick, unless a human disease just happens to be on them and you get in contact with it. A germ or virus probably would not be able to live on the robot's cold body for long.

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  • Mastersash

    We already do... it's called a hybrid. Whatup now, bitches?

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