Do you think it's okay to fly the confederate flag?
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Nope | 18 |
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Yes, do you think it's okay to do that?
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Nope | 18 |
Why do Americans jerk eachother off so hard about being the biggest bystander pussies I’ve ever see
“ Freedom of speech ! Do what you want ! It’s a free country ! I stand for nothing ! uwu “
If you wave an enemy flag in Russia you will have your organs taken - and that’s how it should be
In your own backyard or car? Why not.
I'd go a step further and say having a nazi flag waving around is just as acceptable.
You can fly whatever flag you want. It's a free country. Those who want to destroy and remove said flags from peoples lawns have more in common with the nazis than the probable troll flying it.
Funny how the democrat party founded by Andrew Jackson whos responsible for the trail of tears and then the democrat party created the confederacy then the kkk and jim crow. but its perfectly ok to vote for their party because "the party changed" but according to the ones in this historically racist party the flag can never change. I find it ironic when they are part of the party that created that flag. That is their flag.
Flying a confederate flag, to me, would seem like saying thumbs up to racism and slavery against blacks which is sick and wrong.
Honestly I wouldnt assume such a thing. If they had a Gadstens flag along side of it would mean they value state rights. As it's a flag of independent states... with the main issue during the time being slavery, a modern application of the flag is state rights and less federal control.
If they have a kkk flag with it then yes they are a racist.
Its just the souths flag really no one in 2021 agrees with slavery. But it is the coolest looking flag there is and yall are just jealous that you dont have a cool flag for your own area. I love America but the US flag is hideous. I still rock the US flag more but the rebel flag is also really cool.
On the Jan 6 riots, didn't the proud boys, oath keepers, KKK, etc fly the confederate flag? I don't think they would object to slavery of blacks to be reinstated.
I can assure you the proud boys would not agree with slavery lol. I use to listen to the podcast of the founder of the proudboys Gavin McCinese who I agreed with almost everything he said. His rhetoric was not even "far right". Basically the traditional "the country would be better off have less crime if women stayed home and raised the kids". They became well known for showing up to antifa rallies and beating them up.
Mentioning the KKK is like mentioning the black panthers. Maybe a few old grandpas are out there with robes like a few black panthers are out there but its not really an organization anymore.
Honestly it's a pretty ugly flag.
Now a flag that I wish was real is the free states flag from fallout 76. Now that's a seperationist flag that I can get behind.
Im not sure why one would fly a flag of that variety unless you believe in what it stands for. I wouldnt put a pride flag in the front of my house if I thought being gay was a sin.
Fly whatever flag you like. It doesn't mean you'll get a positive reception, nor are you entitled to one.
Yes and no. i certainly wouldn't fly one. the stars and bars doesn't represent my values. however i don't care if others do. we have a 1st amendment for a reason.
I really don't care what kind of flag someone has on their property. It's none of my business.
It depends what area you are in. Where I live its common to see. But I have had a tshirt with the flag on it before and forgot I had it on and went to a lowes in the wrong area and was wondering why everyone kept staring at me.