Do you think its strange that i'm a math major and artistic?

Im a math major and im the best at math amongst all of my friends. I am also the most creative and artistic as well. This combo shouldn't normally work. I am brilliant with math, yet I write, draw and think of ideas that no one would ever dream of. Is that a normal combo?

Voting Results
68% Normal
Based on 93 votes (63 yes)
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Comments ( 18 )
  • Dywiann

    This is brilliant! Keep the good connection of art&science...

    Just look at Leonardo daVinci ;)

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  • FranticGenius

    Yes, it's awesome, I am super at maths and very creative too!

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  • KaffeInjection

    Of course it's normal. You are "Creative"... That's fine, allthough i hate math i can only say.. YOU GO GIRL!

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  • Millie_the_evil_saint

    You're just like me! :-)

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  • frakenchoots

    Geometry fewl

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    Many artist in the past were good at math.

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  • neuronarf

    Totally normal, plenty of scientists and mathematicians find pleasure in the hobby. For as much emphasis is put on the spirituality and emotion of art, it's more about being rational and precise in drawing exactly what you see. I read once that "If you drew it wrong, you were seeing it wrong". My dad is a mechanical engineer, he's never talked about his artistic ability but when he draws things they are very spot on a anatomically correct.

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  • lufa

    people were always trying to pigeon-hole me, but I was great at sports, science, the humanities and arts.

    actually above average people tend to be good at a lot of things

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    The best Math teacher I ever had was also a musician and recording artist. The worst Math teachers I have ever had were only really exclusively good at Math.

    My husband is also artistic and very good at Math, that son of a bitch. Me? I reject my artistic side because I find it to be worthless, but in the truest sense of myself, I artistic and piss poor at Math so I hope to God, genetics and sheer luck that our children inherit the best of the both of us, lest they end up being poor at writing and spelling (like my husband) AND being poor at Math (like me).

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  • dappled

    My mother and sister are artistic, my grandfather and dad were scientific/mathematical. I got both sides of it. People have occasionally thought it was weird and occasionally I've been told that people "are only supposed to be able to do one thing". Kind of ridiculous.

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  • SuperBenzid

    I am the same so it sure seems normal to me.

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  • Latecia

    Its very rare thing.usualy people are good only in one of the thing.math is logical thinking, artistic is irrational and diff part of brain. people with this combination might become successful. iam artistic, good at drawing,design,photography,dancing, but no good with, talking,soc. interacting,and math is horor for me.i was considered 'primitive' by people with who i worked in shop during school years, as i couldnt i must have some math disorder probably as mother has the same.

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  • NoraBaker

    I know a very talented mathematician who is extremely artistic. Sounds normal and very familiar to me. ;)

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  • Energy

    I don't see anything wrong with that. I wish I was good at math as well. But I actually have some math disorder apperntley. Got myself tested.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    No. Sounds like you're just good at two different things. You should be pround of yourself. I wish I was good at math.

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    • lufa

      math is easy, anyone can learn it as long as you have a good teacher.

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    • Anime7


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  • GrumpyCat


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