Do you think modern gadgets are making us more superficial?

Leave your reasons for your yes/no choice please :)

Yes 44
No 15
Yes and No 17
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Comments ( 10 )
  • Anime7

    Have the latest apple product and you're cool, that's the common mentality of most consumers. I'm not too big on technology but I do believe that people are becoming a lot more superficial due to it. We become too dependent on machines to do the tasks that we're too lazy to do ourselves. Furthermore we also become impatient because we have to have everything done quick. I don't hate technology just the effect it has on people.

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  • Shackleford96

    Yes, I do. Especially cell phones and texting.

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    Well when you go online and you have to worry about someone laughing at you for having the wrong browser I think so. When you go to school and have to worry about being beaten up since you do not have an IPOD probobly. When cell phones are being pushed to 8 year olds you better believe the only kid without it is going to be laughed at. So yes! Absolutely YES!

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  • thinkingaboutit

    Well, I think they are making the masses stupider.

    Including myself.

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  • Crudhouse

    Only crap that makes you text what you're doing every 5 mins

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  • Corleone

    I mostly hate modern gadgets since they're so distracting. Nothing annoys me more than people who text non stop while they're in company.

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  • myownopinions

    Yes and no. I think it has a lot to do with the person to. They can choose to let the new technology rule their lives and become shallow people, or they can use modern gadgets as necessities and/or occasional recreational fun. Having modern gadgets alone isn't enough to make anyone superficial.

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  • suckonthis9

    Eventually, (in about 550 years), Humans will figure out how to automate virtually every aspect of our lives. Most of us will become entirely dependent on these 'gadgets'. What will you do with your days then? Food for thought.

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  • Ihadtomakeyetanotheraccountffs

    I think it's more to do with this culture (or lack of culture) than anything.

    Technology can be positive or negative, it depends on what humans do with it.

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    • DudeDownDaRoad

      I never understood the saying lack of culture. A shitty culture is still culture, some people in africa are cannibals, but its still culture. Are you the Culture police? What is culture anyways?

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