Do you think the coronavirus is the start of a new era?

How I see it, the year 2020 marked the beginning of a new era. What do you think?

Yep, definitely new era 21
Don't know 9
Nope, still same era 7
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Comments ( 15 )

    Indeed. I actually got something in the mail that was trying to scare me into getting the vaccine. I laughed so hard as I read that propaganda. Time's are changing, and not for the better. People need to wake up, and stop letting all this fake news, propaganda, and fear mongering tell them how to behave, or how to live. This is about control, not saving lives. Yet millions of people around the world just bend over, and let "Big brother" fuck them in the ass. When the same people who are telling you to stay home, or it's not safe for you to get a hair cut, or see your dying relatives, etc, are all getting caught doing exactly that, you'd think more would wake up to smell the rose's. But no, they just bend over even more. Ever notice when people start calling out the politicians bullshit, Kung Flu comes back for another round, and then the "Number's" get out of control, that's all that is talked about, and lockdowns come back, and they take away our "Rights", until people stop asking them about their bullshit? "If you behave, maybe we will let you go out to eat,or go to the movies again". Same concept with taking away a misbehaving child's toy. I'm ranting now, sorry. But to answer your question, yes, I believe so.

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    • Yeah. Corona might actually just be a scapegoat to shift attention from the elite.

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      • ZREBELX


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    • litelander8

      You’re really doing it for me now!

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  • litelander8

    Again, I will continue to say, the fact that people actually think their neighbors should be arrested over a vaccine is disgusting.

    The CDC is literally funded by Bill Gates and the clintons. Everyone should look up bill gates before he started his “foundation”. He was in tremendous trouble over his funded science experiments.

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    • Sanara

      I have taken the vaccine (first dose), and it turned out fine. But I don't support that people should get actual penalties for not wanting to take one. I still think people should get to decide over their own body (and vaccine plays into that), even if it would be beneficial if the majority took it. And honestly, I really dont care who made it as long as its safe and works

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  • Tommythecaty

    It would’ve been getting worse regardless, virus or not. The closing of the 20th century was the starting of this “new age” you’re thinking of. The rise of the internet, along with corrupt over saturated media. Those born afterwards will grow up seeing it as normalcy, unwittingly the direct cause of a bleak future indeed.

    Here’s Tommy with the weather 😎

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    • Actually, I'd say the modern age started with the fall of the Berlin wall and the end of the cold war around 30 years ago. And more people are starting to distrust the media.

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      • Tommythecaty

        The Cold War was the epitome of nothing. Most pre internet history has been washed over and really amounted to both jack and shit. Those that don’t trust the media trust in the echo chambers on the net, they’re no different.

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  • raisinbran

    Yeah, it's the beginning of the era of the 1% killing the rest of us like cockroaches.

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    Actually yes I keep thinking this. It's like a completely new era

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I just hope the next little virus that comes around like the H1N1 they dont shut down earth

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    • Yeah, I think that was a mistake. They shouldn't have freaked-out like they did.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        I get the initial freakout but its gone on way too long. The virus isnt a mystery anymore.

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        • SwickDinging

          They keep moving the goal posts.

          Thankfully I don't live in the UK anymore, but I was amazed at how the narrative over there changed. First it was stop the spread, then it was keep the numbers down to not overwhelm the NHS, then it was stop the spread again, then they started closing down again just for rises in cases... No shit there are going to be rises in cases when you lift a lock down. What do you expect? And now that everyone in the UK is fully vaxxed, and those vaccines are proving to actually reduce your chance of being hospitalized or dying, why the fuck wouldn't you just lift all the restrictions? Once most people are vaccinated you have done everything that can, surely?

          Australia is bad for this as well. We seem to need a lock down every time there is a new case. Just hurry the fuck up and vaccinate everyone and then open it all up and say a little prayer. We can't live like this forever, it's insanity.

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