Do you truely believe that christmas is jesus' birthday?
YES | 13 | |
NO | 43 | |
I just care about the gifts/free stuff | 10 | |
I don't believe in JESUS | 9 |
Ask Your Question today
YES | 13 | |
NO | 43 | |
I just care about the gifts/free stuff | 10 | |
I don't believe in JESUS | 9 |
While I believe in Jesus, it has been proven that he would have been born sometime in June or July.
Otro mito cristiano . Si lo miras en el cristianismo , encontrará casi todo lo que se basa es ficción , comenzando con Adán y Eva , no importa alguna entidad hizo los cielos y la tierra en 6 días. Por favor.
If it wasn't for the frenzy of gift buying for Christmas the entire economy of the western world would collapse.
It's been proven various ways that Jesus could not have been born on December for various reasons. He was probably born in September.
The reason why Christmas on the 25th of December is it was the last day of The Feast of Saturnalia. It was a very violent pagan feast so the Roman Emporer at the time decided to make December 25th the last day of the feast to celebrate Christs birthday as a cooling off day and the revelers could continue to party as Christians.
it wasn't really officially listed. holidays need to be spaced out though so he decided 25th was practical.
Well, i think it's Jesus's Earth birthday. Because God sent him down to earth. So Jesus is born way before Christmas. At least that's how I think it should be.
Another christian myth. If you really look into christianity, you'll find almost everything that it is based upon is fiction, starting with Adam and Eve, never mind some entity making the heavens and earth in 6 days. Please.
I'm sorry! :( I feel like a horrible person for being an unbeliever. But how can a HUMAN be completely without sin? Even God makes mistakes. Like when he invented us ╭(•⌣•)╮