Do you trust humans or animals more?

What tends to be your line of thinking? Keep in mind there is always a reason a person thinks the way they do so no judgment on this question please.

Humans, of course. 4
Animals, of course. 21
For me it depends on the human and the animal. 17
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Comments ( 21 )
  • dirtybirdy

    "I'm suspicious of people who don't like dogs, but I trust a dog when it doesn't like a person".

    -Bill Murray

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    • I like all animals. Not just dogs but all animals.

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      • dirtybirdy

        So do I, but that's a good and true quote. I am a bird, after all.

        Cluck cluck.
        Caw caw.
        Gobble gobble.
        And so on...

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        • The saying every dog is good is not true. Just like any animal you get good and bad dogs and it is not always the owner that is at fault. Even a well trained dog can turn for the worst.

          It does not mean I hate dogs because I don't but rather than you can get good or bad examples of any animal. Sometimes when animals get sick for example it affects their behaviour.

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          • dirtybirdy

            Oh, don't I know it! One of my dogs is the sweetest thing, but she has issues with barking at everyone. She means no harm, but my ex would never correct her when she did that. She (the dog) was such a daddy's girl and that hindered her progression to being a better girl. Not her fault, but crikey, my ex was such a pushover when it came to doggie discipline and now I'm paying for it. Blah! But I still love her to death and have been working on the issue .

            My other dog is a prick and that's my fault for not socializing him properly. He hates everyone, so i cant fully trust his judgement. My fault, like I said.

            And my parents had a dog, a very sweet, big Rottie, and he got the cancer of the brains. He turned on us and it was so sad :( but not his fault. To this day i miss that doggo, after 13 years :(

            Edit...pardon the long ass reply shit. I'm a wee bit intoxicated at the moment so im feeling rather chatty:D

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            • That is the thing. You need to correct dogs when they are young. Yeah, sometimes dogs can turn on you and you don't know why but any animal can.

              My sister has a dog. A white German shepherd. Very nice and well behaved dog.

              Oh and the reply is fine. :)

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    • RoseIsabella

      Meow meows!

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  • Anonnet

    I distrust humans and animals equally. I was going to vote Animals, since they're less likely to be carrying a switchblade... but then I realized no they aren't.

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  • xfg-48

    I trust both when they are physically restrained and wearing a muzzle.

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  • geek_god_101

    People are much easier to train than animals. Anyone I know who has pets mimics that experience well. Pets are the equivalent of children that never grow up.

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    • Pathfinder27

      Perfect response from a superficial dumbass with zero sense of reality

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  • Interesting. There are some women I like. I have known one woman for 2 years now but I am scared to trust her since I have trusted women in the past and they have let me down. I know not all women are the same but yeah.

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  • Nickvey

    in 1850 ,10 percent of all humans died falling from a horse or its complications ,9 percent death by snake bite, Today eating poorly cooked chicken cause approximately 76 million illnesses, 325,000 hospitalizations, and 5,000 deaths in the United States each year. Known pathogens account for an estimated 14 million illnesses, 60,000 hospitalizations, and 1,800 deaths. Not one canibal died in 2016. i trust humans more.

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  • lonewolf94

    "The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog."

    -Mark Twain

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  • Nickvey

    in the 1900s one out of every ten humans was killed by falling off a horse. some say the horse was helping them fall.

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  • pastelitos1984

    I like humans and animals until they get evil

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  • llamalover

    I trust a snake with a shotgun more than I do humans.

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  • Pathfinder27

    Trust my dog much more than any person

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Honestly. I don't trust humans or animals unless I know them personally. I have no idea what they're going to do and I don't want to find out.

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  • Animals no contest. They are incapable of betrayal.

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