Does alcohol taste better or worse to you the more you drink?

For me alcohol tastes worse the more I drink - after the first couple sips it starts to taste bad - but I know a lot of people who say the drunker they get the better it tastes.

It tastes better 7
It tastes worse 3
It tastes the same no matter if I’m drunk or sober 4
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Comments ( 14 )
  • LloydAsher

    After the first few drinks my tounge gets numb to the taste.

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    That's the case for me with beer. But then I don't really like the taste of it to begin with, it's just that it becomes completely intolerable after a few drinks. I'll only ever have a couple beers if there's nothing else to drink.

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      So true. By the 5th beer any beer is drinkable.

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  • Lusty-Argonian

    Qfter a few i stop noticing the grossness

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  • Meowypowers

    Yes. Fortunately untasty shots go down easier after a few, but unfortuneatly great wine or whiskey looses its subtlety and greatness after you've had a few.

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  • idkyourmom27

    WAht da fuq, dis no discussion, it goes frum testin liek piss 2 tastin leik grape-koolaid dawg :3

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    • For me it’s the other way around!! Maybe it’s just because I haven’t gotten drunk very much yet idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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      • idkyourmom27


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  • jackstormwater

    If you don’t like what you’re drinking, you’ll like it more the drunker you are.

    If you like what you’re drinking, you’ll care less about how good tastes the drunker you are.

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  • RoyyRogers

    You lose your taste after enough alchohol. After a point you are just getting the sensation of eating and nothing else. Ever eat fresh when too drunk? You don't taste it but you feel the frustration slide down your gullet

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  • kikilizzo

    The same but it goes down easier the more you drink

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  • Somenormie

    They taste the same.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    It tastes better but oddly when i was a teenager in highschool I could drink whiskey much easier. I would drink it like it was water and it didnt bother me. Now when I drink it it reminds me of how it tastes coming back up grosses me out.

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  • malaparte

    Depends on what I'm drinking. If I'm drinking cheap beer (always PBR), it tastes bad around the 3rd drink. If I soldier on and keep drinking, I stop caring about the taste around my sixth beer. If I finish the case, I'm usually storming around looking for something else with alcohol in it, taste being completely irrelevant at this point.

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