Does an aborted baby have a soul?

Do you think an aborted baby has a soul? We basically killed it before it was born. So does it still go to heaven? Christianity says we all have a soul. Would a baby still go to heaven?

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49% Normal
Based on 95 votes (47 yes)
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Comments ( 32 )
  • squeallikeasacofpigs

    Firstly, there is no such thing as a soul.

    Secondly, it's not a "baby" when it's aborted. It's just a collection of cells with the capacity to develop into a human being. It's not a whole organism. It's like saying, if a chicken lays an egg and then you stomp on it, does the aborted chicken's soul go to heaven? No, it's not a chicken yet!

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    • First off we kill adult chickens. So if you kill an egg or a chicken a lot of people will not care. Since we like eating chickens. Unlike chickens most of us do not eat people or find it taboo.

      So I do not see how that justifies it. A long with that when we eat chicken eggs not everyone is eating a developed chicken with feathers. Some people enjoy that but that is not everyone.

      In most abortions the baby already has a shape and limbs. So the baby is more developed next to the eggs I think most people eat. A lot of eggs are not fertilized where as abortions the baby has already started forming.

      I also believe eating a developed bird in an egg is called something else. I do not normally eat those type of eggs.

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  • patriot071592

    Absolutely. Life begins at conception. I don't care if people on this site say a fetus can't feel pain or whatnot. It's not the baby's fault that the pregnancy wasn't intended. If a woman is raped, it's the RAPIST'S fault. If the partners were drunk or on drugs while having sex, it's THEIR fault if intercourse resulted in a fetus. You can never blame an unborn child.

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    • I agree completely.

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    • Another thing is they have morning after pills. Which are suppose to stop a baby from forming. So getting to the point that you need an abortion is pure laziness on the mothers part. I mean really is it so hard to use protection or the pill and the morning after? If you are doing all that and still failing and keep having abortion you should just get fixed. Since it might sound fun killing your baby but its not fair to them at all. Some women have had 6-20 and this just proves the women is an immoral slut. Just like the mother who drove her kids into the lake. I have read abortion stories on this site. If you are that bent on not being a mother you should be mandatory be fixed.

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  • iheartu2013

    Yes the Unborn BABY has a soul. And since it is under the age of accountability it will go to heaven.

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  • JesusFreak93

    Yes, every human even if they are not fully formed yet has a soul

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  • timisagodamongmen

    Would it be funny if it turned out gingers were the only ones with souls?

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    • Leviathanel

      no... i'm not ginger.... i don't want to be self consious yet soulless which we all might be anyways.

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    • You watch too much south park.

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  • blackalica

    Well if you think it does, Then when do you think humans develop a "soul"?

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  • CharlotteKnight

    I really don't know(I'm pro choice). If it would have a soul, it could just as easily transport itself into someone elses body.
    I don't however believe an embryo has a soul, just like I don't believe an egg has a soul.

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  • Leviathanel

    okay you've probably read my other comments that weren't really helpful. being an un-believer of christianity i think of theology sort of like the rules to D&D but with that said i'll actually awnser your question to the best of my ability.

    all humans are born with something called "origonal sin" which is the sin passed down from adam and eve and this sin can only be forgiven when you get babtised, and is the sole reason why baptism exists.

    since the soul has not committed any sins besides the "origonal sin" the soul will be commited to purgatory. at least for catholics.

    but honestly who cares. i've studied christianity. and i know much more about it than most christians. most christians just take what part of the bible they like and ignore the rest (like stoning disobedient children or women commiting to their husbands the same way husbands commit to jesus.)

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    • Since the child did not do anything and did not have a chance to commit sin. Why should it be punished for something we did? If it dies from stillbirth or something like this it was not our doing. If so we damned the child in more ways not just one by taking its life before it began. Well not necessarily for stoning but it would be nice if they brought back corporal punishment.

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      • Leviathanel

        existing as a human is a sin. you know how the christians say the sins of the fathers carry onto the sons? well it's not a saying for the truely pious it's a fact.

        in fact it says in the bible if you have a bastard child that child will not be even eligiable to enter heaven and neither will ten generations afterwards.

        so no matter how pure or innocent you are if you are not baptised you either go to hell or purgatory.

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  • q1w2e3

    Foetus is like a plant until the soul is breathed into it. After fortieth day, soul is breathed into it and it becomes a human baby with soul that if aborted will go to heaven. This is according to Islam.

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  • coolio75650932


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  • michaels4p5

    of course it has a soul

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  • robbieforgotpw

    An aborted baby does have a soul and goes to be with the Lord. There is an age of accountability... A child has to know the difference between right and wrong and be able to understand we are sinners by nature that need to repent.
    When we repent and invite Jesus as our Savior we're written in the book of life and will live eternally.
    But a child needs to understand the most important decision in life...most children know right and wrong between 5-7 yrs old. God knows our hearts.

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    • MissCooper

      Yes it does have a Soul , it is a spirit which is developing a body in your womb, so your carrying a soul in your womb.

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  • Charle44

    Yes a fetus has a soul. It's a small person, with its own human DNA, and probably by the time you're aware of it, its own heartbeat and brain waves. Standing on one side or another of the birth canal doesn't change what it is. I hope they go to heaven, but I don't know. It's really sad if you think about it. At this point we can only hope.

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    • Leviathanel

      how could a god who "loves" everyone send somone to hell who hasn't even been born yet?

      religion.... so so so so so stupid. and i don't mean believing in god is stupid but the heaven, hell, jesus, devil, adam, eve, talking snake and magic tree.

      oh my god... how could so many people be fooled? we're so animalistic yet we regard ourselves as stuarts of this planet.

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  • howaminotmyself

    This depends on whether you believe in souls or not. Be prepared for the vocal non believers. But it isn't something anyone can really prove.

    Clearly you believe, but when do you think the soul enters the body? Conception, birth, somewhere in between? Spontaneous abortion happens all the time. And most women will experience one whether they are aware of it or not. That would be silly for those cell clusters to be denied heaven because of a biological reality.

    But to answer your question, I'm going to say no, most aborted fetuses do not have souls. At least not one attached to the body. But regardless of when the soul enters the body, there is no reason to assume it would go anywhere other than heaven, if that is your belief. If you believe it does, then that is your issue and its kind of a cruel thought to have. As if one person has control over another person's afterlife destination.

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    • Well that is why I was asking. If the baby is not born yet did it have a chance to enter the body? They are still killing the baby of course but when does the soul enter the body? It seems you kind of understood it a long the line I did. Thank you for not bashing and answering the question appropriately.

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      • howaminotmyself

        I never thought about it until I became pregnant. People say all sorts of funny things to pregnant women. I think it happens somewhere around 28 weeks. This is based on a strange experience with a rather intuitive woman. She didn't know I was pregnant and told me something was attached to my aura. But at what point does that energy enter this new body I am creating?

        Why 28? 28 has a lot of connotations in math, science, and astronomy. It is also when the baby is considered viable by medical professionals and can survive outside the womb. Sounds like a good time for a soul to enter.

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        • Leviathanel

          good educated guess i suppose but i'll have to disagree. not like i have a real rebuttle but you can notice a pregnant woman "glowing" while being an agnostic.(and male)

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          • howaminotmyself

            That glow is often just sweat from puking. But I'm not sure that a woman glowing means she has two souls.

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  • VioletTrees

    No. Nobody has a soul.

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  • Jimzombie

    Omg this is stupid theres no such thing as a soul.

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  • Sog

    Of course not. There's no such thing as a "soul".

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  • kingofcarrotflowers

    Agreed I don't believe souls are real

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  • watermelonninja

    Yes, FYI those children that were aborted on Earth go to Heaven. Where there's Angel's assigned to take care of them. Baby in Heaven have their minds develop and then can speak even if they're just newborns. Also it depends on the case, some grow and go to school. Learn 100 times more than any normal human on Earth. Some are given the gift to be babies til their parents meet them in Heaven.the book is called, MY TIME IN HEAVEN by Richard Sigmund. It's an awesome book! :)

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