Does any else have weird vivid dreams?
When I go to sleep I know I’m dreaming so I can do anything in my dreams. I can also feel anything. Even pain. When I’m dreaming about getting high I will feel high. When I’m drinking in the dream I will feel buzzed. My dreams are very vivid and fun. When I want to have sex in my dream I will and can feel the sex. I will get an orgasm in my sleep but this only happens with a random person in my dream I never met. When I try to have sex with a specific person, a person I know in real life then it fails. I will think of the person and they will pop up in my dream but when I start to have sex with them I will wake up and my sleep paralysis will take over and ruin everything. I will wake up but I can’t move and I will hear people screaming in my ear while I’m trying to break free. After a minute I can finally shake free. It’s like my mind/body is punishing me. My ears will still hurt after waking up. I’m a woman. Is anyone else’s dreams this vivid?