Does any else have weird vivid dreams?

When I go to sleep I know I’m dreaming so I can do anything in my dreams. I can also feel anything. Even pain. When I’m dreaming about getting high I will feel high. When I’m drinking in the dream I will feel buzzed. My dreams are very vivid and fun. When I want to have sex in my dream I will and can feel the sex. I will get an orgasm in my sleep but this only happens with a random person in my dream I never met. When I try to have sex with a specific person, a person I know in real life then it fails. I will think of the person and they will pop up in my dream but when I start to have sex with them I will wake up and my sleep paralysis will take over and ruin everything. I will wake up but I can’t move and I will hear people screaming in my ear while I’m trying to break free. After a minute I can finally shake free. It’s like my mind/body is punishing me. My ears will still hurt after waking up. I’m a woman. Is anyone else’s dreams this vivid?

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Comments ( 13 )
  • Pumpurrnickel

    The last part sounds like sleep paralysis.

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  • curious-bunny

    I vivid dream every night, it makes caring for my boyfriend hard at times. I've had a dream once that felt like it went on for months and we were proceeding our relastionship then he betrayed me horribly and I start to move on and I wake up, I know it was just a dream but it's so damn realistic it's like op said you can feel and taste everything. It's horrible sometimes but yet amaz ing other times. I've tried to explain it to my boyfriend but he don't listen thinks I'm talking out of my ads and what not. He just doesn't understand, doesn't help he rarely ever dreams so I guess he doesn't see how it could be possible to have such a realistic dream. It's just hard though like because of my dreams my mind has been opened to whole new perspectives of life and thinking and it's just like I can't really tell anyone cause no one believes ya and it's well emotionally frustrating I think

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    • Alichael

      Does your boyfriend drink? They say that alcohol takes away the ability to dream.

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      • curious-bunny

        Oooh yea, he drinks alot everynight

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        • Alichael

          That's probably why he rarely dreams. When I was younger, I never dreamed on the nights I got drunk. I don't drink anymore though.

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          • curious-bunny

            Yea probably, I'm glad I'm not a drinker then for I love dreaming

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            • Alichael

              Me too. One of the reasons I don't drink anymore is because I take methadone, but that makes dreams even more vivid I've noticed. Mix in some melatonin with that and your dreams will really reach weird levels.

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  • itachi_uchiha

    Are you trying to "lucid dreaming " it can be harmful sometimes & can cause permanent sleep paralysis

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  • barstool

    Yeah, sometimes. Sometimes they're amazingly vivid, like unbelievably real. But I'm not good at controlling them. I realise I'm dreaming, and when I try and manipulate things, people's faces turn into a sort of goo and just mush out into space everywhere, it's freaky.

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    • Alichael

      I've had some weird ones too, such as people being spiders, or eating weird food like nothing real you've ever seen, or me being in like an alternate world, it's hard to explain but it's very weird.

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      • barstool

        Ohh yeah, I totally know what you mean about being in an alternate world and also the food thing. Afterwards, do you ever remember what the weird food tastes like? Cos I've had a few where I'll be eating other-wordly type food (I mean for example, one was these little round things i was picking up from around a beach or a shoreline) and I remember the taste so strongly when I woke up and it was actually really gross - like, I'd eaten too many of them in the dream. Woke up with this sickening (kinda salty) taste in my mouth.
        And even though it wasn't a real food, it tasted familiar, like I'd eaten it before at some point. Even though there's nothing I know of in real life that tastes like that. So strange.

        And some of the edible stuff tastes so different to anything real, it's like it's not even /based/ on anything real. Like you a completely new (weird) thing.
        Not sure if you know what I mean?

        So weird hey? Do you ever feel like you're living an alternate life on these other worlds? Or do you ever get the feeling it feels so familiar you must be dreaming about a past life you had on one of these places?
        [Not saying I really believe in past lives, but it does feel like that sometimes for me].

        Anyway...soz for the long response, but I think I know what you mean in general. Even though your dreams are your own personal thing, so I'll never really know what yours are like, I do think I get similar experiences sometimes.
        How often do you find yourself "awake" in a dream? It's honestly pretty rare for me, like less than 10 times a year where I'll be really conscious in a dream. And sometimes they'll be more realistic than others. Some will feel like I'm actually on an alien place, whereas others do feel more like normal dreams, just lucid.

        My god sorry for this ranting on! :)

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        • Alichael

          I hear you. I go to alternate worlds in my dreams and eat food I've never seen or heard of. Maybe I am visiting a past life sometimes, who knows. I know that the bible is fake, but I'm also not a hard up atheist, there's been too many weird unexplainable things in the world.

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