Does anybody else have these hobbies?

I watch alot of pro wrestling and I collect retro toys that I can just barley remeber from my childhood, I search ebay and the internet for these all the time. I also search for old tv show and cartoons from the 90's to put together complete brodcasts on dvd's to pretend it is still on today. Like I made a dvd of ABC's One Saturday Morning, and ABC's TGIF and FOXKIDS Rocks Kids. commercials, in betweens, host's and all. Is this normal? anyone else do this stuff?

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49% Normal
Based on 51 votes (25 yes)
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Comments ( 13 )
  • squirrelgirl

    You seem normal to me. Every once in awhile I get really nostalgic for my childhood and start looking up my old favorite shows/songs on Youtube for old time's sake, and sometimes I go to Wikipedia to see what became of the shows after I stopped watching them on TV.

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  • Faceless

    Im just sayin your one repressed memory away from building a never never land in your back yard...

    ...Free Egypt from Murabak

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    • dappled

      What on earth is going on in Mubarak's mind? He let expectation of his imminent departure grow by announcing a press conference and then uses the opportunity to say that he's staying until the elections. He's supposed to be a politician. I can't imagine anyone having less understanding about how his actions are going to be received. Also, what's in it for him? By staying on, he's only going to compound the negativity. It's the best thing for absolutely everyone involved (including himself) that elections are called immediately.

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  • wigsplitz

    For some reason I love watching old commercials!! I watch some old shows, only the ones I really like though, not just anything. I've never made a DVD of them either.

    Are you maybe trying to go back to a happier time in your life? Nothing wrong with that unless it's consuming you or if you're completely unable to be happy in the present for whatever reason.

    A lot of people when they get older start to think how much better things were when they were young....the music, the TV, just the way things were.....Many feel like they became out of touch with the world when stuff they knew and loved is forgotten and replaced with new "crap" that they don't really identify with. It can be depressing.

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  • Hubbard

    Thought you weee gone say hobbit

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    I own and bought a bunch of toys and shows from the 90s since I was born in the early 90s. When I see something that I remember was cancelled/discontinued when I was a kid I usually buy it. Right now that stuff is considered collector items. That is not why a lot of people buy this kind of stuff though.

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  • robbieforgotpw

    I like taking dumps

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  • I often use a dvd ripper to convert dvd to other video format such as avi or mpeg. or rip it to flv format, then ipload to facebook or Youtube to share with every one.

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  • ravensuichiro

    yah need to move a REAL tv..
    there are so many tv shows today to be addicted to..
    im also addicted to tv shows especially if its suspense or sci fi..

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  • dappled

    I'm kind of sentimental for my childhood too, even though it wasn't always a good one. I make an effort now and again to go back to where I grew up and walk around the streets I played on as a kid. I have such demanding responsibilities at work that it's nice to remember what it was like to have true freedom.

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  • geek_god_101

    I am so glad there are people out there who still watch the older cartoon out there. It makes me know there are people who share this nostalgic thoughts.

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  • Who_Fan4Life

    I don't like wrestling, but I DO make DVD's of old shows. I like to watch them for old times sake.

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  • I'm like that too, I like to watch TV shows and cartoons from the 80s and 90s that I remember from my childhood. I don't make DVDs of them though.

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