Does anyone else feel this way about migrants?

It makes me proud that people from other countries want to live in the US. And I love to hear success stories about immigrants that settle here. I even sponsored an employee that immigrated here, which was expensive. My family were legal immigrants, too. But at the same time, I don’t like that people think it’s ok to mass storm our border, or get in illegally. It seems so reasonable to feel this way, but the news media seems to think illegal immigration is ok. And they villainize the men and women of the border patrol for doing their job. Having to use pepper spray or teargas at the border is nothing new. It’s had to be done during the Obama and many other administrations. If you doubt that, google it yourself. USA Today just ran a story about it. Politicians from both sides have spoken out about the problem with illegal immigration for years, but all the sudden it’s a different story. I hope the best for migrants, but not if they force their way in or sneak in. Normal??

Voting Results
77% Normal
Based on 13 votes (10 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • RA1001

    You guys ever try to see things from their point of view? They are living in poverty and violence.they are trying to get themselves and their children out of that way of life.i know if i was in their shoes I would do whatever it takes to give my child a better life even if it meant crossing a border illegally.

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  • JD777

    Not only normal, but a pretty informed view. It’s all just news manipulation and political rhetoric to mislead the weaker-minded.

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  • RoseIsabella

    You are normal, and I completely support you! I do not support illegal immigration, nor do I support the sheeple who are reporting in such a biased manner these days.

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    • nikkiclaire


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  • nikkiclaire

    I'm an immigrant from Aussie. I did it legally and that is the only way I'll respect ever.

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  • I feel the same way. Also, in reference to the recent migrant caravan at the US, those people storming the border no longer have the reason of escaping war and violence in their own countries.

    Mexico has offered them asylum. They have no excuse to be forceful towards US border patrol, when they've already been offered a safe home next door.

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  • kelili

    I think that borders should not exist. People are just trying to save thier lives or be able to feed their family. For instance, the people who are fleeing Africa, Syria are not doing it because they hate their countries but because they just cannot live there. Sometimes it's because of war and sometimes it's for economical reason. Those people know well that they won't be welcomed and that it won't be easy but they try it anyway.

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  • CozmoWank

    The same is true about the so-called "Gun violence epidemic". Just visit the FBI's own website and you see how it's been in a gradual 25 year decline. So suddenly it's a crisis?
    And the overall murder rate in the US is far below it's peak in the 1980's & 90's. So there is no urgent need for reform.

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