Does anyone else hallucinate after they drank the night before

After a night of drinking I will wake up in the morning and see spiders crawling on the walls and my bed. I will blink and I will still see them but after blinking multiple times they are not there anymore. I also will hear voices too. Like someone coughing or shutting a door and no one is there. It’s only after I got drunk the night before. This is something recent this didn’t use to happen the morning after drinking.

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Comments ( 4 )
  • e51pegasi

    The only people I have seen who have hallucinated because of alcohol have been suffering from delirium tremens or DTs, caused by rapid alcohol withdrawal. If you think this what you are experiencing DO NOT stop drinking alcohol as this can cause siezures & see a doctor asap.

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    • I was thinking that I should stop drinking alcohol because of this. I been drinking alcohol everyday for a year now. Not just a small drink. I drink until I get drunk everyday. It is usually beer but sometimes something more strong. I also get bad shakes and rapid heartbeat when I'm not drinking. I will take your advice and get help.

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      • bigbudchonga

        Dude I drink every day too, not as much as you by the sound of it. I drink 6 cans and I've gone through slight physical withdrawls before from alchohol and heavy ones from benzos. Go to your doctor man if you're thinking of quitting, physical withdrawls are really bad for your body, they might be able to lessen the effects or help you out in some way. GL man.

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      • e51pegasi

        Good luck.

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