Does anyone else have a fear of sea-saws?

I don't like sea-saws, I wouldn't call it a phobia but I wont go on one. I don't really care if its normal or not just wondering if anyone else has the same problem?

I think its due to the fact I have no control on them when I'm with another person.

Voting Results
39% Normal
Based on 46 votes (18 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • they are fun to straddle and balance on, and if 2 are on , one person can get off and then its bang down u go, so the fear is normal

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    • Immune2BS&way2Illuminated

      But that's where a normal humans legs come into play. If you had no legs then yes it would be an all to fearful a reality of plummeting down with a barely detectable G force. Since I hopefully and respectfully assume you have legs as you stated you won't get on one, and a handicapped person wouldn't even bother with this post...I say your being irrational. Normal but irrational.

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  • Frosties

    I feel like I want to make a Moses joke, but I don't think anyone would appreciate it.

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    • Fidgety

      What Moses joke is there that has to do with see-saws? I want to hear it.

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      • Frosties

        The title of this misspelled them as "sea"-saws. A device to cleave the seas. It was probably too much of an oblique reference and so I left it alone.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I like them, but there is something "creepy" about them.

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