Does anyone else have little breakdowns when talking about space? iin?

Yesterday my brother and I were talking about God and such and then we eventually were talking about space. He explained the Big Bang theory, and how the universe is constantly growing.

Me: But it that means it must have an ending point... Right? I mean, if its growing, then it has an edge. It can't go on forever.

Him: Not necessarily. We can't fathom infinity because we have nothing to compare it to.

Me: But... No. Everything HAS to end. And even if it doesn't, then we... We can never know... No, that's impossible! Infinity is impossible in distance! There has to be an edge. But then what would be after it? No...

Him: Exactly. It's impossible for us to make sense of it. Like relativity, it's hard to make sense of, but it works.

That's pretty much what scares me. It's... I don't even know. I have no idea why it scares me. When ever I think about it I breathe heavy and cry. I could barely write this. It's overwhelming I guess.

Is it weird? Or, normal or whatever?

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Comments ( 6 )
  • RoseIsabella

    I really appreciate your honesty on this because I love to talk about God and the universe but I also think it can be overwhelming and spooky as well. I think the first time this topic really creeped me out I must have been four or five and my family was watching Carl Sagan. I find myself feeling very small and insignificant in the scheme of things. Then I start to question the very nature of reality. For me the feelings don't last very long but they still leave me spooked and a little dissociative for a few minutes.

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  • Seustewart

    The Big Bang Theory is about as idiotic as the TV show with the same name. Ask your brother to explain microevolution if he can. Better yet, research both It and Creationism and find out for yourself. Good luck.

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  • Kontekst

    thinking about infinity and the space had hard-thinking people going crazy for ages.

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  • Aub

    Yeah well it's a scary thing to think about.

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  • RedCurlsAre

    No, the universe will end in what scientist call near absolute zero, dark energy will keep on going, but it won't result in a big rip, ten trillion trillion years from now the universe is dying, 10 with a hundred zeros years later (that's a lot u know) things evaporate, then we slowly die,

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  • mediastinum

    Happens all the time

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