Does anyone else have photic sneeze reflex?

Whenever I go outside when it's sunny (especially after leaving a building), the sunlight causes me to sneeze. It doesn't happen every time, but usually does when the sun is bright and after I've left a darker building. Apparently this is called photic sneeze reflex, and only affects 18-35% of the population. I was under the impression that this was something almost everyone did! Do you also do this?

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Comments ( 6 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    all my life

    everyone told me i was nuts when i described it as a kid to people

    its beneficial in that if im halfway gonna sneeze i can look at the sun or a bright light and git it over with

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  • jethro

    I only sneeze if I actually look at the sun. Never just being out in the bright sunlight.

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    I remember telling my mother when I was about 6 that fhe sun made me sneeze and she told me that was silly. Then in my 20's I read about it and knew I was right.

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  • Shackleford96

    No, I don't think I've ever noticed that before.

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  • Yes.

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  • Gameofthrones288

    I think it's in some people's family genetics

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