Does anyone else struggle with resentment towards a barking dog?
I live in a VERY densely populated Northeast (US) city, and seems like everybody has a dog. There's a small house about 100 feet behind my room, and the owners let their dog out at 5AM for most of the morning, and then I guess the dog's out there through mid evening. And it barks. And barks. And barks. At the top of its squeaky, high-pitched voice. I can't sleep in the morning, and I can't study in my room during the day. I realize the dog might be lonely, and I even dropped off a gift basket with some doggie treats and toys with a polite note in October when it was obvious the owners weren't going to do anything about it. Nothin'.
I try ear plugs, but my ears get sweaty and uncomfortable. I try drowning out the sound with my fan at night or music during the day when I'm home, but the barking cuts right through both. I'm getting to my wits' end. I called (non-emergency) both campus and local police. They say there are ordinances, but this city is super dog-lax because there are so many dog owners, so that it's almost impossible to do anything about it.
Any advice? Has anyone else ever dealt with this?