Does anyone else struggle with resentment towards a barking dog?

I live in a VERY densely populated Northeast (US) city, and seems like everybody has a dog. There's a small house about 100 feet behind my room, and the owners let their dog out at 5AM for most of the morning, and then I guess the dog's out there through mid evening. And it barks. And barks. And barks. At the top of its squeaky, high-pitched voice. I can't sleep in the morning, and I can't study in my room during the day. I realize the dog might be lonely, and I even dropped off a gift basket with some doggie treats and toys with a polite note in October when it was obvious the owners weren't going to do anything about it. Nothin'.

I try ear plugs, but my ears get sweaty and uncomfortable. I try drowning out the sound with my fan at night or music during the day when I'm home, but the barking cuts right through both. I'm getting to my wits' end. I called (non-emergency) both campus and local police. They say there are ordinances, but this city is super dog-lax because there are so many dog owners, so that it's almost impossible to do anything about it.

Any advice? Has anyone else ever dealt with this?

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Comments ( 15 )
  • BlackyHancock

    I had the same problem for about a year with a dog barking just a few feet from my bedroom window. Every single day and night. Even at 2 in the morning. And the redneck owners did not give a shit. The barking just about drove me nuts.

    I thought of all kinds of ways to deal with it.

    For example

    - I often felt like shooting the stupid dog in the head (nice fantasy but might end up in jail)

    - I thought maybe the dog could 'accidentally' eat some poison (see above)

    - I looked into dog deterrent noise generators mounted on a tree or roof pointing at the backyard. Apparently they can work.

    But the thing that worked was – I waited a whole year - AND THEY MOVED!

    They took their stupid shitty ugly barking dog and their broken down car wrecks and their clapped out motorbikes and their shitty little mullet haired kids away!

    I cannot tell you how happy that made me.

    So either you move or they move. Good luck.

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    • BassReemer

      ESPECIALLY small "pesky" dogs like Chihuahuas or poodles who bark needlessly ALWAYS...I would love to catch one, tie its legs, then take a bat and "silence" it...

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    • AB1234

      HA! Well, I'm sorta stuck in this dorm 'til senior year. But I guess I could move off campus. That's a great story, though. At least I don't feel strange for feeling the way I do. Thanks!

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  • Shackleford96

    Poor innocent me read that peanut butter comment above and didn't even think anything heinous of it. I figured the dog couldn't bark anymore because it was eating the peanut butter or something...

    I too live next to a barking dog with careless owners, I feel your pain. That was a really nice gesture you did with the dog treats and stuff.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Throw poo at em.

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  • pixiecutlover

    That sucks , I don't like dogs really, I'm a cat person. Hate the way the fuckers bark and how stinking hyper they are and their lack of impulse control. Too bad you can't give the fucking thing poison.

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    • Shackleford96

      Not all dogs act that way. Cats can be just as bad if not worse...

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      • AB1234

        Well, at least my friends' cats don't try to enact some weird rebirthing experience by trying to insert themselves into my vagina. And they don't keep me up all night yelling.

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        • Shackleford96

          Dogs are really sensitive to smells, that probably speaks more about you then it does about the dog... Lol

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    • AB1234

      Woooooooow! Girl, you REALLY don't like dogs! HA! I posted elsewhere on here about how dogs always make a B-line for my cooch. It's like EVERY SINGLE DOG barrels right into me without buying a drink first. Sheesh. So, yeah. "hyper" and "lack of impulse control." Right on the mark.

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  • Lotty64

    I don't know why but everywhere I live there are barking dogs. I deliver parcels for a living & in 95% of houses there's a barking dog! Even when they're are not home the dog continuously bark. & if they are home, they open the door & the f***er comes flying out! WTF???? Why don't dog owners realise most of these dogs are protecting their property & will go anyone on it? Most of the time I'm terrified. After my first dog bite the Dr said "you know, they hear your heart rate increase through the door?" Okay, so, I knock then the f***er knows I'm terrified. Should I wear protection? Maybe a shark suit? An armoured suit? Or maybe dog owners could put the dog out the back. Or, maybe in another room. Think about it next time they open the door. & while you you're at it shut it the f**k up!
    Do you know how hard it is to rent a place that doesn't have a dog barking within a 20metre radius? It drives me nuts. I actually feel my heart all but jump out of my chest & I want to jab knitting needles into my ears so I can't hear it anymore! Is it a phobia? If not it needs to be... What should we call it? Stopfnbarkingaphobia?

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  • creampawf

    Sneak a complaining letter into their mailbox

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  • gorillapimp

    I had the same problem once til I bought a jar of peanut butter

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    • BlackyHancock

      yes please... do tell

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    • AB1234

      OK, dude... Spill it. What'd you do with the peanut butter, and did it work? How'd you pull it off without getting caught?

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