Does anyone else wonder if they truly had friends after school education?

I do not have any friends years since graduating. Some days my mind does wander and reminiscence my past and think was there a time when I actually had friends? I say this as someone who did hang out with people and all that in and out of school but ever since school left the equation I have not done such with these any of those people.

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Comments ( 3 )
  • Grunewald


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  • ellnell

    I had no friends in school ever, not even someone I small talked with at lunch or said hello to. Literally never said hello to a single person in my class for any of my school years. I have friends now though and that's probably more meaningful because they're not people I was forced together with.

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  • SkullsNRoses

    Some friendships are meaningful at the time but with some distance reveal themselves to be situational. If you did what you could to maintain contact and your school friends didn’t reciprocate then you need to allow yourself to move on.

    That is not to say that your friendships were meaningless. I learned a lot about myself and the world from people who became dramatically less invested in me once we weren’t physically in the same place most days a week. The end of a friendship is always sad, all we can do is take the lessons and the memories with us.

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