Does anyone get particularly annoyed by girls like this?

I get all rage-y when I see girls posting questions here (and everywhere) about how they play video games and how they're good at them... I'm pretty sure I can get away with saying that they just do it for the attention. Dur, girls play games, so why ask that question?

I just feel like it takes away from those girls who have the decency to keep to themselves about their gaming lives and don't try to get a reaction from men or whoever they want the attention from.

I know this is probably weird, but I do look up their gamer tags and names whenever it is posted, just to see if they are telling the truth. Most of the time they aren't, but when they are telling the truth the gamer-score is like, under 1000 and they don't have that many games played...


Yes 88
no 23
sometimes 23
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Comments ( 51 )
  • Terence_the_viking

    What a silly thing to be raging about.

    But then again silly people rage all the time.

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    • Yes. Rage rage rage all the time.
      Everyone has their peeves.
      Attention seeking girls (guys too, but most of them are jerks in-game) just happen to piss me off the most.

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      • 1000yrVampireKing

        Maybe they do believe it is abnormal since girls are not known for videogames. So if they ask they are probobly wondering.

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  • dom180

    I find it mildly annoying when people think they're special for breaking social norms. A feeling of pride because you've broken a social norm still validates the norm as much as it would if you complied with it, because you are recognizing that the norm is powerful.

    If we're talking about gaming peeves though, I think guys (well, young boys more specifically) are the worst offenders. I'm a male, but I've played Call Of Duty online multiplayer before using an account named obviously as a girl as something of a social experiment. Almost every single game I'd receive a message saying something like "give me a blowjob bitch", "tits or gtfo", "get back in the kitchen" or anything to do with "sammiches". For one thing, how the hell *can* I give you a blowjob, even if I for some reason wanted to? This is online, for God's sake! That isn't how sex works, stupid child :P

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    • Exactly true.

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  • howaminotmyself

    Any sort of attention getting can be annoying. People who brag about their gaming, brag about their looks, trolls, and even people who throw themselves a pity party with every chance they get are seeking attention. People sometimes try too hard to be noticed.

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    • Yes siree. I think many people can agree with that. Just asking the question, "IIN that I'm a girl who play games?"....well, it's kind of an obvious answer and girls just want a reason to talk about themselves. This goes for guys as well, humoring the girls that are seeking attention. That's even worse.

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  • gummy_jr

    I love a gamer girl especially if she plays pokemon <3

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    • As long as she doesn't proclaim it to the world.

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  • LizardSkin

    Here's a life tip for you junior... remember it.

    MOST females love and crave attention.

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    • Thanks for the tip, Captain Obvious.

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      • LizardSkin

        No problem, Captain Oblivious.

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        • -sigh-
          Y U TROLL ME?

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  • Swan_Theif9854

    I personally don't like the idea of women who game and misrepresent women that game as a whole. At least you know that not all gaming women are attention whores. However flaunting that you love to play video games, I see nothing wrong there.

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  • ScooterNyne

    haha Kind of like when men tell everyone they have a big penis. Those are the guys that DON'T... have a big penis.
    Girls do the same thing with games.
    especially Legend of Zelda

    Me - *Shows picture of Link*
    "gamer girl" - "OMG THAT'S ZELDA! I'M ZELDAS BIGGEST FAN!!"
    Me - *face palm*

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  • Squashgordo

    I love minecraft..

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  • Ghost-of-the-Marlboro-Man

    I hate girls that don't smoke.

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    • robbieforgotpw

      You like ash tray breath?

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      • Ghost-of-the-Marlboro-Man

        You bet I do fine sir.

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  • Mecki

    Yeah it is a bit suspicious, one story was enough but I remember right after that one were at least 5 more on here. I'm not a "girl gamer" but I'm a girl who likes video games, and I prefer to be perceived as a male during them(how's that for weirdness attention seeking)! Cause as its been mentioned girls in games are seen as basically a slut to all the deprived boy gamers. It's better to leave out gender (default=male) if you just want to play the game rather than trying to get attention.

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    • It's a lot more fun that way and people actually try and compete rather than sit there and either 1-give you kills, 2-stop playing and start flirting over the mic, OR

      A Halo example,
      I played with a female and at least 20 other males. The girl spoke over her headset and instantly 10 of the 20 stopped playing the custom game (which was a really cool Ninja-Obstacle based map on Ravine) and started trying to stack on top of her. This lasted for a duration of about 2.5 hours while I had a blast just conquering the map. The one guy, Scorpion or some shit, I can't remember his gamer tag, was flirting with the chick the most, got up and left or disconnected. As soon as he left, she starts whining "Where did Scorpion gooooo? We were going to do it in the corner! Ugh. Anyone? Whatever, this game is lame anyway." And quit.


      Drunk girls on Halo. One of the most annoying things in the online world, but also one of the most satisfying feelings beating them and hearing them get all pissy over the mic to their little boyfriends they gathered over the matches. They always claim that if they get drunker, they get better. Not true. Just dumber.

      One last thing:

      Girls who mask their real voices over the mic by making it more higher pitched or softer.
      Dumber than shit.

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      • Mecki

        LOL. Yeah I don't really play games like that but some other online ones with voice chat. I swear one of them had a voice mask to make them sound ''sexier''... or they were just always on... but yeah. That's why I gave up being a girl on games, because all the guys will either let you win by being way too nice, or be flirting the whole time. when you're assumed to be a guy they just act normal and treat you like a cool friend rather than a piece of meat...haha. the gamer girls even hit on me then! =? and I just play along...

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        • Haha, the "sexy voice". The only time I have ever seen guys actually do anything like that is on World of Warcraft where they either grant the girl leader of their super guild or they give them good gear. THAT made me quit WoW....actually...I dont think anyone quite quits wow.....hahaha

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  • SangoNyappy


    My friend in school actually "played" (not really she just mashed buttons in the middle of loaded game) Assassin's Creed Revelations and went about it for whole week like "OMG KATE I PLAYED THAT ASSASSIN GAME I BET I'M BETTER THAN YOU AND WHOLE CLASS" and she went like that whenever I talked to my male friend even though we were talking about Devil May Cry. Makes sense right?

    But fortunatly most of girls that actually play them for the sake of playing them and not for atenttion don't brag about it.

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    • I've noticed that as well and I am gaining a considerable amount of respect for the number of people replying to this post with reason and realization in their heads.

      Most girls either play these games:
      Assassin's creed--which is really NOT that hard whatsoever
      CoD/Black Ops--All you have to do is spray bullets and spin in a circle, 90% chance you'll hit someone
      Mario--....well, it's a fucking sidescroller. Press A to avoid the enemies.
      Zelda--A little more complex, but not if it's a fucking DS game like Spirit Tracks or Phantom Hourglass, which I found out that is what most girls play.

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      • SangoNyappy

        Yeah exactly even though Ocarina of Time is great and sometimes hard game anyways.
        But most my female friends who consider themselves "gamer girls" play only The Sims and Facebook games...

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        • Right, but I wouldnt be surprised if they used a gamer guide to help them through it. OOT is a great game, but it isnt hard to figure out. It -is- the most popular of all the Zeldas though....

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          • SangoNyappy

            Uh this girl I know actoually had to use guide for Farm Ville or whatever is that crap called.

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            • Are you serious?
              I don't even know what to say about that.
              I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
              I'm helpless.

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  • keef

    I actually know a girl that tweets daily, things like:
    "OMG I'm gonna go play BLACK OPS I hope everyone knows I'm BETTER than guys!"
    "I'm a girl that plays video games OMG OMG guys should love me!"

    And I'm not even exaggerating or being sarcastic in any way. She literally will write things exactly like that.
    THAT is what I call a gamer girl attention whore.

    But me, I dunno. I've never touched anything but N64. Video games aren't my thing.

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    • Yep. I know plenty of girls that do the same thing.
      That's why I'm afraid of having a Twitter or Facebook--I can't put up with stupid crap like that. Also, whenever a girl posts "I JUST FED MY CAT TWINKLES/SQUEAKERS/MCCUDDLESWORTH!" -.-
      *bashes own face against laptop*

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  • davesumba

    yes. I'm also annoyed by girls who smoke weed and make a big deal about it and are like oh look i'm a girl hitting a bong watch this. No, it's not a big deal, and my sister can take a hit twice the size that any guy here can take.

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    • Or girls that hit on other girls/comment on how hot another girl is just for the attention...

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      • Or girls that pretend they're high because everyone else is doing it right.

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    • keef

      I hate when girls tell everyone that they smoke all the time, then claim they're like a master blunt roller. So then we let her roll, and she fucks it up. -_-

      Woah I totally sound like a guy... But really.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    Yes! Yes! Yes! There are no words to describe how annoying it is when girls do that. Like they are just something special because they play video games. I'm pretty sure there are no video games that are rated P for penis. It sounds to me like they're saying girls are incapable of playing video games which is insulting, if you ask me, considering I am female. Annoying little fucks!

    I like to leave smart-aleck comments on there just to piss them off.

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    • Thank you so much for your awesome answer.
      I do the same thing as well, for the same reaction. ^_^

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  • hi

    It doesn't matter to me I guess. I mean, it seems less likely for girls to be playing video games. Since a lot of girls think that it's uncommon, they probably think they can be different from everybody else, even though it's really common. When playing video games though, there's not really a lot of girls on it that I know. The only way you can really make friends with a girl is in real life. It's silly to even rage over this.. actually I agree with LtDan.

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    • Well, that's why the question is, "does anyone else get annoyed by this?", so to speak. People rage over all kinds of stupid crap. I'm sure you have something that annoys you that others would consider silly. It's all opinion.

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  • Gumball

    People who say I'm a girl gamer annoys me. Why not just say I'm a gamer? To add the girl presents a definite description of trying to feel more important seeing as they are girls who plays games in an industry filled mostly by males. Trying to consume attention by saying they play games when they only focus on a specific game such as COD. A gamer is someone truly dedicated to the industry of gaming by playing a plethora of games ranging from one decade to another. Not just someone who plays say, an fps, religiously. You are just a girl/boy playing a game. It's a subtle insult to those who dedicate their lives built upon a world of gaming.

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    • I'm so glad all you people agree. And you all have valid points. :)

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  • robbieforgotpw

    I take fart walks at the other side of the office where more cube farms are. I crop dust them into submission.

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    • I like to take wet tea bags and drop them into the mouths of sleeping persons.

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  • anti-hero

    I have to pee!

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    I don't even understand what the thing is with girl gaming. As in, I don't get what's special about it. Because people think only guys do it? I like to change my own oil. Can I be special too?

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    • That's why I asked this question.
      You might be special if you help -make- actual video games, but if you play video games?....Pfft. You better have won several tournaments and won some good prizes for me to give you any sort of recognition for playing games.

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      • NeuroNeptunian

        I'm on hormone pills and in a bad fucking mood. I agree with you. They're just as bad as those stuck up little richie bitches who won't talk to anyone who isn't holding a purse worth at least $500 sometimes.

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        • Hahahaa, I totally agree. Even though this is almost off topic of my original post, it drives me crazy when girls do this:
          I have cut my hair short. As of now, I have half my head shaved. Girls will purposely sit there in public places and come up with a reason to talk about hair. "I don't know if I could cut my hair short. It's just, it's so weeeeeirrrdd oh em geeee. I don't wanna look like a dyke or something."
          Vindictive bitches.

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  • bananaface

    YES! It can annoy me:P.

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    • :)

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