Does anyone have sudden repulsion syndrome

Sometimes I’ll meet a person and become friends with them, but then one day I’ll wake up and have an extreme feeling of disgust towards them. Like my whole body is creeped out by them. To the point where I’d do everything in my power to avoid them just so I don’t feel threatened by them. I’ll even gag at the thought of them and I feel as though I wouldn’t mind if they fell off a cliff or something. But after a week of feeling that way I’ll usually be fine. And everything is back to normal.

I hate it so much, I don’t know why exactly that happens. But It can happen with a person I just met, or towards someone I’ve known for years.

Anybody feel the same way? I’m pretty sure it’s called Sudden Repulsion Syndrome, but maybe I’m just an asshole.

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Comments ( 7 )
  • For me it's kinda the same but rather getting disgusted by them, I get a sudden urge to cut ties with them. If I don't I'll definitely avoid them and just be in a bad mood that I didn't leave them. So I just suddenly cut ties woth them without any explanation.... I feel bad about it though... Wish I could keep my friends..

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  • RoseIsabella

    OMG! Well, whatever you do, don't have any one night stands, because it will give you the heebie jeebies. 😱

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  • JustinAnderson

    This thing also happens when you meet your close relatvies ? Your cousins ?

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    • Yeah it can happen with anybody.

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      • JustinAnderson

        Better to Visit psychiatrist ...

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  • JustinAnderson

    Why do u feel Disgust ? They didnt harmed u

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    • That’s what I hate about the whole thing. It’ll be sudden, and I’ll have no reason to feel that way. :(

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