Does anyone here believe in astral projection?

If you've experienced astral projection can you share your story. I'm curious

Yes 14
No, that's stupid 15
I dont know... it could happen be possible 15
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Comments ( 29 )
  • Freedom_

    I began to research it a lot when I was around 12 y/o.. I tried really hard but never actually succeeded. I got to the point of feeling the vibrations a few times, but that feeling freaked me out too bad to go on with it. Then I started reading about coming across demons in the astral plane so I pretty much gave up on it.

    Do I believe it can really happen? I think anything is possible. As close as I got to having an OBE, I believe I could do it if I could just really put my mind to it and let go. But something seems a bit wrong/unnatural about it so I think I don't think I'll be giving it any more attempts.

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  • mystery7

    Around the age of 17 I began to study everything I could get my hands on about the theory and practise of astral projection (particularly the writings of Robert Monroe)

    After more than 2 years of dedicated study (and at times frustrating because nothing happened for about 2 years) I began to have spontaneous OBEs.

    That is, I would go to bed, practise the technique and go through the normal stages of falling asleep. But instead of falling asleep I would find myself separate from my physical body. I was fully aware, fully conscious and completely lucid. Sometimes it was scary and sometimes I would return to my body but not be able to get my energy body 'in synch' with my physical and I would get stuck in between the 'energy' world(s) and the physical world that we know. There are many different dimensions. It's kind of like switching radio or TV stations.

    Once I was able to leave my body I became kind of obsessed with the practice and my life became centred around going to sleep and experiencing other worlds. I can't exactly recommend it as it kind of took over my life for a while.

    I haven't had an OBE for at least 10 years.

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  • dirtybirdy

    I hear that most people astrally project after eating taco bell. I just do it on the fly...

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  • Ellenna

    I've had dreams I travelled elsewhere and so have other people: believers in newage nonsense call them astral projection, I call them dreams

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    • Stinky_Niggers

      I have the ability to project my flatulence...

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      • Ellenna

        And does it have interesting spiritual journeys which change your life and cause you to indulge in newage rubbish talk?

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        • Stinky_Niggers

          Not yet, although the possibilities are endless.

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          • Ellenna

            I just noticed the name of the person I'm communicating with and feel quite sick in the stomach .... bye .......

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            • Stinky_Niggers

              Yeah that political correctness will do that to you, my advice is to take two doses of reality and get a good nights sleep.

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    • AngryinOhio

      yeah but apparently these people can actually experience all five senses when astral projecting. I know theres this study that explains why people can "feel" things in their dreams but not smell and taste.

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      • Ellenna

        Who are "these people" and who carried out the study?

        There are no limits on the human imagination: for example when I quit smoking I frequently dreamt I was still a smoker and would wake up with the taste of tobacco in my mouth and I've been told by recovering alcoholics that they've experienced the same effect with the taste of alcohol.

        I've also felt and heard and seen things in dreams, including erotic dreams resulting in orgasm - all the products of my own mind.

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        • NeofelisNebulosa

          I've had sleep orgasms as well. Best thing ever

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          • Ellenna

            Yeah, great aren't they? And amazing what our imaginations can create in our sleep to lead to them

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        • AngryinOhio

          "these people" are the people that claim to have astral projected and said that being outside of you body is doesn't feel any different than being inside your body meaning that they feel and taste and smell everything WHILE STILL IN THAT STATE they don't wake up tasting something or smelling something.
          And I shouldn't have said study it was an article that talked about the scientific reason to why in some dreams we can feel things like pleasure(such as an orgasm) and just normal touch like hugging someone or grabbing something.

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          • Ellenna

            Thanks for clarification. There would be scientific reasons for this but they obviously don't add up to astral projection

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    all them hippies hate me

    i considers it astral rejection

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  • loopiesoupie

    Why don't you try it for yourself? I have astral projected myself and have done a lot of research on it and things related to it so I believe it be very real. Not very many people can astral project though. You have to have a pretty decalcified pineal gland in order to do it. Google ways to decalcify the pineal gland before you try it to get the best results. Also, you have to prepared for it. You can land in some pretty negative dimensions and I'm sure you don't want that. If you don't have protection and don't really know yourself that well, I suggest you don't try it until you're real strong within yourself.

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    • gsanfour

      This is true about ending up in negative dimensions or encounter negative entities.To prevent this you must have the "intent" to enter the higher dimensions which are symbolized by white light. The lower dimensions are dark and negative.The most important thing to remember is your intent.Do you want to astral project to a place like your neighbors bedroom or bathroom while showering with the * intent* to see them naked and without hit or hers permission. This would be negative thoughts and would attract negative energy and negative entities. You must verbally state your intent before going to sleep. To get a positive experience you better your chances by visualizing positive thoughts and places you want to astral project to.
      Remember think body sleep / mind awake, think of traveling to a place with white surroundings, positive thoughts and keep your emotions in check...before attempting to astral project don't have angry, criminal and hurtful thoughts to others.Good luck..

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  • kingofcarrotflowers

    I believe that people believe they can astral project

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  • flyingnostalgia

    When i have sleep paralysis, i sometimes get OBE....but have yet to experience AP

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    • AngryinOhio

      what happens when you have an OBE?

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  • Arm0se

    First I'd like you to explain what astral projection means in YOUR words.

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    • AngryinOhio

      well to astral project means to leave your body like an outer body experience but instead of just sitting there watching your physical self, you explore the astral plane. I've never experienced it but there's a lot of videos on youtube about it so I got kind of curious if anyone else has heard of it and or had experiences.

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  • horny_simpletons

    Yes, it is very real, but it takes time and practice to perfect it. I have researched this, and my friend has described the Astral plane.

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  • iEatZombies_

    I believe that in extreme cases of trauma, yes you can leave your body (Astral Project). I don't believe it's something that you can control and I think it's only meant forr... let's say 'soul emergencies'. Say when you're dying and your heart stops. I think you start to leave your body then, and when they jolt you, you snap back, like waking from a dream all of a sudden. Or if you're extremely emotionally traumatized, to an inhumane amount.

    Quite frankly, I don't see why anyone would want to leave their bodies- you've got plenty of time for that when you're dead.

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  • mypenisinyourmouth

    This one time I astral projected to the fourth plane. The plane of white castle. The whole time back in my bed my body was almost paralized. Then diarrhoea struck; as it often does. When I climbed back in my body there was pieces of shit everywhere from the debris that exploded out of my butt like a frag grenade. Then I astral projected myself into the corner of my room, assumed the foetal position and cried myself to sleep.

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    • VirgilManly

      I hate when that happens.

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      • mypenisinyourmouth

        Me too. If I didn't sleep on my stomach it wouldn't have been that bad.

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    • AngryinOhio


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