Does anyone out there still like america?

I'm an American, and it seems to me that hating America is practically a national pastime in some countries. Whenever I say something that I like about America, everyone immediately responds, "No healthcare for you!" or, "Guess you like fat people, then" or "Ignorance is bliss." Is it considered cool to hate the US in other countries, or do I just know a lot of douchebags? Where I live, hardly anyone is obese (or even particularly overweight) and no one's particularly stupid. Everyone minds their own business, and everyone gets along fine.


Voting Results
69% Normal
Based on 173 votes (119 yes)
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Comments ( 69 )
  • Captain_Kegstand

    Hating the USA is the normal thing to do in other countries, that has been my experience. And why wouldn't they hate us. When people from other places look at us they see war, gay bashing, huge economic inequality, superior attitudes, and worst of all shit like Jersey Shore! I can imagine the entire country of Italy F****** hates us after we sent those jokers over there to tear the place up! I mean, shit the b**** sent an Italian cop to the hospital in a car wreck!!!

    If I lived in another country and just knew the American media, and the few Americans that could afford to travel, I would hate the United States too! Its a shame that you guys in the rest of the world can't all come spend some time in the mid-west and see what this place is really about. I can promise you that ANYONE out there that hates the US would have at least a partially different opinion of this place after actually being here and hanging with us for a week.

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    • bananaface

      In England they stole the Jersey Shore idea, and turned it into Geordie Shore. And as a Geordie myself, I can definitely understand why you dislike it:L It's embarrassing.

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      • Captain_Kegstand

        Yes, yes it is. I wish I could watch a few episodes of Geordie Shore and see which group of douches are more embarrassing!

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        • disthing

          Watch an episode of The Only Way is Essex as well - douches all round.

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          • Captain_Kegstand

            So it's not just in the US, tv around the world is just getting dumber every day! This teen mom thing is getting overdone too now!

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            • disthing

              Haha supply and demand I guess.

              The only way to escape shit TV is to turn the television off :P

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  • disthing

    Some people hate the US because of its ubiquity. Its cultural exports seem almost inescapable (from movies to Macdonalds), and when you are essentially forced to swallow large quantities of another country's culture a certain amount of resentment can build up.

    Add to that the deplorable foreign policy of constantly invading and manipulating the Middle-East, which might be excusable if the results were tangible improvements nationally and globally, but aren't because it seems as though economic prosperity for the wealthiest Americans is the true motivating factor and the violence against other countries actually provokes reprisal and damages foreign relations (as this poll and the general negative attitude towards the US is evidence of).

    Also, in the UK, there is a level of resentment towards the US because of our perceived status as the submissive 'pet'. We seem to bend to the will (bend-over to the willy) of America for the benefit of them more than us (unfair extradition treaties, collaborative war-mongering etc.) and get tarnished with the same brush internationally making our relationship with the rest of the world, who we rely on economically much more, weaker.

    But I think most people appreciate that there is a distinction to make between the actions of a country's government and the actions of a country's people. Typically the insults thrown at the US are a result of the former, even if they are sometimes directed at the latter. Honestly, there are many, many perfectly ordinary, perfectly nice Americans out there :) Here's to them! *glasses clink*

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    • disthing

      P.S. Thanks for some amazing movies and television programmes!

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  • NocturnePonyFan

    It seems like a "trend" to me. Lately, it seems like it's the popular thing to do, to bitch and moan about the U.S.. Granted there are things about my country I don't like , but the fact of the matter is that there are countries in the world that are FAR worse than the U.S.

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  • howaminotmyself

    I try not to focus on the bad parts, it does nothing positive. I'm tired of all this anti- bullshit. Start focusing on the positive aspects and make them better.

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  • Boo!

    Yeah, I like America.

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  • Zero_Cool

    Up here in Canada, bashing the states has become something of a national past-time. It's one of the most terrifying places imaginable, where places like Detroit actually exist, with mass shootings every other day, the highest rate of teen pregnancy in all the first world, with the Republican party being non-fictional, a uniform string of war-crimes since The Cold War that shows no signs of stopping, it's a pretty easy target. This inability to understand why the rest of the planet would wish them gone or at the very least never want to be near them or their joke of a, 'country', certainly doesn't help deter us either. We make jokes about it being the result of idiots from sea to shining sea down there while quietly fearing our close proximity to them because deep down we know it's a country where NOT being a blind, dangerous and completely insane patriot-type or merely existing while simultaneously, say, being black can get a bullet put into you when we live in a country who's murder capitol is safer for anyone from anywhere than some of your safest areas. The rest of the world hates America because it's the easiest target, even more so than North Korea. On top of the sheer volume of things to freak out over we hate them because we've seen that they're careless and crazy enough with a large enough arsenal to mow down millions of innocent people while doing nothing but lose themselves. They're dangerous, and pose a direct threat to the national security of every nation, including themselves. I wouldn't expect the hate to end too soon.

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    • User-name

      Relax okay, that's nothing more than the media amping you up. As far as I can tell no one can take all this negative hatred besides us Americans since a good portion of it is done out of a type of dark humor.

      If anyone even tries to do this to other countries they get all bent out of shape, so if we have to be a lighting rod of hatred I say bring it on. Fair warning though, don't dish what you cannot take. (As an American citizen it's my civil duty to be as competitive as possible).

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  • thegypsysailor

    I am an American who has lost all faith in America.
    we have no business acting as the world's policemen, telling other countries what form of government they should have or how to run themselves, when our system is so totally broken.
    Every election since Kennedy has been a choice between the lesser of two evils, certainly not what the founding fathers envisioned, I'm sure. We have more people in jail than any other country on earth (and a larger percentage of the population), so obviously we are doing something wrong.
    We have gone from the best educational system on earth in the 60's to a place so far down the list that I can't remember the number.
    We allow corporate America to rule our lives at the expense of our health and welfare, but no one will stand up to them as they destroy our planet with their pollution, all in the name of bigger profits. The greed of Wall Street caused a world wide recession that has destroyed the economies of so many countries, just so a very few could get richer.
    The United States of America is in her death throws and nobody seems to care.
    What's to be proud of? What's to be liked?
    We, as a country, should just mind our own business and concentrate on fixing our own problems and let others do as they please in their own.

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  • Moonbow

    This is a question you should ask all those Mexicans, Latin Americans, Arabs, etc. who will do anything on earth to get to the United States and then when they get here, do anything in their power to stay here!

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  • ParisViaRome

    There is a lot that really pisses me off about the US right now. But after travelling to Europe, I was really happy/grateful to come back home and be an American.

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  • Lynxikat

    It seems to be the norm for people to hate America. Even most Americans don't like America (But this also confuses me: if you don't like the country then LEAVE).

    Personally, I think it's starting to get annoying- it's like it's the cool thing to do, to say negative, hateful things about the US. But honestly, no country is perfect. Can someone name me a country where NO ONE complains about it?

    But in all honesty, if I had to point out one major problem I have with the US, it's how they the government's been handling illegal immigrants... but that's mostly because I know a bit more about the immigration status of the US than any of the other "hot topic" issues that seems to be so popular to complain about.

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  • Ono

    There's a lot to love about it and a lot to utterly despair about it. Like pretty much every other country in the world. Some Americans are equally as guilty of hating other countries for arbitrary and ridiculous reasons as well.

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  • i like america and americans, of course there is bad in every culture, its so big with a mix of nationalities so generalizing is difficult

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  • KeddersPrincess

    I think that a lot of it has to due with the media. I mean, they put a whole bunch of bull in reality shows that a lot of people in other countries are seeing, and they get the impression that that is how Americans act. Personally, as an American, I am offended by that, but unfortunalty it's about making money, not making a good impression.

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  • jondoerandom

    yeah, man.. It all generalizations and stereotypes. There's many political and social issues that could bother some people about the U.S. But I don't think people should hate on it all the time.

    However, as your neighbour it does bother me sometimes that you guys use the name of the continent -America, referring to the United States of America. There's still the southern latin countries and there's Canada on the top.

    Still, I do agree with you.

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  • Ldizzy1234

    I live in the US and yeah, we have our problems, but we have some good things about our country too. I know a guy from India who loves it, and a girl from China who loves it as well. And its stereotypical for people to believe that everybody in America is fat. I'm 5'6 and 115 pounds. People tell me I'm like a stick. And yeah, a lot of people are pretty stupid, but we have a nice amount of smart people too.

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    • World-roaming193

      Lol 5'11 135 pounds

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    • Captain_Kegstand

      Hey we are almost the same size. Minority power! lolz

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      • Ldizzy1234


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        • Captain_Kegstand

          It's like a super hero thing, only much less intimidating.

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  • dappled

    I criticise America as much as anyone. Usually it's valid, but perhaps not always. I don't often criticise Americans as people, though. I like Americans very much. But, to be honest, I could say that about people from any country. I'm lucky to meet a vast array of nationalities in my work (admittedly, these are people who have chosen to study abroad and so have some extra level of open-mindedness) and they're all so nice. Even the nationalities people pick on such as the Germans, Swiss and the French.

    If anything, I worry about my own nationality. I'm ashamed of a lot of people's island mentality.

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  • NotFloydzie

    A lot of other countries do hate America. I'm not American, but I live here. I've traveled and when I say I live here the first thing people say is "Why?!".

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    • "Why?!" haha thats great, someones got to live there i guess.

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  • qwertasdfgzxcvb

    To be honest, no one from other countries like Americans. We like America the country but we don't like Americans, we think they are arrogant, rude and loud :/ sorry! I don't mind Americans though! But i travel a lot and almost everyone i talk to says they don't like Americans.

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    • User-name

      ...We aren't all arrogant and rude you know? You haven't met every American in the world because there exist really nice ones that don't get their 15 seconds of fame on tv (where I'm sure a lot of our negative feedback originates from by the way).

      Another thing, why base your opinion on what your friends say like a sheep? That's a very American thing to do, hurry and change that. :)

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    There are a lot of things that I don't like about this country. I don't like our government, I don't like how men and women are sent to die for a cause that still remains a topic of debate. I don't like how politicians complain about poor people wanting hand outs when they use their power to destroy the economy. I don't like how our health care system is so obviously inferior to other countries yet is much more expensive. I hate how my fellow Americans are more willing to tolerate infidelity and rampant procreation but two gays getting married is catastrophic and I hate how someone can stand there and tell me that they are an intellectual, enlightened and beyond the grasp of societal influence and when I pass the apple store, they are #62 in line for the new IPhone.

    But regardless, nothing I say or do will change the fact that I am am American. I was born here and this is the country that many men and women have fought and died for. Hundreds of thousands have shed blood for this country so that I may have the freedom to say all of this without being accused of witchcraft or jailed.

    I'm glad every other country has it figured out. They've had hundreds more years to do so. America has problems, big problems, that's for sure. If everyone else wants to use the rights that have been fought for to claim their disdain for our country, they can be my guest and I'm happy they have that right. But like a good sports fan, I'm not going to give up on my team because we've had some bad seasons, some rotten coaches, some shitty managers and a whole lot of funding problems.

    But I'm an optimist. Fact is, I love this country. It ain't what it used to be but that's life.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I was born in this country and I have lived here all of my life, but I hate this country and long to move elsewhere.

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    • Moonbow

      So what's stopping you? You can cross the border into Mexico any time and no one will try to stop you. Of course, you'll have to dodge that stampede of Mexicans trying to get out of Mexico, but other than that ....

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      • Avant-Garde

        Many things are stopping me. I'm not currently in a situation where I can move.

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    • robbieforgotpw

      AG where is it better? Surely you don't want government to do everything for you?

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      • Avant-Garde

        Europe is better.

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        • robbieforgotpw

          You mean like bankrupt Greece or Spain?

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          • Avant-Garde

            Of course not! I was leaning more towards England, France or Iceland.

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  • smartpatrol11

    In Australia we call Americans Seppos. Short for septic tank. A septic tank is a pit in the backyard where all our waste shit goes to be broken down. Most ares dont have these anymore and are connected to a sewarage system and treatment plants but the name has still stuck around. So to sum it up the rest of the world thinks americans are full of shit

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    • Ono


      It's rhyming slang. Septic tank = yank. It's to do with the rhyme, not the meaning of the word.

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  • Compazine

    It seems pretty common where I live. We have McDonald's here as well, but our large is about the size of your medium ish. Fat jokes are common as where I live, we walk everywhere and are quite fit. Sorry but the minority in america will soon be those that are not overweight...if it already hasn't happened yet. I actually cannot think of anything good about america...please enlighten me.

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    • Captain_Kegstand

      Skinny Americans are already the minority me thinks. At least where I live.

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      • Compazine

        America will be the reason the earth falls out of orbit and fall into a black abyss.

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    • flutterhigh

      More than one third of Americans are obese, according to a cursory google search. Not just overweight, but actually obese. That is incredibly troubling, though I don't really see how it's a reason to hold disdain for Americans.

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  • loopoo

    I'm British, and I think America is fascinating and beautiful.

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  • robbieforgotpw

    Anyone who doesn't like the US doesn't have to live there. You are free to leave

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  • Thepilotofepic

    Kill all who oppose America, nuke there country and eat there children

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  • sega31098

    I don't hate America and I'm Canadian.

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  • denise1290

    Im dutch, and we have nothing against usa as far as i know

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  • Otaku

    It's Because of the media and Government probably.
    Now, I am an American, and personally i can't say i hate EVERYTHING about it , but many other cultures seem more interesting. And a lot of it may be how Americans joke about other nations stereotypes.

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  • Austalien

    Op don't take it personally they mean the u.s government and most americans think the same way about them too, It all the shit they be exposed doing around the world and in america so people every where get angry and trash the u.s

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  • VioletTrees

    It is ok.

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  • banananana

    I dont hate america and im canadian. From what i hear though, americans seem to dislike canada.

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    • nAt2017

      Really? I'm American, I don't hate Canada. You all seem pretty nice :)

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    • User-name

      It's the other way around actually. Every other Canadian I talk to online bashes America because we're arrogant fiends apparently.

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  • I feel weird about this one. I like Americans (the people), but not really the United States of America (the government).

    And I've heard Americans say much worse about other Nations.

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  • SatchmoX

    What's to hate about the USA? The food is wholesome, the people are jolly, and the healthcare is expensive which means it must be good. ;-)

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  • Retard73

    amerikan is stupid fat and they steel ojl!

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  • I think the average American is more likely to have negative traits than positive, but their positives are better than other people's positives, etc.

    Just switch on Jeremy Kyle USA...Nuff said.

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    • bananaface

      Yeah, because Jeremy Kyle USA provides an accurate portrayal of the average American:L!

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      • Not just Jeremy Kyle, most media involving Americans that aren't acting are quite...Hard to listen to.

        I mean, hey, switch it on for a few seconds and see the terror that awaites your ears.

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        • bananaface

          I dislike relying on the media. I mean it deliberately uses a specific type of person in order to entertain. I mean, if we used things such as Jeremy Kyle, then I guess the average Briton is a drug addict who cheats and has kids who don't know who their father is (but then again, there are only 7 guys who it could be:P). Does that really sound accurate?

          And if the media is a reliable source, then why are there never doctors or teachers or accountants on these shows?

          I'm not saying there aren't a lot of ridiculously strange people there, but most of them are normal.

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          • ...To be honest, from the people I know, yes...

            The media isn't a reliable source, it plays part of one overall conclusion.

            I suppose you're right though, I was wrong.

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        • Captain_Kegstand

          We dislike most of our media as much as you do. Trust me, people aren't exactly lining up at the store to purchase crap like Jersey Shore where I live.

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  • m.a.s97

    I live in America. I hate the food, culture, people, and of the course the government. Pretty much everything about it

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    • robbieforgotpw

      Don't stay if you wanna go

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    • Moonbow

      If you dislike everything about America, get the hell out! But it won't be any different in some other country because you will hate everything there, too!

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